Slowly Falling for You!

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After I finished packing and loading it into the truck, that recently popped up, we left, not after the guys punched Ky a few times.

On the radio was Michael Jackson Man in the Mirror. I start to dance a little and hum to the song. I was smiling from ear to ear for the first time since I ran away.

"Do you know this song?" Tyler tilted his head to somewhat face me from the driver's seat.

"I don't just know the song, I love it." I beam with joy.

"Can you sing it also?" a smirk rose onto his face. We were driving the car while the other two made sure thing went well with the truck.

"I'm talking to the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been any clearer, if you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change...." I sing and pour all my heart and soul into it. Soon the song ended and the next began, but both of us stayed silent.

"Y-you have a really nice voice." Tyler forced out finally.

"Thanks." I stare out the window in silence. We sat in silence just listening to the radio. I recognize the city we were in, the state capital, Columbus, normally it would take an hour to get from my house, in the suburbs, to the downtown area. Today it took about 30 minutes.

We soon reached the end of the one mile long driveway. The mansion was old and probably passed on thru the generations. Stopping at the entrance we left the car to one of the many servants.


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