Up to You

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After I calmed down and apologized to Ranelle for screaming at her I turn to Jason.

"What questions do you have?" I know how to answer most questions without letting people in, but I don't know what Jason is thinking of asking.

"Who are you, no, what are you?" I hear something that sounds like fear in his voice.

"I can't tell......" I was cut off by the sound of clicking, almost like a woodpecker marking its territory. I wanted to jump up and run away from that sound, but I was frozen in my seat.

"Hello, I came to see my daughter home. I haven't seen her in five years." a man of around 49 stood in the door way. He had similar features to me except for my hair and skin, he had blond hair and pale skin wail I had black hair and tan skin. 

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" I shout out with tears in my eyes.

"So you want to spend your entire life a slave to this vampire? Is that what you want? I am just trying to help you." My father smiles a sickly dangerous smile.

"You are helping me? If you wanted to help me why did you send me to an mental institution for no reason? Why did you try to kill me for'Not being your child'? You have never helped me and never will. You are to selfish to help anyone other then yourself!" I feel the tears fall down my right cheek.

"Stop! You are not taking Okiko anywhere," Jason stands up with his fists by his sides. "I don't care who you are, what you are, you have no right to force her to do anything!"

"That's sweet coming from the guy who kidnapped her to eat." my father yelled stepping closer to Jason. I reach into the bag I brought, pulling out a knife.

"Don't....move....o-o-or....I....will.....use......the......knife, the only......t-t-thing that can kill me! I looked at this knife so many times, thinking to myself 'It would be so much better if I was just dead!'" I say gaining more confidence as I continue to speak.

"You would dare!" the anger in my father's voice rises with every word.

"Why not? I took the blood test and you're right, I'm not your daughter. So, why should I be alive? weather I die or live is up to you."

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