Blood isn't doing anything!!!!!

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I curl up on the floor and watch as I arm slowly starts to bleed. Previously cuts open up as I think of what my dad, the bullies and ex's have said and done to me. 'Thinking is how you end up killing the people you care so much about!' I scream at myself in my head so no one would hear me.

"Stop crying you big baby!" I whisper quietly. I hear a knock on the door to my room. I head up and wrap my arm up on my way out.

"Who is it?" I yell out at I grab one of my magical knives that can transform into anything at my thought.

"It's Devin!" A deep voice yells back. Opening the door I see a blue mullet headed man, also known as my brother, in a headlock by Hunter.

"You invited a hunter into this house! Your just like your ex-boyfriend said, a big ungrateful slut!" Hunter screams in my face.

"Hunter let go of him, he's my twin brother. I can't lose him right now." I stare at my captor's eyes, wishing to see some kindness.

"Sis, why? You said you would stop." following my older brother's eyes found my arm all wrapped up.

"I have stopped they just keep reopening." boring, like always he's more worried about me then himself.

"Okiko, give me one good reason to let him go!" I feel spit land on my face. Brushing it off I make a look of disgust.

"One good reason, hmm? I know, if you don't let him go right now I'll cut off your head!" I push the knife lightly into his throat. I see Hunter push Devin towards me before stomping away.

"Why didn't you just kill him? You know your just going to hurt them, right?" Devin closed the door and pulled me into him. He was about 6'6" and could lift me up with one arm, and that is exactly what he did. Most people wouldn't make the connection that we were siblings, most think we're a couple ewww.

"Because I was giving him a reason to let you go. I don't want to kill him yet, I need some information," I try to explain to my brother. "Anyway how did he know you where a hunter?"

"I may have killed all of their guards." he rubbed the back of his neck slowly. Rolling my eyes I get up and head to the bathroom to clean up the blood.


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