Chapter 14: Fated Reunion

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The dark grey storm clouds looked like they would never let up. The big rain drops hit the large window in the living room. It keeps raining harder and harder. The rain was so bad that it started to block out the view of the beach below. The winds brought in the first spring storm, with almost tropical storm force. The sand blew in and started to pile up by the window outside. The massive waves rose slowly climbing up the beach side, then crashing down violently. The leaves from the beach trees shook around frantically.

Little Hikari sat there under the window on the blue sofa admiring the storm. It was dark in the room, only letting the grey light in from outside.

Then my large blue eyes widened in awe.

"Mama come look!" I exclaimed.

A figure walked into the room, then leaned against the door frame.

"What is it sweetie?" She wondered.

I sat up and put my small hands on the window, my smile grew bigger.

"The grass is dancing. Can I go outside and play with them?" I asked still staring out the window.

She stopped leaning against the wall and walked closer, crossing her arms.

"Not now sweetie, you would get all dirty." She answered with a smile.

I turned around and looked at my mother with her long peach colored hair and white dress, but her features were blurred for some reason.

"Please mama. I don't care about getting dirty. I'll bring an umbrella. Then I'll be safe from the rain." I looked at her with pleading eyes.

I got down from the sofa and went over to my mother and held onto her white dress, looking up at her.

"It's too dangerous Hikari." She stated.

Then a giant boom erupted and lightning spread across the sky outside. The thunder was loud enough to shake the entire house. Then the remaining crackle of lightning spread throughout the clouds like a spider's web. I held on tighter burying my face.

"Don't be afraid of thunder, it's just noise." She spoke.

"What about lightning?" I asked looking up.

"That's why it's not safe outside during storms." She answered.

My face was fearful. I hugged my mother's leg. I started to shake. My mother reached down and stroked my fluffy orange hair, comforting me. I looked up at my mother.

"Will the storm be gone tomorrow Mama?" I wondered.

"Yes, my sweetie. And when you're patient, there will be a big surprise left from the storm." She said happily.

"So, I shouldn't be afraid of storms, because they are good?" I asked.

"Only spring storms. And tomorrow, you can go down to the beach and see your friends." She smiled.

"Yay! Thank you Mama!" My smile spread.

I wrapped my arms around my mothers legs, hugging them tighter. I closed my eyes and felt my mother's soft dress.

Then Everything started to fade away into white.

Please don't go yet...

Too bad, that was just a sweet memory from long ago.

But why does it have to be a memory? Why can't I stay longer? I don't want to go back. I don't want to wake up.

"Hikari you have to come back." A voice called out.

"You have to go, you can't stay here forever. They need you..." The voice spoke in my head.

"Please, just wake up." The voice said again.

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