Chapter 36 Pleading Fate

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Hikari looked up to the massive door. Sora opened it and we were met by a dimly lit hall, just like the others. We all followed behind him. We have been spared from fighting any Heartless and the Organization since we arrived in this place, but it may not be that way for long. I felt wonder as we slowly and cautiously went down the hall, thinking about what could be at the end. Where could this lead us? There were no windows, only faint lights were at the tops of the walls on either side of us. Everyone walked silently, we all kept close to each other.

"Are we reaching the end?" Ven asked, looking nervous. 

"Yes." Terra said grimly. 

Ven nodded. 

Then we saw a light, the hall became brighter.

"Everyone, stay cautious." Sora told all of us.

I narrowed my eyes. This has to be the center of the fortress, we should be getting close to where they must be dwelling... This is it. We came out into the light. The room was well lit compared to the rest of this place. A glass railing lined the walkway that led out to a bridge. Down below was a dark open space. What could be lingering deep inside?  

"Forward it is." Axel said. 

Sora stepped ahead and we followed. He went out over the bridge first, and we walked behind him. I felt on edge. I tried to stay calm, but then I looked over the side. 

What could even be lingering in that darkness... Something doesn't feel right.

"I don't like this." I spoke up.

"I know, but, we have to finish this." Riku answered.

"But we're out in the open, they could see us coming." I added.

"I know..." Riku said again.

"They already know we're here." Roxas replied. 

"This is the only way." Aqua insured.

I stayed quiet for a moment. "Right then." I said, getting focused. 

"Everything will be okay in the end." Kairi spoke.

"I hope so." Hoshi added quietly.

Hato looked doubtful.

I glanced at her. "It will." She looked at me determined. 

Then I looked ahead and we continued on over the bridge. At the end we came to a stop. There was a very steep ledge, and down below was a circular room with a single throne on the far side. 

"Someone's there." Kairi spoke.

"Get down." Sora demanded. 

We all got down to the floor. We peeked over the ledge to notice that someone was indeed sitting in the throne. I almost hadn't noticed them they were sitting so still. But, I could feel their presence from here, it was the man himself. 

"It's Xehanort." Riku declared. 

"Why is he just sitting there without a care in the world. Let's just jump down there and get him when hes not looking." Axel said as he began to sit up. 

"No. He's expecting us." Roxas pulled him back down.

"So, he's just sitting down there out in the open, waiting for us?" Hoshi said suspiciously. 

"That's creepy." Hato added.

"This is obviously a trap, as soon as he gets us where he wants, he's going to unleash his power. We could all die before we know what hit us." I spoke.

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