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Mycroft the great Holmes, you don't even exactly remember since when you have a crush on him. But you exactly know since when you wanted to try. 

It was sherlock' first overdose and Mycroft had no idea what to do with himself, he could have called mummy but he didn't want to upset her, that he couldn't take care of his little brother, even when he was very upset himself. He called you and asked you to stay with him in the hospital that's when you saw the other side of his, the soft, caring and the human side. 

You have known him since you were seven and he was eleven, you two were neighbours and he never got along. But Mr and Mrs Holmes were so friendly and as they always wanted a daughter but never had one all their love was for you. Sherlock was a baby and you had great time with him and he was a child to you too, seeing to how fickle he always was. 

And Mycroft, he was the silent one, the observant one. You noticed him noticing you when you had Sherlock but not once he came to join you in your little plays. He was very mature at a very young age, but you liked him for whatever he was. He used to get in a lot of trouble and mummy Holmes dealt with it so well. 

Like when he did his first experiment, he was so curious and such a geek. He talked to you on occasions and you cherished those small talks as they were so rare. You were fond of his curiosity and his genius head.

But now things were different, not as they used to be. He was the British Government and you were in a minor clerical job in the similar field. You knew his powers has no extent and he is indestructible as a human being and unattainable too, well at least for you, you thought, he never noticed you. Even after knowing each other for so long, he never seemed to acknowledge your presence and well you had enough.

So instead of obsessing over him you decided to let go and move on, Linus was his name, your move on.

Linus was a wealthy name in the business and you were just beautiful, you never believed but you knew you were fine and Linus, well he was with you for his own intentions, you hated to admit but he was very materialistic and sometimes you had no choice but to believe you're part of one of his dirty plays. 

If he founds out you were wearing a cheap brand he never excused, he threw money like waste. He just wanted the best of all, you sometimes had complex with his possessions, that he will throw you away when your value will fall. 
But you were with him, because he loves you. No, you don't know this, but he says he does, occasionally and you, you believe him. 

It was one of those common occasion of a get together but the uncommon thing today was that Mycroft Holmes was here too, you noticed that and slided out of Linus' grip, he always held you by you back when talking to his companions, like he has authority over you, you never minded.

In your 4 months old relationship you've learned this about Linus, he has power of wealth and he owns everything and he attends tons of parties and also had tons of girl-friends.

You were returning back to the party after your small loo break and you stopped midway when you heard him, Linus was speaking to a rather young lady and they were closer than necessary, it again was common, he talked very closely but the difference here was that they were in the porch where no one else was, and he also had his hand on her ... what, waist?

You stomped towards him and cleared you throat to get his attention, when he turned around you just raised a brow in question. 

He sighed, clearly annoyed by your interruption. "Can I have some time personal."

You never interrupted into his personal life or matters, never. Even when he always had his nose in yours, you decided not to start a fight and walked away. There was no point pointing him again and annoy him even more so you decided to leave the party and meet him later this week when he has requested enough.

This was happening for the second time and you perfectly remember him begging you to talk, and he promised he will not repeat it but....

With blur thoughts and eyes you sprinted out the hall and tried to hail a cab, on getting none you sat on the bench of the near by park, all alone in the dark. 

You felt someone walk to you, on looking up you found him to be Mycroft. You relaxed as it was no threat. You met frequently for work so you weren't overwhelmed on seeing him but your heart beat got a tad bit faster. 

He sat on the other side of the bench silently, you were looking at him, observing him. 

"He doesn't deserves you." 

You huffed a laugh, you know that. And said nothing, this was you were agreeing to him.

He shifted his eyes and looked into yours, "Y/N" you felt the hair on the back of your neck stand, it sent a shiver down your bones, the way he pronounced your name.

You looked at him with more attention but he said nothing, "What are you doing here?" you questioned breaking the awkward silence.

"I followed you." 

You looked away, shaking your head. "Why would Mycroft Holmes do that?" you asked playfully taunting him. 

"I saw you were depressed."

"That obvious," you laughed again pulling out your phone and looking at your face in the primary camera. 

"Come" he stood up. "I'll drop you."

"No, I will wait for Linus. He'll get mad if I leave without him."
You  said almost half-halfheartedly.

He pursed his lips and hesitated before speaking again.

"What?" you stood up.

"He left." you felt embarrassed and humiliated and so sad, that you were not sure if this time you'd be able to control your rolling emotions when he added "With her." 

This was it, the worst thing you imagined. 
You blinked more than a normal number of times to keep your tears away but it was getting hard. You sniffed and turned around to walk out the garden, you were unable to speak, you knew if you do you voice would be broken and no didn't want to break down in front of him.

As you walked you felt him follow you closely behind you, as you reached the road he placed his hand on the small of your back and turned you to the direction of his awaiting car. 

You let him lead you into the car, you sat silently as you were driven "Hayma-" he placed his hand asking you to stop explaining your address or whatever. 
You looked at him startled, "You're coming home with me."


Yuck, Unable to come up with any kind of Ideas, but I felt like writing and here it is. 

Sorrrryy so much.

I have an Idea about a Lestrade story and hope to come up with it soon.

TATA, see you soon.

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