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You were 19 when the government officially recruited you, it was not all that surprising you were literally mind-blowing in every way, you had brains, you were physically build up for the field, and you had no problems in taking orders, it didn't crushed you ego, thus you had a great character certificate and totally irresistible for the job.

You don't know what exactly caught the eye of the officials but you were happy, you always wanted to work with the MI6, it was basically a dream come true. You always thought they were so cool and to work with them was as if you achieved all you ever wanted and it wasn't a surprise because you did work hard and it was only fair.

Although in the beginning all that you were given to deal with were some petty cases nobody else wanted to deal with, but you happily welcomed it all because it was your quality to be patient and you very well knew this was only your training period and in order to go long you walk slow, sticking by the rules, you were already most peoples favorite here as you were pretty forward in dealing and so you weren't connected to many on a social level, you were easy to approach and most important you were always willing to work, all that people wanted form you and you always thought the more you get to work the more you get to learn.

It took almost 3 years for you to get a  promotion and now you handled cases of more severe nature, you were sent on missions at times, you didn't despise anything , be it the table work or the field.
But yes, you did enjoy yourself too much with the guns and action, the adrenaline rush turned you on, the heart pumping and all.
On this journey you confronted many detectives and inspectors but the one who caught your attention was Sherlock , well he caught everyone's attention but mostly in the negative way, people always saw how rude and pretentious he was but what you saw was different you awed him, you saw his perceptiveness and his capacity, his power of comprehension and his efforts and his dedication. You wondered what goes inside that head.

Sherlock never noticed you and you were fine with it , you weren't dying for his attention though you really wanted to know more about his ways of deduction, and if he was this for real but you were fine not knowing. You knew it was hard to approach him and even harder to get him interested in you enough so that he tells you or talks to you about things you want to know. Truly speaking you weren't confident enough to face him and you lacked courage to talk to him, you thought he was too intelligent and you'd just fail yourself. And you saw him only on occasions and on news so didn't had much opportunity either.

On your 5th year with the government you were the same, hardworking and serious with the job person so you were now placed into the main building and given your own office and now you were under direct orders of the ultimate officials, the cabinet members and etcetra.
You simply never failed to impress.

After your 24th birthday you met this man who's aura you could never forget, he was impeccable and elegant and all the words you can use for, simply outstanding and his presence smelt of power and authority, you can't lie you were seduced by this domination, it was irrepressible, out of your control.

Not later you got to know about him and he was Mycroft Holmes, who tried to make people believe that he occupied a minor position in the British government while everyone knew he was himself the master of the puppets. You started to work under his direct orders and he trusted you , you knew he trusted you because with the workload and shifts he made. He was a busy man and to him nothing was more precious than his little bother Sherlock, ofcourse the 2 most brilliant persons shared genes, he trusted you with sherlock, he sent you to look after him when he was on dangerous missions and now even Sherlock was familiar with you, after meeting Mycroft Sherlock didn't intrigued you all that much now and he called you Mycroft's pet. You were okay being called the pet of the most clever person you knew existed, yes smarter than Sherlock because Mycroft never let feelings bulge in, never, unlike Sherlock. And it was just Sherlock, everyone else called you Mycroft Holmes's left hand, Anthea being the right and you loved that.

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