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Mycroft X Anthea

She was at her sister's on a vacation, for a fortnight or maybe longer that still needed to be discovered.
 At first Mycroft just couldn't see why she needed such number of days off without a specific reason, he simply thought she was wasting her leave and both their time. But Anthea, after being for almost 4 full years under this stupid genius knew what was good for her, cause if she was any other girl it would have been very easy for him to manipulate and make her do things exactly how he wanted.
But, now Anthea was as stubborn as his boss and she just knew she needed a break from him, from her job, and her fake, not-her persona. She was tired being this shadowy assistant and just wanted to be her own self, the happy-go-lucky girl she used to be, for at least a while. There were times she wondered what she did to end up being this miserable little assistant of this equally miserable bored genius boss. 

Mycroft looked so perfect being just what he was, his facade only cracked at times he was drunk and only she has seen this side of his, his agony, his pain and it was sad seeing he was only human, but Anthea, she was different and had to work up each and every day to keep up with him only to be later pointed at her flaws.

She enjoyed this part of her life, living a busy life with so much to do and nothing to care but she missed her old self, she missed caring, and she hardly had time for anything else in the world that is why she was sitting right now in her sister's house in the town near London and going through her mails feeling friendless and truly alone.
Her sister was a doctor so there was only a limited number of days off she could take, Anthea herself was not entitled of such long days off but seeing how she in the past years hardly had any days off including sundays Mycroft just couldn't say no, and she had thought it to herself if he denies then she will play her cards and put in all her collected holidays only to piss him off as long as she could to finally replace it with a handwritten resignation.

She had been nothing but a loyal lap puppy for him, a goldfish in his words that he fed at times, times he was bored or needed something or other that something being entertainment or simply fun. She was so used to him that now even she could read him, his expressions, his body languange and what not, the times he manipulated her and times he simply played with her. But the sad thing was that she was so used to him, that cranky genius that she was unable to pull herself away from him and that, that is when the problem began.

Because he manipulated her and she let him.
But that has happened for long now, the difference was that she was very much aware of it now, she was aware of what he did and she was aware of why she let him do it to her.
She has dated men, even when she had little time she used to date but not in a while she has felt something akin to love. Every men that seemed her type was either very casual or very serious for a relationship, not to ignore the fact Mycroft pointed these qualities and Anthea just realized how true he was before dumping the men. When finally she thought she found someone special, who was just how she wanted and someone Mycroft couldn't pick at. After a really long time she was in a relationship for so long that every dream felt real, she had almost given any hope to be married one day but now she had to reconsider. But things are only wrong when they seem so right, and he dumped her. He dumped her because she was too much in love with her boss to be in love with anyone else and that is when it hit her.

Maybe he was right, maybe that is why she allowed him to manipulate her in every way possible after being aware of his tricks.
Eric was not very demanding that he wasn't getting time enough he just felt it and said it and Anthea was in pieces for weeks before she mentioned this to her sister. Mycroft knew she just broke up from a meaningful relationship maybe that is why he ignored her weird behavior and he also knew that she was the dumpee instead being the dumper, but what he didn't know was why he dumped her and Anthea was relived when he asked her about it in curiosity and confusion. She dismissed him by telling him for the umpteenth time he shouldn't poke nose in her personal life, except he was not the one to give up and again he tried in many ways many times to get it out of her and failed, he will eventually give up she thought.

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