Termination 1

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Continuation of the previous part, recommendation: read the previous part 1st, if already read make sure to refresh your memory to stay on the same page.

You called Hugh, his driver to confirm his location. He was at his home, that gigantic loner house.
You hailed a taxi, not before having another quick sip of your drink.

You were feeling all too much right now, with Sherlock in danger, your life in danger, danger of the one person you trusted with so much, for once you could even say that you would have sacrificed yourself for him. He was your ideal, now everything was shattered because of him, you believe Sherlock was in danger because of him and not because of magnussen.
He could have just killed that shark of a man or anything but to let this happen to all of their lives.

Now you hated that person, you thought you did but what were you doing ?
You were on his way home to make sure he's okay. Is he even worth it?
Not important.

You texted Anthea asking her about Sherlock's current situation and telling her you were on Mycroft's door.

Sherlock is stable, she replied.
Relief, a little but relief.
So you were back in mood for hating Mycroft while pressing his door bell.

Zelda, his house care taker opened the door for you. Another wave of relief that she was here and so Mycroft is home and probably safe.
Zelda told you that Mycroft is in his bedroom and also that he has asked her (Zelda) to leave and not comeback unless asked to do so.

You have been to house a once, you remember, when he had to leave for turkey at 3 in the morning and you were asked to decrypt the essentials, he said if it wasn't a problem you drop the files at his place. Back then you had no problem but were instead excited to see how this man lived, it was always hard to imagine Mycroft in the regular day to day activities, like did he actually sleep?

But today, it was not so easy, not so exciting, but yet overwhelming.
You went to his bedroom, never ever did you imagine yourself going into his bedroom.

You Knocked.


You waited and then knocked again.

"Go away." A slow silent reply came, the house was big but so quiet that you could clearly hear the words.

"Mr. Holmes, I need to see you." You said shutting your eyes tightly. "I've news, about Sherlock." Anthea told you that she hasn't been in touch with Mycroft meaning Mycroft is unaware of the present condition of Sherlock.

"I said. Go. Away." This time it was a low growl. He was pissed.
Now you thought that you haven't exactly seen Mycroft in any mood, he's mostly stoic. He is easily pissed but only with Sherlock, you couldn't imagine his face now.

You took a chance and twisted the door knob, to your surprise it was open.

As you pushed the door you saw him, with a Pistol in his hand pointed at you, and his favorite scotch in the other, he was not very alert, but had his weapon at you.

You froze at the scene, both your eyes met, then you looked at the weapon.
This, this is it, since after you saw that tape you imagined your death and that exact scene was created.
Mycroft the great Holmes, with his gun, in his hand, shooting you into your heart and watching you bleed to death.

Your hypothetical creation was recreated and this time for real. But what you felt was not fear anymore but a rush, your cheek grew red, you were sure your blood was pumping high, filled with apprehension you looked back into his eyes, this was it.
You walked into your death, deep somewhere you were also thrilled because maybe this was the first time you actually saw him holding a gun.
His hand was still, he was drunk but his hand was still and you thought it wasn't so hard to die when killed by Mycroft Holmes, after all it was not common.
And anyway like always you were trying to bring out the positive out of the situation.

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