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Found this art on Google, credits unknown.∆∆

Story 3

Anthea happily typed away the last email for the day, after adding Mycroft' name in the cc she finally relaxed in her seat. 

Last week has been very hectic, having her best friend in town and then working with no less efforts, but Anthea was practised and it was no big deal. But last night Sophie had to catch her plane and so they couldn't sleep, Anthea had to drive her to the airport too. Her flight was at 3 in the morning and thus both were unable to sleep. The difference was that Sophie would land in her home town and rest as long as she wanted but Anthea well she had a job and she was unable to turn it down even for a day, for her own reasons.

After she was done packing for the day, she thanked god she did not had to see Mycroft for the whole day, he sat in his sanctum and now she was to leave so he will never know how lethargic she was and won't pass smug comments, which she obviously hated.

As she stood up and pulled her bag up her shoulder, for the first time in the day the intercom from the inner sanctum buzzed, "Anthea, please come in." it was him. She groaned inwardly and wished she left a few minutes before. She was exhausted and in no condition to even make herself or him a cup of coffee.

Still she was on duty so she slowly pushed the door open and sneaked her head inside. Mycroft smiled at her, it was such a fake smile she fought herself from rolling her eyes. "Retiring for the day, are we?" 
Like it was not clear, 6 in the evening and her handbag on her shoulder of course she was leaving for the day. Still she managed an equally fake smile, "How can I help you sir?" 

"Can you read this mail for me?" he pointed at the screen of his computer, she scowled why on earth, was he testing her patience? 'Read and email for him', still she did, she reached out to his side of the table and bent a little to read the mail.

It was the same mail, the last one she'd sent, she began to read it when he stopped her, "Loudly."

"........We can not...." she blinked her eyes, unable to believe, she did this. 

"Read it" he demanded.

"We can report you with the budget plans tomorrow."
She skipped a three letter word and that caused a havoc. Her palms began to sweat, it was supposed to say ' we cannot report you with budget plans tomorrow.' and now it was the opposite.
"I'll-I'll send a correction mail" she stuttered. 

"No dear, you can 'not'." he pressed the word 'not' a little more, "They have already sent a reply explaining how glad they are, now would you like to upset them?" the last line, it was his sarcasm. 

She immediately stood straight, and rubbed her face down with both hands groaning, she was getting more than frustrated, something she never allowed her self to do when she was on job and more because she knew how Mycroft enjoyed seeing her facade break. Not his fault she too enjoyed times when it happened with him, she even giggled when the new secretaries baby, which he was forced to hold peed all over his trouser pants and his face looked like he was being stripped.

"Now," Mycroft caught her attention "lets not waste time I suppose." He gestured towards her desk, asking her politely to continue to amend the budget plans for tomorrow.

She nodded once and walked out of his sanctum, it was her fault, completely and she was to suffer. With a sigh she dropped her bag on the table and turned on her computer. 

After what felt like hours she looked up at the clock, it was nine and she still had a hundred pages to go through. She let out a defeated sigh, it was it, she typed her resignation mentally. Never in her life she has felt so tired, the regular night outs and the greasy food she have had in the past week and the alcohol and what not. Sophie must be asleep she thought and felt more sick. She couldn't continue this way, now if she did she'd do nothing but make more mistakes. A power nap, a 15 minute nap, she was confident it will work. And well the waiting black leather sofa in front of her desk never seemed so inviting, just need to straighten my legs and boost my brain, she thought.

She took her phone with her, and put an alarm exactly for 15 minutes late. She kept her phone on her stomach so she may surely notice the alarm, if not the tone the vibrations will surely wake her up.

When her phone rang she opened her eyes just to see the screen it was a call not her alarm, call from sophie. This girl, disturbing even when away.

She picked it up, eyes still closed. "Hey jamie, how are you now?, I slept for 6 hours straight" she laughed.

"I didn't, I am in office."

"Oh Jamie can't leave that man child alone even for a day now, can you?"

"No, I can not." Anthea said confidently and a little frustrated. 

"Are you sleeping," she must have heard the crack in her voice. "Oh my god!" she exclaimed.
"Jamie are you sleeping with your boss." 

AHh this girl she was so..... stupid. "For god's sake, NO" She screamed in frustration and sat up on the sofa.

That's when she heard the noise of typing, she snapped her head back at her desk and found Mycroft reading the document and typing away on her computer. "I'll call you later." she ended the call. 

Mycroft obviously has noticed her eyes but he didn't shifted to the slightest, Anthea became anxious and slowly turned on the sofa so that she could face him. On looking up at the clock she realised it was late, way too late, she was sleeping. It was half past eleven.

She checked her alarm, it was still pending. How on earth can she be so careless, she had set it up for 9:15 'am' instead of 'pm'. 

"Sorry sir." she meaowed trying her best not to anger him.

He ignored, still busy with the work in hand. "Let me help you" she got on her feet and came to stand behind him only to find him saving the already completed file. 

"Its done." He said turning around on her chair to look up to meet her eyes.

Her eyes were soft and pleading, she was calculating now she won't even have to type that resignation, he'll fire her himself.

"Though I still want you to review it once," he said still watching her eyes. She relaxed briefly, not firing her at the very least. And not a second later she realised she had to look through the same what a few hundred pages.. she was snapped out of her thoughts "First thing in the morning of course." he said with a chuckle, a real smile spreading over his lips. 

She visibly relaxed, he stood up and began putting his coat over. She just watched him walk away with the smile and turned to put off the computer, "let me drop you." 

"NO its fine." she mumbled still messing with the chaotic desk.

He raised a brow, and not moment later she turned to meet his eyes, and wondered what she said wrong.

He continued to watch her, up and down and shook his head disappointed, disappointed by what? 

She raised her brow in question, they were talking through eyes but to be true she was not quite understanding it even when she had her rest and her brain was operating better.

"But first, lets make you eat something.. Healthy." He said and turned around to leave, making her clear to follow him.

Of course he noticed her growing belly, the cheesy wraps and foot longs along with gallons of beer with chick flicks, the way she had spent her weekend, which was so not her Anthea fairchild.

He always cared so much for her, and so did she, she was unable to take a day off even when she was exhausted to her worst. And he.. he was a man child who needed to be taken care of how she could have left him and he cared never the less, the same way for her. 

And this way they were perfect for each other, pieces of a puzzle getting together. 

His Anthea and Her Mycroft.


I watched the movie Sabrina, god it is so lovely. 

Can somebody suggest me similar movies, well the plots needs to be romantic.

The guy needs to be cold and immersed in business and falls for a girl and bla bla, or vice versa. 

Cliche but I love such movies so so much, so please!!!

And VOTE COMMENT and SHARE please!!!!!

love you all. 

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