The Smart One

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Sherlock didn't move his eyes fixated on the sole Apple on the table.

Knock knock knock(s)..!

You groaned and went to the door,
The knocks were going rampant.

A tall Man, not so young looked at you up and down like you were a thing.

You didn't like it.
"Yea?" You asked.

Pushing you away with the door he entered, "Sherlock I've been trying to reach you all morning. "

Eyes still on the apple, sherlock acknowledged him with a "I see".

Mycroft was still walking inside and acted frantically after seeing the cat on the couch.  "What on earth is that thing doing here?"

"It's a cat" you hissed offended for calling him a 'thing'.

"I know that" Mycroft replied, so obvious, but is it really.

"She is y/n's friend" said Sherlock.

Mycroft looked at you again
"One of the connections I suppose?"

"Ye-nonono she's not a pauper.  She's an undercover" told Sherlock.

Sarcastically with a smirk Mycroft said "Perfect disguise".

Yeah you were in your baggy clothes, but Sherlock said to feel like home and it was a the only time you actually could be at rest.
That judgemental prick.

"Brother dear let's Play, 'Deduce'." Said Sherlock.

Wryly and proudly Mycroft begins  "About 23-25 age,
Right handed,
Slow runner,
Attempts to concede but continues to be an insecure, pathetic failure,
Average IQ or iota I should say."

"Remarkable" says Sherlock.

Mycroft straightens taking pride.

"Her IQ is remarkable" explained Sherlock.

Mycroft huffed in disagreement.

I wouldn't let just anybody stay in this house with me unless they are at least bearable.

You intervened "Thank you, Sherlock, you're kind." Sarcasm dripping.
Then continued, "Although I never enjoy this game of yours but I've something to say today -" both pair of eyes were at you.
"Posh man in his posh shoes who fears cats" and threw the cat on him.
Mycroft dodged it frantically.

"Are you insane!!" he screams.

"Not at my best, but you get on my nerve." you said smugly, Sherlock and your shared a laugh.

"y/n do you have more to add ?" Inquired Sherlock.

"Ahmm let's see, man in a bubble of Posh and power, it will only take a pin and puff.... everything will disappear." you literally made the gesture of an occurring blast.

You were not a Holmes and this was not your game, you just said it because he hurt you with what he said and you wanted to hurt him, so even after knowing it won't make much sense to them both you said what you had to say, you actually were kind of insecure person, you immediately realised.

Sherlock enjoys this very much, while Mycroft doesn't seem happy.

"Well Mycroft she's y/n, an undercover of the DI (Defence Intelligence), here keeping eye on potential terrorist Activities which have been predicted."
"And y/n he's Mycroft Holmes my brother." Sherlock finally introduced you two.

Mycroft looks at you again up and down, how much you hate this.

"Whatever ask her to leave now." Mycroft says coldly to Sherlock in his flat tone.

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