One night

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The candles were melting away, you were so pissed off that you made it clear to yourself, you are not going to acknowledge his presence. Maybe that will piss him off, that is what you wanted, you wanted revenge.

In your 4 and a half year old relationship this kind of nights were rare, and he did nothing but made them more rare. You once questioned him why don't we do this often, he replied saying it will destroy its importance. True he was and you agreed, but now you were forced to think it was sham, he is a sham, he doesn't loves you.

You were so excited about this night about all the events that were to happen, you couldn't help but think of it all the time, even when at work, a few of your colleagues even questioned the blush of your face. You planned it so well and the execution, well on your part it was perfect too.

The scented candles, rose petals. Mycroft can't lie but he loved this and it did turned him on so you tried. But now, now you were fed up, fed up trying, fed up of waiting. He was supposed to be here by 8 that is 3 hours from now and you were all ready for him to take you right away. 

Bathed clean, favourite lingerie and that loose gown of his, but everything felt waste. He was at work, his work was more important than his girlfriend waiting to snug him at home.

You sometimes wondered how you two even met and how you fell in love, well you did fell. It all went too fast, but it was lovely and you can't lie he is the best  partner you have ever had. But maybe you were just a sex partner to him, as already said it was not very frequent but whenever it happened it was the best and that's what you loved the most , not the most but one of the most. But now you thought that is only why he loved you, he wanted you for sex, to let out his frustration. He did that rarely but you were just that, the thought made you cry.

Turning and twisting on the cold bed, looking up at the clock every now and then waiting for the doorknob to twist, you were growing restless.

After what felt like a few days it happened, "Sorry dear, certain arrangements couldn't be made on time and I was shuffled in between." he said as he walked inside the room removing his cuff links and then the garter, his suit jacket was already discarded somewhere on his way to the bedroom.

He hadn't noticed you and you promised yourself not to notice him, he has noticed your presence but not your overheated mood, "Y/N" he called out. "We had plans, you cannot sleep."
So he was excited too, didn't seem so. You were stubborn too and decided not to respond.

He chuckled and went into the bathroom. 

You huffed and sat up on the bed, funny huh?
Not gonna give him anything, not even a kiss. 

He came out in 10 minutes, fresh from bath, wet hair and only his blue gown on. You knew him well to know what he had inside. And yet you ignored, you rolled on your side of bed and pulled the sheet up your face, his fragrance, you can't lie on how much it turned you on.  

He sat on his side of the bed and scooted towards you, you were holding yourself still, not going to give in so easily. "Are you angry with me?" Yes of course and he knew it well enough, why tease then.

You were silent and had you eyes shut. He reached the side of your neck and brushed his fingers softly pushing any strands of hair from the way, clearing his field.

Next you could feel his hot breath on your neck and all you could do was keep your eyes shut and control your increasing breath. He placed a soft kiss there, under you ear and trailed it to your jaw bone. You remained the same, expect your breath was caught and he noticed. 

He snaked his hand under your sheets and to the knot of your gown, in one quick and smooth movement he untied it and his hands were roaming on the bare skin of your belly, while his mouth was still on the crook of your neck.

You hated this so much and enjoyed it so much more, all the bad and negative feelings you had faded away. You realised how loyal he was, and how much he has loved you, he was there everytime you needed him and sometimes work piles upon, like today and you forgave him without even an apology.

You smiled when you felt his hand rubbing on you stomach and his teeth leaving a small hickey on you shoulder, you couldn't help but moan a little when he did so.

Your eyes flutter open and you immediately turned around to face him, "You're one bad bad man." you said touching his nose with the tip of your finger.
"But my bad man."

"Indeed, madame." he said before pressing his lips on yours and rolling you under so he was over you.

You let out a stifled giggle when he entered you, the way he groaned. This peaceful looking man had so much under that suit, jacket and tie that only you were allowed to see. And so you knew how lucky you were and this was a sight to behold, all his ice man facade was shattered and thrown somewhere away, now he only seemed as vulnerable as any other human being. 

You held him by his shoulder moaning and motivating him, and he soon caught his speed, moving in and out you. 

Once done, he smiled down at you and kissed you in between your eyes. You relaxed and pulled down his weight on your body holding him as close as you could, to never let him go, smiling contently.

You love him and he loves you there was nothing to say. He was Mycroft Holmes and you, you were Mycroft Holmes only girlfriend, only girlfriend he has ever had.

Sometime later that night you realised you were resting your head on his bare chest and he had his arms protectively around you, your legs tangled, feeling the warm of each other bodies. 

You only wished to stay this was forever. The tired poor man, was snoring like a child, soft snors only to make him look more adorable, and his face was the most soothing thing you have ever seen. 

That night you fell for him some more.


I had a dream.......

I framed it better, hope you like it and and and most important please not forget to like and follow to get updates and 

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