Stupid Crush

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It has been 5 months and you haven't talked, you and Mycroft.

You yourself never believed there was anything romantic you had with him but you could bet there was something, something more than nothing.

You were assigned on a case with him, you've known him long before this particular case, you've also heard of how inhuman and cold he was but when you were actually put up together you could hardly see why people called him that. 

He was fine, he was harsh and cold but not to you, maybe because you were needed or maybe because you wanted to believe. But there was more you could've bet, you saw his intriguing side, you never yourself wanted to believe he was so comfortable to be with, and you felt so good being with him. 

It was wrong and you knew, but why would he always behave like the gentleman he was and act like you mattered. No, No this is overrating. What actually happened was...

he asked you how you were, why would he do that, he asked you about your partner, again a big why?

You have met Sherlock before and so you didn't need Mycroft to show his deduction skills, Sherlock has thrilled you enough and you also had the fact collected that Mycroft is the smarter one amongst the holmes boys and Eurus well you knew them all well.

So when Mycroft could so easily deduce you, your personal life, your habits and everything about you so what was he trying to prove whilst making a small talk.

Was he trying to make a small conversation, or maybe he was making other deductions with the words you spoke, and god knows what, what was up in that brilliant head when he made a joke on romantics when you said you weren't one.

He agreed he loved classic romantic drama movies, but never said a thing on his self and you weren't sure if you should ask, you asked him about his partner and personal life and he simply said "Do I look to you that I'd go home every night and be that family man?"
Whether that was a question or was an answer you never thought you'd know, Mycroft holmes, a mystery, to you.

But all you knew was it has been 5 months and you haven't seen him and you can't lie you missed the person he was, the sass only he had and the best jokes only he could bring out of the most serious situations. He has kind of spoiled you and now it felt so boring to work with someone who was not a super human, the one with the best skill sets.

So sitting here in a small get together with all your colleagues with a scotch in your hand you were zoning in and out of conversations, because it all felt so boring. You were thinking how great this event would have been if he was here too, really what has he done to you.

Having nothing better to do you had atleast 3 refills of the alcohol in hand only to slow your brain a little and divert it from thinking of things..... You were tipsy by now and also satisfied, and alcohol got the best of you.

After sitting in the back of your black town car you pulled out your phone and dialed his number, the worst that could happen was that he would turn you down and you were kind of ready to make a shot in the blind, you knew you will never know if you never tried so you did.

7 full rings and you thought he was not even picking it up, maybe ignoring the call. But he did 

"Hello" there was an edge of frown in his voice.

"Hi, Mycroft." You replied after a shaky breath.

"Y/N, is everything fine?" his voice was a mixture of concern and confusion.

Now, why did you call him again? You frowned to yourself, you have not planned a conversation before hand and now you were in short of a reply.
"Yeah, Yeah everything is good, thank you."
You called him because you missed him, and were you just supposed to tell him that, NO.

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