Reverse Role

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Aah thoughtful me, literally woke up to this idea.

Warning : sexual depictions ahead, read only if you can take this.
And are of the right age. 18+ content.

Of reverse role. Enjoy

It was a busy Friday evening and you were standing there in the usual spot where he picked you when he booked you. He booked you for the weekend.

You looked back at your watch, still 7 minutes before 7. You were nervous and excited for Mr. Holmes was someone special you always believed, his fragrance was enough to entice you. And you wore this leather high waist short black skirt with matching black crop top hoping it will help you win him. Win him because he always what he wanted to do not matter you liked it or not he tied you and fucked you relentlessly as if you were his toy, which maybe you actually were and it gave you immense pleasure but this time you made a little more effort with your makeup and dressing to capture him as....
While you were in your thought trail you noticed a low growl sound from your right side before you could turn to see you were grabbed by you hand and waist and pushed against the wall full force and a set of lips came crashing on yours delicate plumped lips, it was harsh and you were not enjoying this, you tried to pull away and noticed who the person really was, Jacob.
One of your customer, a maniac so wild that would rip you. You hated him, his ways of treating you shrieked in fear and pulled away hard but he came on to you harder this time and even placed his leg between yours and pulled his knee up to hit and rub you, he was brutally abusing you in a busy London street and nobody cared. Because you were a slut.

His lip were on you neck and he was sucking and nipping at your sensitive skin while his muscular hand had a tight grip on yours not allowing you to even resist, you did not scream for help but you were struggling. It felt so long. Your eyes were still on the street hoping to find someone who'd take you out of this.

A crooked wooden umbrella handle was place on Jacobs necks and he curled his lip in anger and turned around aggressively but upon what he saw he immediately was intimidated, he backed off and left without looking back or uttering a word. You felt violated and ashamed. If your makeup was still intact which was little possibility you prayed he did not see you turn scarlet.
He paused and took his time observing you and your body. You were so embarrassed you wanted to disappear, you could not look into his eyes, you eyes saw his clean and tidy shoes.
He ordered you to sit in the car and you followed. Now you did not want to go with him anymore, he shouldn't have seen it. You could not even ask him to let you go, he paid in advance always. And you could not afford to lose your agencies money, you were but stuck.

You heaved a breath unconsciously and flinched at your own noise. 'aah' you were screaming inside but he wouldn't even look at you. Maybe he doesn't want you either, after witnessing your physical violation, he thinks you as a dirty skunk. Your thought process was not helping instead you were slowly becoming an emotional wreck.

You slowed down your breathing and started counting 1..2..3..4..5..6... it helped. Closed your eyes and opened them again as the car came to a halt. You had reached his mansion. Funny how minutes can become hours and the same seems like seconds sometimes.

You followed him to his bedroom, it took him around 15 minutes before he reappeared from the bathroom. You remained seated in the edge of his bed and waited patiently. When he returned he was only in his grey boxers, his skin was revealed and it was a scene to see for he was a man always seen in 3 piece suits or bathing rob which very little people had seen which included you but this, this was very uncommon and you turned you face away instinctively unsure if he wants you to see him like that, maybe he forgot his bathrobe in the room.

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