Blooming Love

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Part two

A light of a candle made the perfect atmosphere for this moment.

''It was years ago. I think 3 or 4....'' Telma started.

xxx 4 years ago xxx

It was his daily duty. Everyday. The young knight, clothed in black armor, made his way to the Lost Woods. It was the border between the Light and Dark Realm. Everybody knew him and admired him for his fighting skills and his bravery. His handsome face, white soft hair, deep red eyes and his trained body made every girl fall for him at one sight. The allmighty Dark Link.

He protected the villagers of the Dark Realm and rode to the Lost Woods to see, if everything was okay. ''A great day for a ride. Isn't it?'', one villager greeted Dark. ''Yeah, like always.'', he answered and left. How he loved the silence and the nature of the woodlands. The main reason to explore this place was, because sometimes monsters appeared and he had to kill them to protect his land. There were parts of the Lost Woods, which were cursed by Ganondorf. The hero Link killed and banished him from this world, but once in a while monsters came out of the dark shadows and it was important to control the number.

''Hm...lately the monsters are getting more.'', he thought, after killing some Bokblins. He decided to discuss this with Link and princess Zelda.

The next day, he crossed the borders and rode straight to Hyrule for a meeting with the princess. If there is something bad coming from the cursed part of the Lost Woods he would need help. Light weapons and magic is the best weapon against monsters.

''Get her! Get her!!!!'', a sudden voice let him stop abruptly. He saw ten Bokblins running like crazy. ''Are they hunting something?'', Dark thought and took his sword. He followed them quickly to gave his sword a taste of their blood. Suddenly there was a loud scream and it was from a female. This let his heart beat faster of worriness.

He reached the monsters and slashed through them. One after another fell to the ground and died. Panting he got off of his horse and looked for the female. He recognized a shaken form behind a tree and smiled. Slowly he walked to the woman ready to hear her thanks. ''Hey come on. It's over. They are gone'', he said proudly and waited for her response.

The female stiffened and slowly she came out of her hiding spot. Dark's heart was about to explode. Thank the goddesses that he was right on time, because before him was the most beautiful girl he ever laid eyes on.

''Thank you so much...'', she stuttered. ''Dark Link is my name, but call me Dark'', he said and took his hat off and smiled.

''Her angelic like her...She doesn't know me. That's surprising.'', he thought.

''Dark..Thank you.'', she said once more.

''No problem it was nothing'', he stuttered and got red. This girl made him crazy. ''You okay my lady? Would you mind to tell me your name?'', he added.

''Oh i am sorry, my name is (Y/N)'', she said with the most beautiful smile he ever saw.

''Beautiful...'', he blurted out.

(Y/N) got flustered and hid her red cheeks with her hands. Dark realized what he just said and got red as a tomato. ''Okay..well..beautiful day isn't it? so great, Ha Ha Ha'', he tried to save himself, but failed badly.

She started to laugh and Dark froze in the spot. Her voice was like music in his ears. She took his heart in an instant. It was like magic.

''So (Y/N) what were you doing here alone?'', he changed the subject and tried to look calm and collected.

''Oh well yes. I was looking for some herbs, because i make medicine for the doctors at Hyrule castle. I came to the wrong place and these monsters found me. I had big luck that you found me. You are from the Dark Realm or?'', she answered and relaxed a bit after this whole incident.

''Yeah you are right. I am a bit surprised that you didn't know me. That's something new.'', he answered.

''Hm...yeah..your name sounds familiar to me...wait yes. Dark Link, now that you mentioned it. You are the hero of the Dark Realm. Sorry that i didn't recognize you at first. I just heard stories of you and Link, but never saw you in real.'', she smiled.

''No, No, it's not so important. I think it's great. You know it could get annoying sometimes if everybody wants to be by your side and the girls are running after you...'', he explained and sighed.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at that comment.

''Don't think of me like that! I am no womanizer or something! And i am single! So there is no woman in my life now! Oh you didn't want to know that. Forget that part, but it's true, so i don't know'', he stuttered and just looked adorable in her eyes.

''Well that was embarassing...Quick...i have to change the subject'', he thought.

''Well (Y/N). I am heading to Hyrule Castle. I can take you with me that you are safe.'', he asked with hopeful eyes that she would forget the nonsense he just said before and come with him.

''That's so sweet of you. I will go with you, Dark.'', she said with a smile and followed him to his horse.

The moment she sat in front of him and he held her close to his chest, it was like heaven. His heart was racing and it felt like he was in a dream. It was the first time that a girl was this close. He was the most popular boy, but no girl let his heart flutter until this day. At a low speed, so he could enjoy this moment more, they made their way to the castle.

The story of a broken knight Dark Link x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now