Where is this going?

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Part 8

''4 years passed and i remember it like yesterday...because of the light magic of princess Zelda , Ganondorf is not strong enough to take over Hyrule, but Link and the soldiers are prepared for a fight. Today everything seems fine, but who knows what will happen tomorrow? The Dark Realm is in his hands now and Dark Link is his strongest knight. All the attacks that you have heard of, are his work. Only the goddesses know what will happen next. And (Y/N) is gone. Link tried to get to the Dark Realm to find her, but the borders are closed. Ganondorf cursed the Lost Woods and it's impossible to enter.'', Telma said with a long sigh.

''This is so dramatic...so sad...'', the maids rubbed Telma's back to comfort her. The bar was already empty. The girls were the only guests at her place.

''What a nice story Telma, but you forget an important part!'', a dark and dangerous voice appeared from one of the dark corners of her bar.

Frightened of the sudden call they watched the bar to see the intruder. Telma's eyes stopped and widened at the sight of two familiar red eyes. He snapped with his fingers and a little fire danced around his fingertips. Slowly he reached his hand to a candle on the table and light it up. Now they got a better view of the knight in black. Dark Link, the monster of the Dark Realm. Sitting on one of the seats, his feets on the table, his hands rested behind his head and with an amused expression on his face, because of the sight before him. They were shivering of fear. Not only of his sight, but also, because they noticed his sword, covered with blood, which was leaning against his seat. The girls were shocked to see their handsome knight in real. After all this years he didn't lost one bit of his sex appeal. His long white locks fell into his face and his red eyes were shimmering of the candlelight, but he had also a dangerous glint in his eyes and his aura made the room cold.

Telma thought about her possibilities. On the one hand she could do what everybody would do, scream and run away, but on the other hand she could act like always and see where this is going. On either side she could get killed by him, so she wanted to die with pride and not like a weakling. The girls hid behind her back, waiting.

''Long time no see, Dark Link. How is it going? Tell me what part did i miss?'', she asked with a strong and confident voice to show him no fear.

He smiled and crossed his arms, staring into the light of the candle. ''Oh well i am doing fine. You want to know? It's obvious. The part where i take revenge to princess Zelda and the green imp Link.'', he said in a calm and deep voice.

''Oh i already mentioned that you work for Ganondorf. Isn't that the same?'', she asked and got up from her seat and crossed her arms as well.

''Work for Ganondorf? I work for nobody, just playing along with his stupid game and have some fun.'', Dark answered and looked into her eyes smiling evily.

''You say that killing people is just a game for you?'', Telma replied with an angry expression. The maids were impressed of Telma's behaviour torwards him and watched with awe.

''Just unimportant creatures. I just help them to end their ridicoulous existance.'', he said in an arrogant tone and relaxed in his seat.

''(Y/N) would be shocked to hear that.'', Telma whispered, but his demonic ears heard it clearly.

''Stop saying her name and such nonsense!!!'', smashing his seat against the wall. His sudden outburst let the girls scream. Telma shivered and closed her eyes for a moment to calm down. He grabbed her by her collar and lifted her up in the air. Eyes widened, she stared into his red ones. She noticed that he became taller, stronger and more masculin. The lovesick, stuttering and sweet boy was gone. His look was terrifying. The maids fell back to the ground and watched the scene with horror.

The story of a broken knight Dark Link x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now