Darkness overtake

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Part 7

xxx4 years agoxxx

After this incident everything was different. Castle town was burning, people panicked and ran for their lives. A nightmare became reality. Soldiers of the Hyrule army attacked the monsters to safe their home. The princess was shocked about this sudden change. She couldn't believe that out of nowhere monsters killed one villager after another. It was too late and she had to admit that this was her fault. The blood of dead townspeople, the destoyed town, this disaster of her land was her mistake. Her body froze in the spot. Dark Link was right. She felt sick. Hopeless. What should she do now?

Link was also one of those guys who come at that time where everything was already too late. He saw the burning roofs from the distance and hurried to help the townsfolk. After arriving at the entrance of Castle town, he had to take a deep breath. There was blood, there were dead villagers and all kind of monsters. All he could do was picking up the pieces of this broken world and try to get it back together. With that he rushed through the crowd of monsters and slashed one after another. People recognized the hero in green and were relieved. His green tunic started to get red from the blood of his enemies. This was not what he had expected after finishing his mission at Kakariko Village. His face darkened. He was exhausted. At his mission, he had to check the shadow temple, because monsters appeared. He knew that this wasn't right and got a bad feeling about this. After his mission he wanted to discuss that with the princess and check the other temples as well, but this was now irrelevant.

''Die green elf!'', one Bokblin shouted. With one punch into the monsters face, Link let the Bokblin fly. ''Fuck off. I am not in the mood!'', Link shouted and went on like nothing happened. He reached a familiar place, eyes widened and shocked to see Telma on the ground crying and shouting.

''Telma! Are you hurt? You have to hide!'', he rushed to her side to see if she was okay. At first she couldn't say anything. She was under shock and had to control her breathing, then it all came at once. She grabbed the collar of the young hero, her eyes swollen of the endless crying. ''Link..Ganondorf is back. He took (Y/N) away....he kidnapped her...i don't know if she is alive or hurt...and Dark! Something happened to him! It's horrible...''she sobbed and hid her face in his chest.

This information made the hero angry and more nervous than the attack of the castle. The king of evil was back and not only that, an innocent girl was captured by him. That made the situation more complicated, because it means he had to hurry and safe her or maybe it was already too late for her. He had to find out why (Y/N) was captured by him. Telma always told him about the sweet and beautiful girl. After his mission he planned to meet her and get to know her better, because he thought she was different than the other girls. That's what Telma told him and he was looking forward to that.. Before Dark came into her life, Telma thought that Link would be the one for her and supported him to meet her.

''(Y/N)...the girl you always talk about at my visits...'', Link whispered and rubbed her back to comfort her. ''Yeah..i don't know what he will do to her. Please...help her'', Telma cried.

Link sighed and got up. He had to do something. First he would visit the princess to discuss a plan and he wanted to find Dark. He had to know what happened to him and if he was okay, it would be good to have him as partner at his side for help.

Hours passed and the Hyrule army was winning the fight. The monsters were dead and silence took place. Now that the fighting was over, people could see the result of the attack. The town was destroyed. It would take weeks to clean and repair the damage. Blood stained the walls and the floors and a disgusting smell filled the air. Slowly people started to clean and help each other with their injuries. Telma got up as well, a bitter taste in her mouth and she felt dizzy of her breakdown. She started to pick up the pieces of her home, her mind blank of the shock.

''You mean, he said something like that and you didn't call me!!!?? Are you serious? Look what happened and what will happen. Ganondorf broke out of his exil and he will already make a plan to attack us. This was just a taste of his power. '', Link shouted, running in circles and cursing to himself. The princess watched the floor and felt ashamed and hurt.

''I...thought that other missions were more important. You had to finish your quest at Kakariko and i thought..''

''you thought what? Forget it it's not important anymore. We have to do something now. I will have a look at the Lost Woods to see if Dark is there.'' Link interrupted her, his anger growing more and more.

Suddenly the doors to the throne room opened and a higher ranked soldier ran to Link's side. ''Master Link, something terrible is happening. Villagers of the Dark Realm fled to our lands. Most of them are at Kakariko Village now. They say that Ganondorf took over the Realm and it's a masacre.'', the soldier shivered.

''Oh god...this is not good..do you know if he attacked with an army?'', Link asked.

The soldier was thinking how he should explain and his face paled. Link noticed his reaction and got a bad feeling. ''Tell me what happened there.'', Link ordered.

''It was Dark Link...the villagers said it was terrifying. He got insane and killed and tortured his own people!!! He showed no mercy and no regret. What is happening Master Link, why is he our enemy?'', the soldier stuttered.

Link's eyes widened. What happened to him that he would do that. Was it a curse? It had to be a curse from Ganondorf. Link thought of a plan.

''Okay, first we have to recover. Help hurt villagers, rebuilt everything and see how many soldiers we have. Link i will do my best to support you. I know i have made a mistake and i will do everything to make it up to my people. You should meet with the gorons and the zoras. We will need their help.'', Zelda interrupted his thoughts.

Link nodded and left without a word.

Late at night, darkness overtake the land and covered the signs of the destruction. The silence was comforting, but there were screams of agony at the distance. Screams of a broken knight who had terrible nightmares. The pain, the regret were killing him.

He got insane...He couldn't go on without her...

With the image of her lovely smile, he blacked out on the floor. Lonely in a dark room of the castle that no longer belonged to him.

The story of a broken knight Dark Link x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now