The reason to go on

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Part 13

In a second, everything was different. At the moment she walked into the room, showing herself to everyone, his world changed completely. He couldn't comprehend what was going on inside his mind. It was like an explosion. Millions of thoughts rushed through his head and he started to feel dizzy. His body was shaking, his eyes wide open and without blinking, he watched every detail of her body. Analizing her hair, her face, her beautiful eyes that he missed so much. How was this possible. He became a monster, a killer, but the goddesses fulfill his wish and heard his pleading, because his dream came true. There she was, his life, his heart standing in the doorway and smiling to him with her kissable lips, that he desired so much. She didn't lost any of her beauty after this long time.

He wasn't sure how to react. He was ashamed of his condition, lying on the floor, weak and shaken. ''Did she know what i become...she must be shocked how much i changed.'', he thought and watched the floor with a saddened face. After the years he became stronger and maculin, but you could see signs of his despression in his face. Dark eye bags, pale and his hair messy.

''(Y/N) what the hell are you doing here. It's too dangerous!'', Link shouted. ''Link, i am sorry, but i was so worried. Please i couldn't wait there.'', she pleaded.

''Sure she was worried about Link...i don't deserve her..'', Dark thought and couldn't watch the scene before him. Her worried expression, because of him. It was too much for him. He didn't recognize that (Y/N) was watching him the whole time with tears in her eyes. She was so scared of his condition, that she didn't notice the dangerous situation they were in.

''What! How is this possible! How did you find her! This can't be true!'', Ganondorf shouted in his rage. He started to glide up in the air and an dark aura surrounded him. (Y/N) knew that she hadn't much time.

''Dark!!! What happened to you! Are you hurt? Please, get up...'', she shouted and started to run to his side.

His eyes widened. ''No,' the last time....'', he thought and looked up to see his girl running to his side. He was about to get up to stop her, but a sudden wall of fire appeared in front of him and he fell back on his butt. (Y/N) could stop as well and screamed of the sudden attack.

''You are not allowed to have her. You belong to me little boy! If you don't obey she will die!'', Ganonodorf laughed out loud.

Dark's eyes widened of her sight. She was in trouble again and if he didn't make a move he would loose her again. A new found power let the knight in dark armor get up. His expression dangerous, his eyes glowing like fire and he was prepared to take his last fight.

'' took her away from me, i thought she was gone forever...i became a monster and killed innocent people, because you tortured me and brainwashed me...i am sick of everything here. i am sick of this world and i am sick of you!!!'', Dark shouted and got into a fighting stance. ''Oh is my little demon going to attack me now?'', Ganondorf said in a mocking tone.

''Let her go and i will make your death quick!'', Dark growled. Link smiled and was happy that Dark would help him.

''I decline and now that i think of it, i don't need you anymore. So i will kill you both. How does that sound?'', Ganondorf laughed and created a big glowing ball in his hands.

''Link..he is strong...there is only one way to help him. I will block his attack and then you could strike him with your master sword. We have only one chance. You have to push your sword deep into his heart. It's the only weak spot he has.'', Dark explained with a calm tone. Link was surprised to hear that and got nervous. ''But..if you don't have the power to block his attack you could die..'', Link shouted and was frustrated where this was going.

''Dark no! Please be safe.'', (Y/N) shouted and fell on her knees. Telma rushed to her side to comfort her.

''Yeah..there is the possibility that i will die...but i want to make the world better for her. She is back Link..and she deserves a beautiful land and a world without fear. I want to give her that.'', he whispered with a pleading look. Then he turned to (Y/N), watching her beauty for the last time and took a deep breath.

''What are you saying my little troublemaker...You should be safe. You are the reason why i could go on...if you didn't show up i would have killed myself for nothing...'', he said and watched her.. She watched him with horror in her eyes of this information.

''Thank you (Y/N) healed my soul and showed me the way...'', he said and ran in the direction of Ganondorf. Everything happened so quick she couldn't do anything. Just watching his lover leaving again. Why was this world so cruel?

Link was shocked and watched his friend frightened. The magic ball smashed to Dark Link and he blocked it with his sword. Ganondorf concentrated his magic to destroy the dark knight. Dark was covered in black smoke and he scremed of the sudden pain in his body. Link couldn't help him, because this was the moment to hit Ganondorf. Not thinking what will happen afterwards, he rushed to Ganondorf's side and with all strenght he could compose, he pushed his sword into his chest and hoped that he hit his heart. Ganondorf screamed and the room started to tremble. He fell to the ground and didn't move. Link pulled his sword out of his chest and watched the king of evil for any sign of reaction. ''He is dead..We made it'', he whispered and relaxed. ''Dark we...'', Link shouted happy, but saw the dark knight liying on the floor.

The fire wall disappeared and (Y/N) rushed to Dark's side. Suddenly Ganondorf moved and shot a magic light into the direction of the young beauty. ''(Y/N) no! Stop!'', Link shouted.

A sudden golden light shot through the room and hit the king of evil, who screamed in agony. Link couldn't see anything of the bright light and had to close his eyes for a moment. Smoke surrounded Ganondorf's form and he disappeared. Link looked to the source of the light and was met with Zelda. She was breathing heavily and smiled that she made it, but it was too late for another person.

(Y/N)'s eyes followed the black light with horror, it was too late to escape. She was about to scream and hid her face in her hands, but suddenly she was ingulfed in a deep hug and they were smashed against the wall. For seconds everything was black. Slowly she opened her eyes and was surprised that she didn't feel any pain. Confused she moved and recognized that she was in someones arms. ''(Y/N) okay..oh thank the goddesses'', Dark whispered. (Y/N) was in his arms and he pressed her to his chest with his last strenght. '' are hurt.'', she watched him with horror and started to sob. ''The last time i couldn't rescue haunted me..hurt me...i got insane..but this time i i missed you...'', he said in a calm tone and she could feel that he got weaker with every second. ''Dark no..we have to treat your injuries.'', she cried into his chest.

''you were so shy the first day that we met..smiling brightly at your hero. You couldn't resist my charm'', he chuckled and started to cough. ''Our first kiss was magical and i dreamed of it every night..'', he whispered and looked into her glassy eyes.

''Dark no..don't speak like you would have to go on for me...please don't leave me'', she pleaded and hid her face in his chest.

''(Y/N)..It's too's my fate to die...i killed, i tortured, i destroyed's my punishment, but thank the goddesses that i have the chance to see your beauty for the last time...please be safe and if anybody is allowed to protect you then it's Link...'', he whispered and closed his eyes. His body got cold. His breathing stopped.

''No Dark...i can't go on without you..noo...'', (Y/N) screamed and was shaking his body to wake him up, but he didn't move..

Link came to his side. Kneeling down and took his hat off. Tears started to form in the corner of his eyes and he closed them to avoid this sight of his friend. He wanted to safe him. He wanted his friend back. Now it was over again. Telma tried to calm the young girl down and hugged her. The nightmare was over and Ganondorf was gone, but for the young beauty it started from the beginning...

The story of a broken knight Dark Link x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now