This isn't true

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Part 12

With every step she got more nervous. After arriving at Hyrule Castle, (Y/N) and Link entered Castle town. It was already dark and the streets were covered with a thick smog. They could feel the presence of an dark aura and started to head to the direction of the castle. Suddenly, Link stopped. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes and waited for the reason why. ''I think you shouldn't come along...'', he started. She was confused of this sudden change. ''Why? I want to help Dark...'', she pleaded and grabbed his arm, squeezing it lightly. ''No, (Y/N), i think it's too dangerous. I should tell Dark that you are alive and then where he could find you.'', Link said and watched the young girl with an intense look. ''But..he wouldn't believe you. I was gone for 4 years, Link. He thinks i am dead.'', she answered desperatly. ''Yeah maybe, but i have to take this risk. It would be worse if you would get killed. Then his thinking would become reality.'', Link said calm and took her hand in his watching her reaction. She was thinking about his words. He was right. They didn't know what was going on right now at the castle and she wasn't in a good condition after her long sleep. She felt exhausted of this whole situation and needed some time to get used to everything. The sounds, the smell of her surroundings that she had forgotten after this long pause of life. She nodded and pressed his hand. ''I will bring you somewhere safe.'', he changed his direction and walked through the streets of Castle town. He was looking forward to their next stop and hoped that everything was alright. He watched the destroyed homes and was prepared to protect her of monsters. In the distance they could see a light. Link smiled and felt relieved that his plan would work. ''I knew that she wouldn't run away from her bar.'', he thought and moved faster to get there. (Y/N) started to recognize the familiar street and her eyes got glassy. ''I know where he is going..i will see her will she react?...Oh my god, this is so thrilling right now that i feel sick.'', she thought and tried to calm down. Link reached the door of Telma's bar. It was blocked with wooden plates and he could hear voices inside. After knocking against the wood, they could hear some people gasp. ''Calm down, i will check who this crazy person is that is outside at such a time'', Link heard Telma saying. He smiled to hear that she was okay. ''(Y/N), there is one person, who will be very happy to see you again.'', Link said and took her hand. She smiled brightly and tears rolled down her cheeks. ''Telma! It's me Link! Open the door! You have to look after a girl while i am at the Castle.'', Link explained and waited for her response.

''Link!!! Thank the goddesses you are here! A girl? Why don't you say it sooner!!'', she shouted and they could hear the cracking sound of the wooden plates. ''A poor girl is outside. Speed up! We have to safe her!'', Telma ordered. After some time they were met with Telma's face. She looked through a gap beetween the wooden plates. ''Hy Link, where is...'', her eyes widened. Suddenly it was dead silent. (Y/N)'s heart was racing, tears rolled down like a waterfall, her eyes already swollen. ''Telma...i am back...'', she sobbed. Telma broke through the wodden plates like a hurricane and without a word she pressed the young girl to her body, ingulfing her in a deep hug. Screaming and crying out loud her name and saying ''how is this possible''.

Link watched the scene with a smile. Slowly he tapped the shoulder of the hysteric bartender to get her attention. ''Telma..i have to go, please look after her while i am at the castle.'', Link ordered and gave a last glance at (Y/N), smiling at her beauty. Telma brought the young girl inside the bar. ''I was asleep this whole time..Ganondorf cursed me, but Link helped me and now i am here. I hope that Dark is okay..'', she explained and her face saddened. ''You know what Dark became? Don't get me wrong my lovley little girl, but maybe..i don't's too late..I met him and he isn't the young sweet boy you have met before..'', Telma said carefully. ''I heard everything from Link. He became this monster, because i was gone. Now that i get a second chance, i have to meet him, i have to try and show him that i still love him after everything that happened.'', (Y/N) explained confident. ''Your love is really something special. Hopefully...'', Telma whispered and hugged her again.

The story of a broken knight Dark Link x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now