What happend?

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Part 11 What happened?

''Link be careful. This path isn't safe'', the voice in his mind told him. The hero of Hyrule was riding through a small path at the Lost Woods to reach the Dark World. With every minute the air got colder and he could sense the dangerous atmosphere. A wall made by dark magic appeared in front of him. ''There is a loophole at this cursed area. You have to walk through'', the voice explained. With his new found hope and courage he looked for the gap and without any hesitance he walked through. At the other side he was greeted with a destroyed land. Withered nature, a cold wind blew through the bare trees and the light was gone. You couldn't see the sky, because dark clouds covered everything. Link was shocked to see what Ganondorf had made. His look wandered to a mountain, he knew too well. There on top of it was Dark Link's home. He was an extravagant hero and his servants always decorated everything with beautiful flowers, but now it looked like a ghousthouse. Broken windows, empty doors and no inviting sign for visitors. Link sighed and made his way to the castle.

xxxIn the meanwhilexxx

''Tik, Tok, Tik, Tok...'', a voice echoed through the cold walls of the cells. Zelda knew this voice and started to shiver. ''Your time is running little princess.''...

''Stop it! Leave me alone you demon!'', she shouted into the dark.

Two red dots appeared and watched her form, ready to attack her. ''Rude like always. Not happy to see me? What a pity, because i am happy to see you and i can't wait to have my alone time with you.'', Dark showed himself and touched the cold cell doors with his fingers.

''Link is wrong, you wouldn't change! Your heart was too long covered with your dark soul.'', Zelda shouted and pushed her back against the wall at the other side of the cell doors.

''Yeah Link is wrong. My blade already met him and is looking forward to taste your blood.'', Dark aswered and laughed out loud.

Zelda's eyes widened. She felt a stinging pain in her heart and horror scenarios of Link's death played in her mind. She pushed these thoughts aside, because deep in her heart she knew that Link wouldn't give up. This demon was just playing with her, but a little voice told her that maybe he was hurt or in trouble.

''Dark Link! You have to stop that nightmare and do something against Ganondorf. After all you have done, Link doesn't loose his trust in you. You will regret it, if you hurt him and me. We are your friends! Come to your senses, please. You will be lonely after killing us. What will you do afterwards!'', she cried and hid her face in her hands.

Now she hit a nerve and his dark aura was about to explode.

''Shut up!'', Dark screamed and left the chamber with anger. Quickly he entered a room and was relieved that it was empty. He fell down on his butt and touched his chest. Latley he got problems with his feelings. After Link mentioned (Y/N) in such a sweet way, he had to think about her more often. How he missed her...His depression got worse and slowly the tips of his white locks started to change their colour in black, like his heart. ''I will be lonley? I am already lonley!'', he smirked and got back up, like nothing happened. His expression cold.

xxxAt the Dark Realmxxx

''I made it! So let's see where she is.'', Link thought and started to watch every room of the now empty castle. Room after room and no trace of her. ''I am a bit dissapointed in you Link..'', the voice said angry in his mind. ''I told you that she is in the deepest part of the castle! Go in the cellar!!!'', she ordered.

Link touched his head to calm his starting headache. ''Sorry i forgot! Geez....why didn't you say it sooner.'', he whispered and found the door which leaded to the basement. ''Link, i can't watch you the whole time. We are worried of the situation at Hyrule. Please hurry. Ganondorf wants to kill the princess and Dark's condition isn't better either.''

The story of a broken knight Dark Link x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now