a dramatic change

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Part six

''So romantic..'' the maids sighed.

''Yes it was the perfect moment for the two Lovebirds, but there is always the moment where everything changes. The sour part is coming my sweet kittens!'', Telma announced and felt a sting in her heart. It was so unfair. Why is life so bitter to good people?

xxx 4 years ago xxx

''(Y/N) my dear! Take a seat! You have to tell me some news!'' Telma shouted the moment she saw her coming into the bar. She smiled and took a seat. The atmosphere of the bar was like always. Laughing villagers, serious soldiers who discuss some duties mixed with the smell of food and wine. ''Long time no see, Telma. I am glad that you are happy as always. I have indeed some news.'', she started and her face redened.

''Yes my dear, you said it right! Why didn't you come? I was so worried. Was it because of a hero clothed in black?'', Telma winked.

''How did you know???'', (Y/N) asked shocked and hold her red cheeks to hide her embarassment.

''Ha ha ha. Oh dear, you know that i know everything and i have to add that Dark is a good friend of mine. Maybe that's the reason.'' she laughed.

(Y/N) smiled and she told her how great her life was now and how much she loved him. ''Today he wants to show me his home. I am so nervous. Maybe I will spend the night at his castle. That would be the next step.'', she stuttered and wanted to know what her best friend was thinking about her plans. For a girl it was the most precious gift that she could give.

''Oh sweety. That's a big step, but if you feel that he is the right one, then i will support you.'', she answered and sighed. It was so beautiful to watch the love of the two young dreamers.

Dark didn't know of her plans. What a pity. He was at the Lost Woods. ''Damn princess..she told me that she will tell Link what's going on here, but weeks past and nothing happened.'', he growled angry. She didn't take it serious and he had to kill more and more monsters. It was obvious that something was wrong. Days ago he tried to find Link, but failed and there he was again, alone deep in the woods, killing Bokblins and even Stalfos.

He pulled his sword out of a Bokblin as the ground started to tremble. It all happened so quick. The ground was moving and black smoke started to cover the place. Before he could react what was happening, a loud explosion smashed him against a tree and everything went black.

''What the hell was that...'', he muttered and rubbed his head, because of the starting headache. Slowly he got up and watched the area for the source of the explosion. His eyes widened. Deep holes covered the ground and monsters crawled out. But that wasn't the bad part of his sight. There he was, standing with his Gerudo armor, cape and a dangerous aura surrounding him. Ganondorf.

He was looking at the Dark knight with a smirk.

''How is this possible...i was right, that something was wrong..Now it's too late.'', Dark murmured to himself.

''Oh, Who is this little boy? Link?'', Ganondorf stepped closer to the knight who shivered of fear. He couldn't hide it. His chances were gone the moment Ganondorf found him.

''No! Oh i know you. You are the copy of him. Just the little shadow.'', Ganondorf said in a mocking tone.

Dark knew that his life was on the line, so the only thing he could do was protecting his pride. He spit to the ground before the Lord of Evil. ''What do you mean by copy! I will kick your ass!'', he shouted and got into a fighting stance.

''Ha ha ha. What a temper. I like you. Yeah, you could try little demon, but without light you are just a little fly! I have more experience than you will ever get, but that could change. I will forget your manners and let you become my loyal dog.'', he said with an arrogant look.

The story of a broken knight Dark Link x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now