Words can't describe

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Part four

It was already dark outside and (Y/N) prepared everything for dinner. She loved baking and cooking and made some muffins and cookies. A sudden noise let her stop. It came from her door.

''Who could that be?'', she thought and got nervous. She was alone, if somebody would break into her home that would be a disaster. She couldn't defend herself.

Slowly, step after step, the young beauty was going to her door, but wouldn't open it. She just stared at it and waited for another noise.

''Knock, Knock'', again a sudden noise broke through the door and into her little home. Fear crawled up to her neck and let her shiver. Who could that be at this time?

Suddenly she heard a long sigh outside the door and recognized the sound. Her heart started to beat faster and her whole body froze in the spot. ''It's him! He found my home. What a relief'', (Y/N) thought. The whole day she was angry about herself and her behaviour towards Dark. She was so nervous and told him that fate would be the reason that they would meet again. What a nonsense...she had read many romance books and she thought it was a good idea to say something like that, just like in the love stories. How she loved these kind of novels. Prince charming is looking for his princess...How romantic. She thought it would make the scence more interesting, but regreted it afterwards. ''i thouhgt that i lost my chance to see him again...'', she smiled and got red cheeks.

''That's it...i tried everything...now my last hope is gone...'', Dark sighed again and pulled (Y/N) out of her daydreaming. Quickly she opened the door to be greeted by a strong, masculin and black clothed back. He was leaning against the door and with a loud crash he fell backwards on his butt.

''Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?'', she rushed to his side and kneeled beside him on the ground.

''Looking into your eyes was enough to let the pain go away! Hello princess!'', Dark smiled brightly and got up. Flustered and shaken of his words, she stood up as well and watched the floor. He smirked. Dark wanted to do everything to win her heart. He was so lucky that he found her.

(Y/N) realised what she was wearing. It was late at night and at that time she wore her black nightgown. It was a very short dress, tight and with thin shoulder traps. And her hair!!! It was in a sloppy braid.

''Oh shit!....I look... I have to change!'', she stuttered and was about to run away, but two strong hands pulled her back.

She fell into his chest and looked into his deep red eyes, flustered and shaken. Slowly he touched her hair and opened her adorable hairstyle. Her long hair fell down and framed her face perfectly. It was one of thousands things he loved about her. He watched every detail of her face and beauty, but it was time to take the next step.

''Language princess..'', he whispered in a husky tone and got closer to her. ''You look absolutly stunning my dear and...'', he got closer and closer to her face.

Her eyes widened. ''Is he going to kiss me? Now? Oh my god! Oh my god! Now is the time. (Y/N) don't mess this up. '', her emotions got crazy, but stayed still to listen to his words.

''..you smell sooo good...like...Cookies??'', he said out loud and was fascinated of her delicious scent.

(Y/N) started to giggle. ''You know, i love baking and made some. Do you want to try?'', she stuttered.

''...(Y/N)...Beautiful, Baking cookies and smart...you must be send by the goddesses.'', he said and took her face in his hands and pressed his lips onto hers. It was so sudden and like a explosion. A big bang in their hearts. She melted into his touch, exploring this new kind of feeling, getting closer to his chest till their bodies were pressed together like glue on paper. :) He was so hungry for her lips and kissed her deeply. Biting her already swollen lips and pressed her body to his chest. The silky material of her nightgown made him crazy. He had to hold back badly. It was like tasting heaven. After it felt like eternity they seperated. Breath taking and heated of their touch they looked into each other's eyes.

''W...Wow..that...you...'', she started.

''(Y/n) let me tell you.... I will never leave your side again. You belong to me!'', Dark interrupted her and pulled her back to kiss her again. It was like they were made for each other and the passionate kiss was the result of their blooming love. She felt tears roll down her cheeks and Dark froze. ''(Y/N) what's wrong?, don't cry.. Was it too much. Was i too rough? I knew it...it was too much for you, but i couldn't hold back anymore. You are like a drug...your beauty is so irresisteble...'', he stuttered worried that he might had hurt you.

''It's so...you are such a great man and handsome...my heart is beating so fast. i can't put it in words...you make me so happy.'' she sobbed.

''Love'', he said in a calm tone and smiled lovingliy into her eyes.

''Hm?'', (Y/N) asked.

Slowly he kissed her tears away and hold her face with his hands.

''If there is a word to describe this situation, then it's love (Y/N). I love you with all my heart and belong to you forever.'', he said serious.

''Love...Yeah..I love you Dark...with all my heart..''

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