A new future

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Part 14




''Damn it, wake up!'', a voice shouted and let the dark hero open his eyes. Confused he rubbed his head with one hand and watched his surroundings. Everything was white. No sign for an end. ''Is this heaven? Shouldn't i be in hell.'', he thought.

''Yeah i also said that hell would be a better place for you, but my sisters said otherwise.'', an angelic voice sounded through the room. ''Sisters? Who are you?'', he asked and got up to his feets.

''Dark, Dark, Dark...i am dissapointed..Every night you prayed to us and now you don't know us. That's not very polite and dump i have to add.'', the voice giggled at the last part.

''The goddesses? What do you want?'', he asked confused.

''Straight to the point, like always. What do we want...hm maybe speak about what happened and see where this is going.'', the voice said in a playful tone.

''Don't play with me. You know what happened. And i have to say that you weren't very helpful, now i am dead. What a great end. My life was a disaster.'', he said annoyed and crossed his arms.

''Yeah it wasn't easy for you..but if you think about it. It was your fault. You were blinded by your revenge and the whole time your precious (Y/N) was waiting for you.'', the voice told him.

''I know that. Stop telling me. And now that i think of it. Why didn't you help me? You could have said something or give me a sign.'', he said angry.

''Just like Link. Always complaining. We said nothing, because we had to see where this was going. We couldn't always say what you have to do. You are an adult. Behave like one! We made the decision to wait and see what you will do. Then we regreted it and showed Link the way, because well you were already in a deep depression and that wasn't easy to handle.'', the voice explained.

Dark sighed. They were right. It was his fault..there is no need to be angry at others.

''So what now Dark?''

''What now? You have to tell me.'', he huffed.

''What do you want? Or better, what do you desire?'', the voice asked playfully.

''What i want? Or desire..Forget it. You are just playing with me..'', he answered with a saddened expression.

''Oh are you going to cry now? The allmighty Dark! Pouting like a little child'', the room was filled with the laughing of the angelic voice.

''Is this my punishment or something? Don't mess with me!'', he shouted.

''Then tell us what you want! God is it that hard?!!'', the voice shouted back.

''(Y/N)! i want (Y/N). Now happy? i wish i could go back in time where everything was okay!'', he shouted and touched his hurting heart.

''Okay!'', the voice said short.

''What okay? you are going on my nerves!'', he shouted and started to hold his head, because of a starting headache.

''Well, it's not possible to make everything like before. Then we have to go back to the past and then Ganondorf will rise again, but we will give you another chance to life. You were brave, you gave your life for her and rescued her. You supported Link and fought against the evil. It's time to give you a reward for that. And we think that the poor girl doesn't deserve a heartbreak. You have to give her the love that she needs, the care and the future she wants. Much work little boy.'', the voice said calm.

The story of a broken knight Dark Link x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now