Let the game begin..

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Part 9

It was fall and a cold wind blew through the streets. People shut their windows to escape the weather and hide in their warm and comfy homes. A relaxing silence covered the area. From the distance the sound of footsteps were getting louder and louder till they reached their destination. A bandaged hand reached the doorknob of Telma's bar, ready to enter the cheerful location. A warm gust of wind blew into the warriors face and let him close his eyes for a moment. In an instant he felt relaxed and relieved that he reached his goal. The cheerful atmosphere calmed down at the sight of the intruder. Without a word he walked to the bar and sat down. His look strained and exhausted. His once shimmering green tunic worn-out and some parts bloody. The conversation between the guests of the bar started again, but everybody had the same thought. How lucky they could be to have him. The only man who fight against the dark, 24 hours a day. They knew how difficult it was and how hard he was fighting to keep the land of Hyrule as safe as possible, so they let him rest. Once in a while he arrived at Telma's bar and just wanted to sit and take a drink or two, without a word, without any discussions of plans or monsters. Just a simple visit to calm down.

''Hello Link...what can i do for you?'', Telma reached his side and put a glas in front of him. He rested his hand on the bar and nodded to her. A sign to say hello. ''Just the same as always, please.'', he answered and sighed. ''Right away, sweety.'', she said in a cheerful tone to brighten his mood. She filled his glas with sweet white wine and checked the heros look. She was worried about him and wanted to know how he feels and what was on his mind. She tried her luck and asked him. Maybe today he would tell her some news.

''A rough day, Link?'', she asked with a motherly tone.

''Like always, Telma...four years passed and i am still not able to get to the Dark Realm. We tried everything. The only thing i can do is watching the land and clean the areas from monsters. It's exhausting..Maybe his plan is to let us wait that we get weaker and weaker and then he will come with his army. It's so strange and it's going on my nerves..'', he answered and took a sip of his drink. Maybe this will calm his mind.

''I am so sorry, Link..You are the only hope..If there is somebody who could fight against this monsters, than it's you. I know that it's a rough job and we are all waiting for the end. We miss the time where we could go for a walk at the Lost Woods or just travel through our beautiful land. It's tiring to just hide here at Castle town. We believe in you, Link'', she pleaded and took his hand, squeezing it a little.

''Yeah i know...i wish Dark is here...he would be a great partner and supporter...i couldn't find him. I heard of his cruel attacks, but i didn't met him..Why does he change? and where is he?'', Link sighed and watched his empty glas, thirsty for more.

''He came to my bar...'', Telma said out of the blue.

Link shot up and took her shoulders. His deep blue eyes piercing through her brown ones. A desperate look on his face.

''What happened? And why did he come to your place? Please tell me Telma.'', Link asked.

''Link...i didn't tell you that..please forgive me..after my breakdown and the loss of (Y/N), i couldn't speak about that topic...i needed time...and i thought that it wouldn't matter if you know it or not...because it was already too late...I am really sorry..'', Telma started and watched the hero ashamed.

''It's okay...i understand, but please if you know what happened to him, then tell me, because it would help, if i will meet him one day.'', Link pleaded and waited for her information. His hope came back.

''Dark become a monster, not because he was cursed by Ganondorf...he became a monster, because he lost his heart 4 years ago...(Y/N)'', tears started to roll down her face.

The story of a broken knight Dark Link x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now