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Part 15

''Here a bit more...and then it's perfect'', (Y/N) was looking into her mirror and was making her hair. She put on a beautiful black dress and watched herself again to see if everything looked presentable. She sighed and was nervous to meet Dark after such a long time.

A month passed and everything was like before, Hyrule castle was rebuilt by Zelda's magic and the hard work of the townspeople and (Y/N) could go back to her little house. It was like before the attack and sadly her relationship with Dark wasn't going forward. (Y/N) gave him time and waited for their next step until everything was okay. Dark worked really hard at the Dark Realm to get the trust back of his folk and rebuilt his home. There was no time to meet and (Y/N) felt lonely. She knew that it was important to him and that he wanted to become his older self, but she was also important and she wanted attention. Just a bit.

One day,  out of nowhere, Dark stood in front of her door with a serious expression. She was too afraid to ask what was going on. He asked her if she had time in a week and that he wanted to discuss their relationship. She felt a stinging pain in her chest, but showed no emotion to cover her feelings. Thousands of questions rushed through her mind. Maybe he wanted to start a new life and that means he didn't want her anymore? Or maybe he found another girl at the Dark Realm after this long time? She couldn't get these thoughts out of her mind, but she also was looking forward to their meeting and see what was on his mind.

Again she watched herself in the mirror and panicked, because a strand of her hair wasn't at the right place. A sudden knock pulled her out of her panic and she walked straight to her door. Before she opened she took a deep breath and calmed down. Her eyes widened at the sight before her. Dark was wearing his black pants and a white shirt, his sleeves rolled up and some buttons of his shirt were undone. His hair framed his face perfectly and his deep red eyes were glowing like gems. He was handsome, everybody knew that, but after such a long time and the training he got under Ganondorf's supervision, he became more musculin and sexy. She held her breath and watched his face shocked.

''Hello (Y/N)...What's up? Like what you see?'', he smirked and put his hands behind his head.

''Dark! Hello! Yes!...I mean...oh god what did i say?'', she stuttered and was fighting for words. Dark laughed and took her hand. ''Come on, let's go'', he said and pulled her with him. ''Where are we going?'', (Y/N) asked nervous and tried to catch up with his speed. ''You will see...'', he answered short. It was different. He acted so cold and a bit arrogant. She swallowed down her sadness and put on a poker face. The thoughts of breaking up became more and more serious and she feared this situation. After this war and what they had to go through, she thought that their love would become more intense and unbreakable, but time passed and they didn't see each other for a month. That was unexpected for her, but for now she had to see where this was going.

Dark stopped in front of his horse and turned around. ''(Y/N) we have to ride for a short time, hope you don't mind?'', he asked and a little smile made his way to his face. ''No you know that riding is no problem for me...'', she whispered. ''Yeah you are right. I just thought that your outfit will get dirty.'', he answered simple and jumped on his horse and placed her in front of him.

She felt his chest in her back and his hot breath tickled across her neck. How she missed this closeness, but this time it made her sad. ''My 'outfit' will get dirty...no compliment or kiss...maybe he don't like my dress...or i am not that attractive anymore..'', she thought and surpressed her coming tears. Afte a while she realised where they were heading. Dark was riding to the Dark Realm. After entering the other world her eyes widened. The sight was breathtaking. Like his stories, the land was blooming with all different kinds of flowers. And on top of a hill was a beautiful castle. ''You like it?'', he whispered in her ear. She shivered of this sudden touch and just nodded, watching every detail of her surroundings. They arrived at the castle and Dark jumped down of his horse and helped (Y/N) to get down as well. A servant came to their side and took the reins of his horse. ''Master Dark, nice to see you again'', he greeted and stiffened at the sight of (Y/N). ''Oh...you must be Miss (Y/N)! Finally i am able to meet you! And how beautiful you are! A pleasure for my eyes!'', the servant stuttered and made a bow. ''Yeah that's Miss (Y/N). Sorry, but we have to go'', Dark said short and pulled (Y/N) along. She didn't say anything for his rudeness and followed him. They reached a throne hall, beautiful decorated with flowers and a red long carpet showed them the way to a big stairway. The room was filled with the scent of the different flowers. Step after step they walked along the stairway and entered a long corridor. The whole time he was silent and just walked along to reach his goal. (Y/N) didn't like this situation and she got angry. She spend hours for her outfit and was really happy to see him again and now he was acting like an asshole. ''Dark...where are you going?'', she asked with anger in her voice. He suddenly stopped. She watched his back and waited for his next move and could see his body froze for a moment. ''We are almost there, be patient.'', he said in a calm tone and went on. They stopped in front of a big wodden door. He pushed it open and entered, pulling her with him by her hand. It was a big room with large windows and beautiful red curtains. In the middle of the room was a big double bed. Dark let her hand go and slowly walked to one side of the bed, watching the floor. ''I thought this place is perfect to speak without distraction. As you can see, it's my bedroom.'', he said.

Slowly she stepped forward and watched the room and was met with his gaze. The time stopped for a moment and they watched each other with an intense look. Now she knew that something was going on. His acting, his expression and this whole situation was screaming that there was someting coming. ''(Y/N)...a month passed and i worked really hard to rebuilt this castle and the land. The villagers of this land forgive me and i can be the man i used to be..You know i want to speak with you about something important..i thought about it everyday, but couldn't find the right words..it's not that easy for me..'', he started to explain, but was interrupted by a sobbing noise. His eyes went wide and he watched (Y/N) with horror. She couldn't hold back anymore and tears rolled down her face and her body started to shake.

''Stop that Dark! Stop that! Just say it! Just say it that you don't want to go on and break up with me'', she shouted.

Dark rushed to her side and pressed her body to his chest. ''Oh my god (Y/N)!!! What are you thinking?? Are you insane!'', he said and tried to comfort her.

''Dark what is going on! You came to my house, said that you want to speak with me about something important, then i put on my best dress for you! You just watched me and said nothing, pulling me along without a conversation and now you start like you want to break up with me!'', she stuttered and cried harder after saying what was on her mind.

Dark froze in the spot. This wasn't what he wanted. He sighed and took her face in his hands and she looked into his eyes. ''(Y/N)...don't cry...i made a mistake..i..'', he started in a calm tone and took her hands and again he pulled her along. He opened a door and they entered a balcony. There she was greeted by a breathtaking view, but at that moment she didn't care. He took both of her hands in his and looked deep into her eyes. ''Listen (Y/N), i would never break up with you. I was...how should i explain it...'', he got red and started to stutter like at the first time they had met. This wasn't going like he had planned. He was so nervous and wanted to make everything perfect and look cool in front of her. Everytime he felt that his face got red, he avoid her gaze and to control his stuttering, he just said nothing, but this was the problem. In his mind he was punching himself for acting like an asshole.

''Damn it!'', he shouted and pressed his lips on hers for a deep passionate kiss. She was confused at first, but couldn't resist and kissed back. The kiss showed every emotion they got. The desperation of not seeing each other for a long time, the deep love they shared and the passion they got in their hearts. After some time they seperated, breathing heavily. ''(Y/N), i messed up everything. I wanted to make this moment perfect. I worked really hard to decorate everything and rebuilt the rooms, just for this moment. After weeks of not seeing you i was so happy to come to your place and watch your beauty. I wanted to look calm and cool, but after seeing you, with this dress...your hair, your eyes...i acted like a douchebag.'', he stuttered. (Y/N) relaxed and took a deep breath to calm down. She smiled brightly to hear that she worried for nothing. ''Dark...you don't have to act cool in front of me or get nervous..i love you.'', she whispered. Dark watched her with so much love. ''(Y/N)...i said that i want to discuss something..'', he started and hugged her tightly. ''I want to protect you with my life, i want to give you the love and a future that you deserve.'', he started. ''Yes. You told me that after you came back..'', she added. ''Yeah, i already said that, but (Y/N)...i want more. It's not enough for me. I want you by my side forever and show the world that you are mine.'', he whispered. ''What do you mean? Everybody knows that i am yours..'', she said confused. Dark chuckled. ''(Y/N)...i want you here. i want you by my side as my wife and life in this castle with you forever.'', he said and watched her shocked expression. ''So..'', he added and got down on one knee. ''(Y/N)..let me make it up to you. let me show you how much i love you and ask you...Would you marry me?'', he asked and she looked into his glassy eyes and smiling face. Tears rolled down her face and she jumped into his arms. ''Yes! Yes! Yes!'', she shouted over and over again. ''Thank the goddesses! After seeing you cry and shouting at me i thought you wouldn't say it!'', he hugged her back and they enjoyed this moment. His heart was beating faster and his body was shaking. She pushed herself harder against his chest that he fell backwards on the ground. Shocked of her sudden move he tried to get up but was pushed back and her lips smashed against his. He smirked of her passion and melted into her touch.

He was so happy. His broken soul was healed and he could fill his heart with her love. This was his new future and he couldn't wait to see her as a bride...

..and lived happily ever after

The story of a broken knight Dark Link x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now