It is fate

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Part three

'' Oh my god he fell in love???!!!'', one of the maids cried.

''Yeah sweetheart there is already a girl in his life and she is a beauty.'', Telma said and took a sip of her drink.

''Where is she now? We don't know her and see her at Castle town.'', they asked.

''Well yes..I will explain'', Telma went on with her story.

xxx 4 years ago xxx

The castle was in sight and Dark was disappointed that it will end soon. On the way they spoke about their lives, laughed and had a great time. At the entrance of the Castle, (Y/N) got down from his horse and smiled brightly.

''Thank you so much Dark. It was great.'', she said.

''No, i have to thank you. You made my journey more interesting.'', Dark answered and winked.

(Y/N) laughed. ''I didn't know much about the Dark Realm, but now i think it must be really beautiful there. Thank you so much for the stories, Dark'', she started.

''Not as beautiful as you, believe me.'', he whispered, but it was louder than he thought.

''What?'', (Y/N) asked flustered. She didn't know what to say, she heard it clearly, but that was the first thing she got on her mind.

''Oh.... nothing..., well maybe i can show you the places i have told you. You know that i live at a castle and there are many guest rooms.'', he stuttered and took his hat off. A sign that he was very nervous.

''I swear my heart is going to explode'', he thought and watched her, afraid that she would decline his offer.

''The next time we meet, I will accept your offer, till then, Dark...'', she said and started to walk to Castle town.

''But where do we meet again? Is there a place where i could find you?'', he asked desperate. It wasn't a no, but this answer was not what he expected. He was a gentleman on the way to castle town and was charming as ever, he thought that she already fell for him and he could meet her again at his castle to make things serious.

With a smile she turned around. '' It was fate that you were here to rescue me and hopefully it's fate that we meet again, Dark'', she winked and went on.

What did he expect. She wasn't that easy to win. '' Wow...what a girl'', he thought. ''And i was such an idiot. Embarrassing myself with my stuttering. I acted like a little lonely boy. I had to say something like that. Oh man..great move Dark'', annoyed about himself he started his way to the castle.

There was a big meeting with higher ranked soldiers and of course the princess. Dark told them about the monsters and that there are more than normal. They started to discuss what to do. Most of the time he was thinking of a way to found you again. That would be much more diffcult than killing monsters.

''Thank you for the informations. I will tell Link everything. He will have a look at that. Link is at Kakariko Village because of a mission. It will take some time, but i think we are not in a hurry. It's normal that there are more monsters. We have the blood moon season, so don't be afraid.'', princess Zelda explained and pulled him out of his daydreaming and back to the meeting.

''I am not afraid, princess and i also know that it's blood moon season, but i think we shouldn't take that too easy. Link should hurry. I feel that there is something odd, but without light weapons it's too difficult to got near the cursed areas.'' Dark said annoyed.

''Yeah okay, i will tell Link about it and send him to the woods with some soldiers. Don't worry.'', Zelda answered. She didn't think that there was a problem and she had more important things to do and Link too. She would tell him about it, when it would get important.

''Okay, but don't wait too long.'', Dark said and stood up. He had a bad feeling about that and the princess wasn't really helpful, but he had to wait.

The meeting was over and it was time to travel back, but not for Dark. He wanted to see her again. At home he wouldn't get the chance to see you, but at Castle town. He gave it a try and took a walk through the streets of the town, afraid that fangirls would catch him, but it was worth it. ''Maybe it's fate that i thought about that idea.'', he smiled.

But it was not that easy. Not like the stories where the brave hero searched for his girl and found her easily and they lived happily forever together.

Hours went by and he got more and more frustrated. He couldn't find her. He asked some townspeople and they didn't listen. They just squealed and were happy to see him in real. He also had to hide, because a group of fangirls ran after him and wanted to show their love.

It was already evening, exhausted he found a bar and just wanted to have a drink and some time to think.

''Oh what a pleasure. The great warrior of the Dark Realm at my little place.'', Telma watched him with a smile and put a glas on the bar table.

''Great... i thought i will get some peace in here.'', he thought, but took a seat at the bar to get a drink. What did he expect. He was known all over the place like Link. Both very handsome and it was just normal to have fangirls. He sighed.

''Oh poor boy. Don't be afraid. I will let you rest. I really like you and Link, but i am no fangirl. Look at me. I am much older than you! I need a man, not a boy!'', she said and laughed out loud.

''Believe me...the age is not important for some people...'', he answered and shivered of the images in his head. Older ladies that threw themselves to him or wanted to kiss him. A crazy world...

Dark sighed again and took a sip of the drink he got from Telma. He noticed that it was red wine. His favourite drink. ''I got luck with the bar and the drink, but not with her...'', he thought and looked sad.

''What happened? Why are you so sad?'', Telma started a conversation. For a second he thought about it to tell her about (Y/N), but was too afraid to look like a stalker.

'' Damn it.'', he said and started to explain. Her name, the incident at the Lost Woods and how beautiful she was. With hope in his eyes he waited for her response.

''Well you have luck, why didn't you say it sooner. My sweet (Y/N) caught your eye. That are wonderful news. You know she is a very shy girl, but work very hard to help people with her medicine. She often comes to my bar and meets me, my little boy. You need time with her. Boyfriend stuff and love isn't that easy for her. She hasn't experienced it. She is like a rare treasure, something special.'', Telma said with a bright smile.

''So you know her!!! Where is she!?'', Dark stuttered and took Telma's hands.

Now Telma knew why he was so popular. He was so adorable. A young boy in love.

''Sweet little troublemaker. At this time she is at home. She loves the nature and has a house at the end of castle town where the woodlands start. At daytime she is searching for herbs in the lost woods or she is at the castle to deliver the medicine.'', Telma explained.

''Thank you so much!'' Dark said and rushed out of the bar.

''Blooming love such a sweet drink in the world would taste so good.'', she thought and started to clean the bar.

The story of a broken knight Dark Link x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now