Chapter 1

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Kim Mi Cha watched from her window as the party was in full swing. The endless array of expensive looking pulling up and dropping people dressing in gorgeous gowns, dripping in wealth. Loud music, people laughing and cackling could be heard across the way to her house. The bright light of the Jeon mansion blinded her eyes and filled her with absolute want and envy.

  Though she remained quiet else she'd wake her father, Kim Min Cho once a prominent attorney now washed up alcoholic with a gambling addiction so bad that any day debt collectors would be coming to collect on their precious home

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Though she remained quiet else she'd wake her father, Kim Min Cho once a prominent attorney now washed up alcoholic with a gambling addiction so bad that any day debt collectors would be coming to collect on their precious home.

  Her father was a horrible drunk now often flying into fits of rage and beating on poor Mi Cha

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Her father was a horrible drunk now often flying into fits of rage and beating on poor Mi Cha. Her only friend, her childhood friend, Jung Hoseok or he liked to be called Hobi would she sneak off to his house and be fed by his mom and dad. She would often cry in his arms but never gave up hope that things would get better one day.

Hobi would end up walking her home but she never allowed him in her house always making him stay by the end of the driveway before going inside. If her father was there she would always pray he was passed out if he was not he would often go off on her for not being there to take care of him then she'd receive a beating from him.

She never cried in from of him when he hit her repeatedly across the face or used his belt on her backside. The welts and bruises would form and burn but she never ever cried in front of him. If he was passed out she'd climb into her bed and go to sleep. 

  In her dreams there was no beatings, no terrible father. In her dreams she was loved by her father and her mother was there too. She had all the love she needed and could want. Her home was filled with love and laughter.

As always reality woke her up in the morning and the starkness of what she had to deal with hits her once again. She went for a quick morning jog before the bullshit started. Mi Cha passed by the Jeon mansion now lay quiet but for the lone owner, Jeon Jungkook who she saw walked out to his drive to pick up his daily morning paper.

Jungkook had been watching his shy and timid neighbor Mi Cha for quite some time. He knew when she was watching his wild house parties, she'd sit on by her bedroom window and stare for hours. He knew that she watched everything he did and was fascinated by his life.

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