Chapter 24

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*A new update after so many months!! I hope it was worth the wait!!*

Jungkook lifted his arms and placed them gently around his wife's small frame. She shivered but did not freak out. She burrowed her body into her husband's and held onto him tighter. When she finally spoke her voice came out little above a whisper, "he hurt me, Jeon. I want to die." Jungkook's heart slammed in his chest. He didn't know what to do. Like her, he held onto her and prayed that an answer would come to him soon. That he would find a way to stop her pain.

But just as he was settling his wife more snuggly into his arms she turned on him.

"Fuck, let go of me!! Get away from me!!" Mi screamed and shoved her husband away from her. She crawled backwards slowly and put her hands up to defend herself. The look in her eyes was terrifying. She kept scooting back on her butt till she ran into the wall behind then she curled herself into a ball and screamed.

"Get away!! Don't touch me!!!" Her body huddled in the corner and her eyes were as big as saucers. It was like she didn't recognize the man in front of her. Jungkook's heart tore in two as he watched his wife fall apart. Even when Jungkook hunched down onto the floor to not make himself seem so intimidating, Mi flinched and screamed some more. "Get away from me!! I don't know you!!" He met his wife's eyes that were full of terror and fear. He bit his lip to keep from breaking down in front of her.

Dr. Cha mean while had his nurses quickly surround and gave her a shot of medicine that calmed her then put her to sleep. He body went limp as the nurses put her on a stretcher and wheeled her back to her room. Jungkook just stood there. In shock. He was so confused. One minute his wife is huddled in his arms begging for his help the next shes shoving him away and screaming at him to get away from her.

Dr. Cha noticed Jungkook still hunched on the floor and walked over to the young man. His low voice spoke above him. "I know what you're thinking. It's not your fault. She's regressing and I'm afraid she snaps without warning. Most of the time she comes out of it but this is the worse episode she's had since being admitted."

Jungkook stood up and met the doctor's kind eyes. He was at a loss for words. "I-I don't know to help her." He dropped his head into his hand and exhaled deeply.

"Just don't give up on her. Her behavior may take another turn it's hard to tell. She's okay one minute then she's having a break down. Be mindful of what you say and how you are around her. Keep a good distance as to not trigger or upset her. She a very long road ahead of her and it may get worse but with time and care I think she will heal, slowly. We just have to go at her pace." Dr. Cha patted Jungkook on the arm reasurringly. The younger nodded.

"Good then I will be going. I have to see to her before I go check on my other patients. You have my pager number in case anythin goes on. As for today I would go home and rest. Try coming to see her tomorrow. I can't say it will get better but try. That's all you can do. I'm going to keep her here a few more days then release her into your care. We can discuss that more later. Good day, Jungkook-ah." Dr. Cha smiled softly and walked back down the hallway to Mi's room.

Two days later-Seoul Circut Court IV-Criminal Court-10am

Even though Do Ma had entered a plea of not guilty by mental defect his family could not meet the amount for his bail. Thanks to Jeon Group, Sung Industries Inc was bankrupted. The team of lawyers dwindled down to one then that lawyer withdrew as his services, aka expenses could not be met either. Do Ma was left with a public defender and he urged Do Ma to plead guilty by reason of mental defect. That was his best shot at getting a lighter sentence. Though in reality Do Ma's fate was already sealed. He refused to change his plea. A trial date was set and two days later thanks to Jungkook the trial had begun.

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