Chapter 21

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(A/N: I have terrible writer's block for the past week and half with this story as of lately. I apologise profusely to my readers for the long delay in Chapter 21. I hope that I don't disappoint. I will warn this Chapter may contain graphic content that may upsetting to some readers so you can skip ahead and I will post a warning beforehand. In the meantime. I will do my best to get the the best to you! I know after this chapter I will probably be getting hell about it.  Just remember, every cloud as a silver lining.  Stay with me on this.  I know where I'm going with it. Fighting!! Cheers!!💜

Jeon heard the front door open and slammed shut. Shit she must of run out. He got up and pulled himself together before also rushing out but stopped by the kitchen when a yellow note caught his eye. He picked it up and read it.

"Jeon, I can't do this anymore. I thought we could be happy but being apart of a family that was responsible for taking my mother away from me and then her death, I can't be apart of that. I want a divorce."

Jeon's ears rang and his eyes blurred as he fought back the tears. There it was in black and white. He had lost her.

Meanwhile Mi got midway down the trail when she found that the mudslide at indeed cut off the path downhill making the rest of the trek down nearly impossible. What the hell was she gonna do? She pulled out her phone and looked to see if she had a signal. Shit no signal. She didn't want to go back up the hill either because she'd have to see Jeon again. She was in a precarious position.

She stood there a few more moments trying her best to figure the situation out. Mi felt a chill run through before something hit her on the back of the head and she blacked out.

Her last conscious thought was, Oh shit!

Was she in trouble or something much worse?

Mi's ears were ringing and her head throbbed from the pain. She had a hard focusing as the the room was dark. It was unfamiliar. She had very bad feeling she was not in a good place. She made a move to get up but felt a restriction of her arms. She looked up and saw that her arms were shackled to a wall behind her. Her legs remained free. Underneath she was propped up on a thin mattress that did little to keep her warm from the dirty cold floor. "Jeon." she silently cried.

Jeon hesitated to follow after his wife. Maybe she just needed some time to. cool off so he let her run off but a bad feeling nagged him and he grabbed his jacket and ran out the door not long after Mi left the house in tears. Why did he let her leave like that. He had to find her and try to make her understand. He was not his father. He would never be his father. He raced down the path as far he could go before the mudslide had blocked the path and he could go no further so he thought he'd thought he'd easily find his wife there too but she was nowhere to be found. However he found something that made his blood run cold. He found her shoes. Where the hell where would she go without her shoes? Next to her shoes he saw a dark patch of what look like, no it couldn't be. Blood. Shit. Mi was in trouble and he had feeling he could not get to her easily. "God damn it to hell!" Jeon shouted outloud. No cell service, he couldn't reach Tae either. No help was coming for days. His wife was missing. He felt sick to his stomach. He ran his hands that were shaking through his chestnut brown hair and silently began to cry.


Mi struggled against her shackles and she felt the nervousness in her body rise. She didn't like the feel of the place. She heard noises coming from outside the room and door at the far end of the dimly lit room swung open. In walked in a petite brown hair, woman dressed in extravagant clothing carrying a tiny pooch in her right arm. She approached Mi with a smirk on her face. "So you're finally awake. my guys had such a hard getting you here. You put up such a fight." She chuckled so evil-like showing her straight white teeth." Mi hissed at her. "Who the fuck are you and why the hell am I here." She clicked her tongue at Mi. "Such language coming from a refined lady such as yourself. She kicked the mattress and Mi flinched. "See, I'm the one that gets to talk and ask the questions. Not you." She shuffled the pooch to her left side and caressed it's soft fur. I owed my cousin a favour so here you are. It's that simple. He's kind of being watched but I'm really not. Most people don't know we're related. You're poor friend Tae whatever his name is chasing after a false lead so yeah anyway. Plus your father screwed over my cousin and he doesn't take kindly to that. Think of yourself as the consolation prize."

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