Chapter 8

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Jeon had called his wife a drunk causing her to slap him hard across face, deservedly so, then her rushing into the house and locking herself in the master bathroom.

Ah, god damnit!!" Jeon shouted outloud. He knew he shouldn't of said what he said but it was too late to take it back. He turned and raced up the stairs to try to do damage control with his wife.

"Cha let me in. Come on. Listen, just unlock the door so I know you're okay." Silence from the other side. He didn't like it. He gave her one more minute before he fished out the extra set of keys he had and unlocked the door. Jeon walked into the bathroom but did not expect to see what he saw.

His wife, laying on the floor in a pool of blood.

"Fucking hell!" Jeon screamed.

He stood frozen in his place, unable to move as a bad memory hovered on his the horizon of his mind but he pushed it away.

Jeon rushed forward to kneel down by his wife. A razor blade lay by her right hand. The blood he figured out was coming from slashes that his wife used to cut both of her wrists. The deep red blood pooled beneath each wound. He inspected the wounds and they were pretty deep. "Fuck. Why the hell did you do this, Cha?"

He raced to the medicine cabinet to get bandages and medical tape and also a warm wet towel to try to stop the bleeding. 

Anyone else in his situation would be in a panic but he was not. He was actually used to it. His mother suffered from depression and often tried to hurt herself, Jeon would be the one to "take care of it"' as his father would put it.  He quickly got the bleeding to stop and bandaged up the wounds on both wrists.  "Damnit to hell, Cha. This isn't the answer."

Calling 119 was not an option so he called his personal physician, Dr. Kim Nam-joon. He would help and keep this discreet as his dad had done for their mother.

He let it ring twice before Dr.Kim answered.

DrKim:"Jungkook-ah, what can I do for you?"
JK:"Listen, I have an emergency and I need you here. How soon can you get to Switzerland?"
DrKim:"I'm in Paris actually getting done with a medical conference I can be there in about 3 hours. What's wrong?"
JK:"I told you I got married and need a personal physician for my wife right? Well she's having a breakdown. She's drinking and her behaviour is erratic but now she's gone and done something extreme like my mother used to do."
DrKim:(He sighed deeply) "I know dealing with your mom's illness was hard on you now your wife is showing signs of it. No need to explain, I'm headed that way. Text me the address and I'll see you shortly. Keep her hydrated and the wounds clean as possible if she spikes a fever you may need to take her to the hospital. It may not be able to be avoided."
JK:"Yes, I will keep that in mind. See you soon." Click end of call.

Jeon went back to his wife who looked so pale and lifeless on the floor. I can't leave her lying here, he lamented to himself. He picked her up and carried her to their bedroom, laying her down gently on the bed. He ran a cold cloth across her head and neck to keep her cool hopefully keep any fever at bay.

He felt angry at himself for setting her off and angry at Cha her doing this to herself.

She moaned and whined in her sleep. The pain must be causing her discomfort. He picked up the cold cloth and wiped down her head, and face some more.

"Jeon...I'm sorry." (in the faintest of whispers.) he almost didn't hear but his head was right next her mouth when she said it.  "You have no idea what you've done, Cha. Not a clue." He wiped her forehead that had collected sweat on it and laid down next to her waiting for the doctor to arrive.

3 hours later....

3 hours later

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