"Ask The Characters!!"

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We've returned and very quickly I might add to this segment's "Ask The Character's" and our guest is the CEO of The Jeon Group, Jeon Jungkook. He will sit down to answer your questions.

Let's bring him now. (He walks in looking very stoic and face void of any emotion. He bows respectively and sits down.)

We will begin with the first question from our readers.

(Jeon nods his head to start)

Q1:Why did you choose Cha when you could easily have had any girl and you don't love her either?
A1: (Jeon rubs his chin before answering.) "I didn't choose her. We had an arrangement to keep her safe from her father's debtors who were out for blood. Plus she has always been one of those girls who wouldn't succumb to my sinful ways and charms. So it worked well for me." (He fidgets in his seat. He doesn't want to answer the second part of the question but is directed to do so. He indicates that he can leave at any time so quit pushing him to answer. He's becoming agitated but finally answers) "No, I do not love her. We have a business arrangement and our marriage does not involve emotional crap, feelings and baggage. We converse, eat together and f***k. There is no love between us. It's better that way. No one is going to get hurt and all that jazz." (He puts his hand up indicating that he's done answering that question.)

Next question:

Q2: What is a Cha to you?
A2: "She's a business arrangement, a good f***k and when it calls for it, a trophy wife I parade around for my business clients."

Q3: Why do I like to touch her so much?
A3: (He smirks and then chuckles) "I have a way with my seduction. I don't have to touch her and she falls into my arms. (Evading the question. Told to answer directly.) Because it's what I do. It's what I'm good at. I don't have to touch her and I can make her wet and beg for me. When I do touch her she responds every time. (He arches his brow and licks his lips)

Q4: Why did I send her that picture of your d**k?
A4: "She ran away from me. She got me all worked up and wasn't there to take care of it so I sent it to her to remind her what she does to me and how she needed to correct the situation. Or it's just me being a horny ass guy." (He winks.)

Q5: Have you had any girlfriend's before marrying Cha? If so then who and why?
A5: (He shakes his head) "No, I've f***ked a lot of girls over the years but none enough to be my girlfriend. Girlfriend's get too clingy then they want a commitment and I wasn't going to do that. Seduce them yes, date them no. Plus being disgustingly wealthy they'd come after me for my money so I learned to slip them out of their panties but not enough to put a ring on it. Before you ask I know what you're thinking, Cha needed protecting from her father's dirty deeds. We don't have a real marriage so I don't feel compelled to make a real commitment to her."

Looks like we're out of time. Thank you Jeon Jungkook for sitting down and answering questions from our readers.

(He stands up, bows respectively again and walks silently out the door.)

Thanks joining us in this "Ask The Character's segment.  Our next segment will feature Mi Cha's best friend and soon to be raising idol, Jung Hoseok.  We will see you at 750 views for a question and answer session!!

Until then!!
Love to all!!

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