Chapter 10

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Jeon waited downstairs as Dr. Joon checked out his wife. After an hour he had come downstairs. Dr. Joon came and found Jeon in his office. He poked his head into Jeon's office, "Jungkook-ah got a minute?"

"Yeah, Joon-ie. What's up?" Jeon rubbed his eyes and the back of his neck. "What's wrong with, Cha?"

"Well for one, Kookie-ah, she needs to quit drinking. She's going to kill her liver if she doesn't stop....and.....the baby."

Jeon was half asleep but what he just heard shot him out of his chair.


Dr. Joon levelled his eyes at Jungkook and folded his arms. "You heard what I said, Kookie."

"My wife is pregnant?!"

Jeon couldn't believe it. His wife was pregnant. This was happening way too fast.

"This is not possible." Jeon lamented to outloud.

Dr. Joon came over to stand by him. "It is I assure you, Kookie-ah. Did and your wife have unprotected sex?"

"Well yeah lots of times but she told me she was on the pill and we'd wait to have kids."

"Kookie-ah did she actually tell you she was on the pill or did you assume so?"

Jeon's mouth dropped open. He thought he'd covered all his bases with this arrangement but how did he miss that?

Well, shit. What the hell. Was this her plan all along? Now she could trap him with this....he couldn't even say it.

"Kookie, it doesn't matter how it happen, the point is it's happened and now she needs to take care of her health.  The amount of alcohol she is consuming is not good for the baby. You need to convince her to stop for her and the baby's sake. I can't stress this enough."

Jeon's head was spinning. He wasn't ready for this. He didn't want to deal with this. He lifted his head from his lap to rub his weary eyes. "Does Cha know?"

"Yes, she knows. She's sleeping now. So let her rest. She needs that. Get rid of the alcohol and make sure she's eating well for the baby's sake.  I need to get going. I left some pamphlets by the nightstand on the stages of pregnancy and a book the you and her can read to take you through the week by week process. I gave her scripts for the nausea and heartburn. I've put her and your numbers on my speed dial and mine on hers in case she needs me. I made an appointment for her to come and see me in my office in two weeks for her first ultrasound and checkup." Dr. Joonie informed him.

"No this is happening. I'm dreaming right?"
Dr. Joon chuckled. "Afraid not. It's very real. See you soon, Daddy!!" He slapped Jeon on the shoulder and raced out of the house. "Yah, don't call me that!!!" He screamed at Dr. Joon as he was leaving and you could hear the Dr laughing in his way out.

Jeon made his way to the bar and poured himself a scotch. He downed it quickly trying to calm his nerves. He had questions for his wife. 

He went into his office to do some work and fell asleep at his desk. When he came to is was almost 7am.  He called his V.P. Park Jimin.

JK: Jimin-ah. I can't make it to work this morning. Cover my meetings will you? I'll try to be in by noon."
Jimin: "Yes of course sir. Is everything alright? We have that meeting with...."
JK: "I'll trust you to lead the meeting just fine, Jimin-ah. I'll be in by 10am. Don't worry. I have some things that I need to take care of...I will see you around 10ish.."
Jimin: "Yes sir. Oh wait. These contracts just came in for that American firm we just acquired and they need your signature today."
JK: (sighing deeply) "Alright bring them by the house and I'll sign them."
Jimin: "Very good sir. I'll be right over."
JK: "Alright." Click end of call.

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