Chapter 11

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Jeon and Jimin were in the kitchen when Dr. Joon came to talk to them. "Kookie-ah you're wife is going to be okay. She has a concussion from the fall and a few bruises but other than that she'll be okay."

Jeon asked, "What about the baby?"

"Look, can we speak in private, Kookie-ah? Jeon looked over at Jimin. "Yah, Jiminie-ah can you give us a minute?" Jimin nods his head. "Of course I'll go see how Mi is doing and if she needs anything at all."  Jimin rushed off out of the kitchen leaving Dr.Joon and Jeon alone.

Jeon turned back to Dr.Joon. "Well let's have it then."  Dr.Joon approached Jeon slowly and put his hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Kookie."

Jeon felt the air go out of room and he swayed a bit before he righted himself. "Well what do you mean? Quit beating around the bush, Joon."

"The fall down the stairs, she...its...the baby is gone."  There it was. It just hung in the air. Jeon felt guilty for causing her fall but he couldn't let himself feel upset over something that barely was.  He stepped away from Dr.Joon. "Right so I...well that's ummm....I need to go into the office.  Meetings all day today."

Dr.Joon tried to approach Jeon but he kept putting distance him. "Kookie you need to deal with this."

Jeon jerked away from him. "You don't tell me how to deal with this. There's nothing to deal with."

Dr.Joon sighed deeply before speaking again. "This is how you dealt with your mother and with your parents death."

"Don't..." Jeon warned him. "Do not go there." His voice dropping dangerously low and full of intent.

"You bottle everything up, Kookie. You can't do the same with this too. She needs you right now. This is devastating for her. Devastating for you too"

Jeon laughed out of character. "How is this devastating for me? It was barely anything and probably not my baby so there's nothing to get upset over, leave it alone, Joon."

"I need to go see another patient but she'll need absolute bed rest for the next several days. Please call me if you need anything. I'm sorry again oh and please try not to fight with her." Dr.Joon picked up his bags and left.

Jeon poured himself a drink and let the strong liquid burn his throat. He needed to get out of here. He grabbed his keys and shouted up to Jimin,"Jimin-ah I'm heading into the office. Take the rest of the day off!!" Jeon didn't wait for an answer instead jumped in his car and sped off to work. He needed to drowned himself in it.


Mi was not resting like the doctor told her to go. She needed to get out of here as well. She was packing and not just an overnight bag either. She was leaving Jeon. She'd lost the baby. Why wasn't she upset about it? She didn't really know. Maybe the shock of it hadn't hit her just yet. "Jimin-oppa, please can you drive me to Hoseokie's place. I can't stay here in this house anymore." Mi dropped her shoulders and Jimin saw how upset she was.

"Mimi, I'm so sorry. Of course I'll drive you to Hoseokie's place. You need time to breath and regroup." He walked up to her and she fell into his arms. She let the tears pour from her eyes freely. She shook and sobbed. Jimin wrapped his arms around her and held her as she wailed over the loss of her baby. He cradled her head in his shoulder and rocked her gently as her body started to convulse from the damn finally breaking.

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