Cry For Help

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Sorry I haven't posted recently. Here's a short one I wrote today.

After sitting at lunch not touching her pizza and listening to her friends babble on about the new gossip or whatever, she went to the bathroom for her daily routine.

Crappy days, again and again and no one notices. No one notices her untouched pizza, no one notices her staring with teary eyes out the window all day, no one notices how she always has bags under her eyes from sleeping from 3-5:45, no one notices how she holds her sleeves to cover her wrists, and no one noticed that her smiles and laughs had become less and less until they ceased to exist.

Although it's actually not fair to say no one noticed, because actually her friends did notice. But when they asked if she was okay, and she said I'm fine, they didn't push enough. They didn't get the actual answer out of her. I'm dying inside, she would have said. Even though my life is perfect, and nothing bad has happened, I still can't manage to be happy.

She would say, I can't sleep even though that's all I want to do. I keep hurting myself even though all I want is for the pain to stop. I keep my mouth shut all day even though all I want to do is cry for help.

Help me! She would say in her mind. Read my eyes, please. See how i'm hurting, and help.

But no one ever did, so she decided to say goodbye.

The issue with that is I am the girl and this is my goodbye. If only I'd cried for help.

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