Chapter 14

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„So. You have to ask you parents! We don't want doing something wrong. Just ask them. I'm sure they let you come with us. And I gess you have luck because the whole tour is while you have holidays! So no school, you're going to Europe with us and you can maybe visit your family!“, Andre said. „That's true! And it's going to be amazing!“, Riker said and kissed me on the cheek. „So we have holidays there. Than the tour is in February and March.“, Bia asked. „Yes. Exactly. It will start in one month!“, Mark said. „Oh. Wow. And when do the R5Family get to know it?“, I said and was a bit confused because it's not many time left. But ok. „In 2 days and the ticket sale starts in 4 days. And the band have to rehearsal this week. They should begin this week.“, Andre said. „Ok.“, Bia and I said. And I had a question: „You're going to have a lot of interviews, right? Do you gonna tell the fans the truth?“ I was a bit worried about that. What if the fans don't like us or we get bullied from them. I don't want that.

„Oh. I gess we don't say it. But what if the fans see us together in the city? Or should we tell them?“, Ross said. „I wouldn't say it for the first time and when there are to many rumours than we maybe could say it when the girls what that too.“, Riker said. Bia just said: „We will see.“ and I agreed. „Ok. So, when do you start rehearsal for the tour? We still have school and I don't think I can come to the...“, I said and Ross cut in: „Oh. You don't have to come all the time acutally. We ah maybe ahm... we could do...“ and than Riker cuts in: „SURE! I know what you wanna do! That's a great idea! So... ah... do we wanna go to Starbucks? And drink some coffee?“, Riker asked.

„Sure! That's a great idea.“, Bia said and looked at Ross like she wanna aks him to come with us. „Yes. I come with you guys. Can we go, Andre?“, Ross asked. Andre nodded and we let Ross drive to the next Starbucks. Riker do not wanted to drive his car and so the only one with driver license is Ross... Yes.. he's a bad driver. I was pretty scared but ok. We are still alive. No. That's only a joke. He's now such a bad driver. I just feel a bit safer when Riker would drive.

After an amazing day with the boys and Bia we went home. The first thing I did, when I got home: I asked my mom, if I could come with R5.

„Sammy. You're 16! I don't know. I don't even know your boyfriend yet. Maybe we could first get to know each other.“, Mom said. „But mom. He was here at the sleepover with his brothers and his sister. You indirectly know him from my pictures on my wall and you know him from my sayings all the time. Please! Bia is also with us. Please. Please. Please.!“, I told her. „Ok. Look. I have an idea. We wanted to grill in the next few weeks anyway. What, if we maybe invite them to a barbecue. Than I get to know his family and your boyfriend. I wanna know with which people you are going to Europe. Is that ok? This sunday? You can ask his family. And than we could invite Bia's family too. Than everyone know each other and that would be better for everyone. I mean we can't let you go with actually 'unknown' people.“, mom said. „Ok. Thank you mom. I ask them right now.“ I hugged her, went to my room and called Riker:

„Hey Sammy. And did you asked you mom?“, he asked. „Yes. I did. But she don't want me to come with you.“ „What? Oh no.. That's sad.“, Riker cut in. „No. Wait. She said, she want's to invite you and your family and Bia plus family to a barbecue here at my house. There my mom get to know your family and than she feels a bit more safer and she's probably saying Yes after that. We thought about sunday. It that ok?“ „Oh. Yes sure this is ok. I gess I go ask my family. But I'm sure we have time. And we maybe can't meet us before sunday again, because we have to rehearsal for the tour.“, Riker said. „Yes. That's ok. I have a lot to do for school. It's ok. Ask you family and text me than. I gonna call Bia now.“, I said and we hung up.

I called Bia and asked her the same. She asked her parents and said that she can come. „Great! That's going to be great! Three amazing familys at one house having a barbecue.“, I said. „Awe. Yes! And we can have fun with our boyfriends. What do you think was Ross meaning today with, that we are not supposed to be at the rehearsal all the time.“, she asked. „Oh. I acutally don't want to be there all the time. Than we maybe don't have fun at the concerts anymore. So I don't know what you're meaning. It's not that bad.“ „Yeah. That's true. But I can't get these words out of my head. That confouses me. But ok. So when we should come on sunday?“ „Oh.. I don't know. I will tell you tomorrow at school. I don't even know yet if R5 can come... so I tell you all at school. Are you finished maths homework. I don't get the problem there.. Can I copy it form you?“, I asked. „Oh Sammy. Yes. But it's the last time!“ „Thanks for saving me! The teacher would have killed me when I don't have my homework again.“, I said.

At School:

I was copying the maths homework from Bia and than told her that she should come half an hour earlier at sunday because maybe she could help me picking up the right dress for the day and I told that R5 will be there around 5 PM.

„Ross called me yesterday and kept asking if you have a pool in your garden. I said yes. So I hope that's ok. Because you don't often use it so i had not really a good idea what to say.“, Bia told me. „Oh that's ok. I told Riker that maybe they can bring swimsuits with them. It was a long time ago. I always wanted to go in there again. Bring yours too!“ „Yes. Sure!“

The schoolday was boring and the afternoon wasn't better. I had to go food shopping with my mom for sunday and we have to put up the brazier. After that I did homework and got to bed very early.

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