chapter 10

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At Starbucks:

I went in and saw Bia and Sammy. „Hello!“, I said and sat down besides Sammy. „So. Ehm. I thought about it and now I know why I don´t want to be your boyfriend.“ „Why? I´m really that ugly?“, she said and Bia punched againgst her foot with her foot. „Aua! That was my injured foot!“, Sammy said. „Sorry. But maybe now you know that you aren´t ugly!“, Bia said. „Ehm. Ok. I don´t wanna be with you because I don´t wanna miss you when we are on Tour. You can´t come with us. What is, when we are in Germany next year. Or have a big world tour. Than I´m a few months away from you.“ „I would love to go back to Germany.“, Sammy said. „What?“, I asked. „Oh, you don´t even know this. Bia and I aren´t form Cali. She´s form Portugal and I´m from Germany. And yes. It wouldn´t be that nice to be separate for a few months but I would come to the Germany concert and to the Portuguese concert with Bia and that is for sure.“, Sammy said and Bia agreed. „But I don´t know.“, I really had no idea what to say right now. I thought they are from Cali. They are talking perfectly english. „Ok Riker. Just so you know. I really love you. Not as the band member from R5. I love you for who you are. And when you don´t wanna be with me. ok. Than go on Tour. Do what you have to do. But I think than R5 would lost a fan. I couldn´t listen to your music anymore without thinking on that kiss. I couldn´t see any picture of you and a fan without thinking on that great night we had last week. Just wanna say thank you.“ Sammy said. I was speechless. That´s so sad but a really great speech. „Sammy. Please look at this. Maybe than you know what I really feel for you.“, I took my phone out of my pocket and showed her my background image. „Oh. Our kiss. You could adjust it only for now. Riker, Yes or No?“, Sammy said and first I don´t understood what she meant. But than I said: „No. I can´t be with you. It´s ok when we have one fan less. Hope that we meet again.“ I said and went back home.

POV- Sammy

„I told ya, that he hate´s me.“ I said and drunk my hot chocolate. „Sammy. I´m so sorry for you. And I feels so bad now. I´m with his brother and Riker don´t wanna be with you. Oh Sammy.“ She hugged me and I stared crying in the middle of Starbucks. Everyone was staring at me.

We drove to Bia´s house with the bus. Nobody was at home that´s why we went to her. We were sitting in the livingroom and Bia said: „Now you can cry. Noone is here.“ And I really started crying again. It was just so stupid. My mom will be mad at me because I don´t get 4 tickets for tomorrow and I will never get a boyfriend. Bia hugged me. „Someday, you will find the right one. And please don´t stop being in the R5Family.“ „Why? To see all the pictures with Riker where he has fun? We will never have a Happy End. Never. And I´m out! The R5Family is history for me now.“ „Sammy. Please don´t be stupid.“ My phone rings. It was the ringtone for Twitter. „I hate this. Why must ring this now?“ „Should I see what is going on?“ I just nodded. She took my phone and said „It´s a picture Rydel just sent you... Oh. You should maybe look at this. And read the DM!“ „Why? Had Riker accidentally a car accident?“ „Sammy! that´s not funny! And no. I think he has just a broken heard.“ „Why? He said no!“ She showed me the picture. Riker was sitting in a beach chair in his garden and was doing nothing. Rydel DM me: >He´s totally sad and don´t want to talk to anybody. And we have a Interwiev later in the day!< „Who cares? Write anythink back. I really don´t wanna talk to them again.“, I said. „Sammy. Stop being that. Maybe you should ge home and go relaxe the rest of the day.“ „Ok. Sorry. Write her that he shouldn´t be sad. He said no and this wasn´t my fault. And write her that they shouldn´t talk in this interview about me.“ „Ok.“

POV- Ross

It was in the middle of the interview as Susan, the interviewer asked: „I actually shouldn´t ask this but I´m curious, why is Riker looking so sad and didn´t said a word and why is Ross so happy and talked the whole time? Do you guys have your first official fight, or something?“ „No, we are not supposed to talk about Riker´s problem but actually Ross could tell, why he´s so happy.“, Rydel said. „Yesterday was the best day in my life. I´m sorry for all my fans who watching this but I have officially a girlfriend!“, I said. „Oh, really?“, Riker said. I think he don´t even know this. „Yes and you should stop being so stupid and ask your girl out! And stop thinking about a world tour now! We don´t even know if this will work, and have fun with your girl!“, I said. The interviewer said: „That´s great! Good luck with your Girl. And Riker? You are really that sad about a Girl? Even your younger brother got one.“ Ok. This was to much for him now. He went behind the camera, that noone can see him. „Oh. We will take a short pause and be back in a few minutes.“, the interviewer said and a man behind the camera said that the camera is off now. „I go talk to Riker.“, I said and followed him into the bathroom.

„Are you coming back. We don´t wanna do this without you. The fans will be sad, when they see the video.“, I said and looked to Riker. He looked so done and sad. „Ok. I take this as a no. But for real now. Why do you said that you don´t wanna be with her. Sammy is exactly like Bia. The cutest girls ever. She loves you and so do you. We know this, Riker.“ „But what if I came to her and she says 'No' now? She even said that she won´t be a R5 Fan anymore.“, Riker said. I actually was scared now. What if Riker is so sad that he will hurt hisself? „And what is when you try to forget her for now. She will probably do the same. Please Riker. We want our Riker back. I don´t want to have a brother who hates life because of a girl.“ I said. He looked at me. „You´re right. I should forget her. let´s go make our interview.“, he said and smiled again.

We went back into the studio and sat on our chairs. „We will cut this out. Don´t worry. The fans will never see this.“, Susan said. „Thank you.“, Riker said and we go on with our interview.

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