Chapter 11

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PoV- Riker

A few days later:

It was 8 in the morning and I was tired and don´t feel well. But I have to drive to the studio now. We will filming the Warbler scene for the next season today. I stand up and went downstairs to search for something to eat. „Riker. You don´t look good. Are you ok?“, Mom asked me as she saw me. „Oh, I don´t feel that good. But I have to go to the studio.“, I said and made a toast with Nutella. „Maybe Ross should drive you to the studios. You don´t look good. Can´t some other one dance and sing for you today?“, she said. „Mom. I´m not at school. It´s ok. When I get home in the afternoon I´ll go to the doctor and stay at home the rest of the week.“, I said and went back in my room and changed my clothes and got in my car. In the middle of my way to Glee I was falling asleep momentarily and as I woke up I saw the wall in front of me and I wanted to drive away but the only thing I realize was a loud crash.

I woke up in the hospital. It was a weird feeling because I actually was in the car like a few minutes ago. I don´t wanna know how long I slept or wasn´t conscious. The docter comes in and asked me, how I feel. „I feel good. But my leg hurts so much. And what´s actually wrong with me?“, I said and looked around. I had a cast on my right leg and on my left arm was a bandage. „So you had a car accident 3 hours ago. Your left leg is broken and you have a few abrasions on your arm. You had a lot of luck! This microsleep could have ended very bad. And you don´t had any procedure.“, the doctor said. „Ok. And my family? Are they informed?“, I asked. „Yes. I´ll call them now and say that they can come to visit you.“

After half an hour, Ross cames in. „Hey buddy. How are you?“, he asked. „I´m fine. I think.“ „Great to hear. Mom said, that she wanted me to drive you! Why did you drove alone?“, Ross asked. „I don´t know. I was so tired. In the last 4 days I dreamed of Sammy. I woke up every night. I can´t stop thinking of her. Maybe this is why I had this microsleep.“, I said. „Oh Riker. Please let us help you. Maybe I call Bia and tell her anythink and than she can tell it Sammy and they can visit you. Maybe you stop think on a World Tour now and have a nice relationship with her like me and Bia.“ „But...“ „No! I´m gonna call her. Now. See ya. And get well soon!“, Ross said and went outside. I actually don´t want that he calls Bia and Sammy now. They both will be worried about me. And I feel good. Noones should be worried about me. „Oh I hate hospitals!“, I mumbled.

POV- Bia

I was at the mall with Sammy. Her foot was ok now and she can walk again without crutches. „Oh, Ross is calling me. Wait.“, I answered the call, „Hey Sweety. How are you?“ „Hey Bia. I´m ok. But Riker isn´t.“ „What? What´s going on here. Can Sammy listen too?“ „YES! Also. Riker had a car accident.“ „Omg! No! that´s not true, right?“, Sammy said and was worried about him. „He said, he dreamed all the time of Sammy and can´t sleep because he really loves you! He drove to the Glee studios today but he had a accident. He had a microsleep.“, Ross told. „Omg. That´s so bad. Is he ok? Can I see him?“, Sammy said. „He´s fine. Riker is at the hospital right now but please visit him. I really want the old Riker back! Do something that you both are finally get togehter!“ „Ross. I really wanna be with him, but he says no the whole time. I actually don´t wanna try...“ „...Please!!“ „Ok. Come on Sammy. We will visit him now and actually I really want you two together!“, I said. We hung up and went to the hospital.

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