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With my tie straightened, my school suit cuffed, and my hair perfectly styled I took my Louis Vuitton bag onto my shoulder and left my room.

Taking my time to get to my second kitchen, I checked my phone to text my friends.

I'm wearing red today, don't match with me.

Shut up no one asked

Meet me at the gates in 15, don't be late. Yoongi

Don't rush me, my butler just woke me up

Has he picked out your outfit? Tell him no red

Again, shut up. I don't need anyone to pick my outfit when I can do it myself.

Look who isn't lazy for once

Yeah yeah, stop distracting me

10 now, you better be putting on your uniform

Don't tell me what to do hyung

No red

That's it, I'm beating your ass

Calm down. Shut up Taehyung

Stop texting me before I delete your numbers bye

I went to a performing arts school in East Seoul, quite far from my home, with my friends. Tae and I sang while Yoongi played piano and rapped. It's like a normal school with normal classes, except fine arts were a necessity.

I put my phone into my blazer pocket and walk into my second kitchen where Jjangu's maid was serving his breakfast. She's been with us for a while yet my mother doesn't allow me to call her by her name. She is much older than us and should be respected even my mother doesn't use respective terms.

"Good morning Jjangu." I reached down to pet his head, sitting on one of my knees to give him the love he deserves. He's basically only my dog but isn't allowed in my room, or even on my floor. He must stay on the second and first floor, that's only when he's allowed in the house.

"Oh, Mr. Jin. Good morning." Jjangu's maid turned around to greet me with a bow.

"Good morning." I stood back up. "Is my mother awake yet?" I smiled.

"You didn't hear? She went off to America this morning." She said carefully as she set down Jjangu's breakfast in front of him.

"Really? I didn't." I shook my head. "When will she come back?"

"She didn't tell us that. I'm surprised that she didn't tell you at all."

"I am too. I'm skipping breakfast today, I'm not hungry." I sighed and started to leave the room.

"Are you sure Mr. Jin? You don't even have a lunch prepared." She tried to stop me. She and my personal maid were better caretakers of me than my own mother.

"Yes, I'll be okay." I nodded and pulled my bag more onto my shoulder. "Good bye." I wave and bend down towards Jjangu to wish him goodbye as well.

I walked towards the elevator and stepped in, selecting the first floor, feeling a vibration in my blazer pocket, I took my phone out and check it.

I think I'm gay

I thought it was only me

Shut up I'm being serious

Who's the lucky man that's turned my Yoongi gay?

I don't know his name. I saw him on the street, and I'm in love

Hmp he's on the street, he isn't for you hyung

Not like it matters, I'll probably never see him again

You can if you want. Send staff out to look for him with the promise of a raise.

I don't need to promise anything, they better do it if I say so or they're fired this isn't a joke

Don't get attached hyung, he's poor. Your parents wouldn't even allow him in the house

You underestimate my ability to keep secrets

I chuckled to myself and put my phone away once the elevator opened. I was often greeted by the rest of the staff as they lined up to send me off to school with my mother. She would stand at the end of the line with my lunch, but today there was no one. I sighed and thanked them for trying to make me smile anyway and finally left the house.

Checking my Rolex, I noticed that I was running late. I needed to get to school fast so I walked towards the Lamborghini.

"I need to be at school in 4 minutes." I told my driver.

"Yes, Mr. Jin." He nodded and opened the back door for me before closing it after I was in. He got into the driver seat and sped off to be sure I got to school in my desired range of time. I checked my phone once more.

I'm pulling up to the school now

Almost there

Why are you guys so early?

You said 15, it's been 14

Yeah, if you said any later I'd been half an hour late.

I'm on my way now, should be there in 2

Hurry hyung, the girls sense our presence

He's a weird one, certainly. But we three grew up together, solely because our parents were rich and had kids at the same time.

Before I knew it, the door was being held open for me by my driver as we had finally arrived at the school.

I grabbed my bag and bowed thanks to my driver before he took off. I started towards my friends where they stand beside the gate.

"Took you long enough, I was about to fall asleep again." Yoongi yawned.

"You're too nice to your staff, they're going to walk all over you hyung." Taehyung commented as he watched my driver go.

"I'd hate to be your butler if you're telling me I'm too nice." I joked.

"I'm not mean, I just make sure my staff know who their master is."

"Ew, don't call yourself a master." Yoongi gave him a grossed out look.

"This conversation took a turn." I chuckled. "Let's just hurry up and go before we're late to class."

These first few chapters are really cringe I aM AWARE

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