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I stopped in front of the nurse's office, hands in my pockets as I wasn't sure whether I wanted to go in or not.

I sighed and pulled a hand from my pocket to turn the door handle. I walked in with a smile to greet the nurse.

"Hello nurse Kim." I smile towards her.

"Oh Jin? What's wrong, another headache?" She asked me. She was a small woman, in both height and size. Nonetheless, she was amazing at taking care of students. Well as far as my experience.

"Not this time." I shook my head. I looked around for them. "I came to check on my friends."

"Oh, I haven't seen Taehyung or Yoongi." She said, picking up a bag of ice.

"I have other friends than those two. Two more." I told her.

"Those two are yours?" She whispered a little and pointed to the curtain that was pulled around a corner in the room.

"Yeah. They're still alive, right?" I joked.

"Of course." She smiled and turned around to get something else. "Was it Taehyung again?"

"Yes. I'm working on getting him to stop." I nodded and put my hands in my pockets.

"Good luck with that. Do you need anything with them?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at me. I took my bookbag off and put it on a chair to look through it.

"I brought a few things." I pulled two pastel small boxes out. My maid always packs snacks for me in my bag before I leave. "Give these to them?" I stacked them on each other and passed them to her.

"Oh sure." She takes the boxes. "You don't want to give them t-"

"I can't, nurse Kim. I have to go to class." I quickly said. I'm not avoiding talking to him or anything. I just have to get back to class.

"O-oh, okay. But they should be going back to class in a few minutes. Don't you want to wait for them?"

"No, I'm going first. Goodbye."

"Bye Jin, have a good day." She smiled and waved.


Jimin shoved my arm playfully and giggled at me. We sat in the nurse beds behind a curtain. We each held ice on ourselves, Jimin on his stomach and mine on the side of my face.

"Just like middle school." I chuckled lazily.

"Hyung!" Jimin hit my arm. "Bullying isn't a good memory." He pouted.

"It is this time." I smile softly and speak more to myself. So his name is Jin?

"Stop smiling so hard hyung. It's bothering me." He laughed.

"Sorry sorry." I covered my mouth and chuckled a little. "My face hurts so bad."

"My stomach too. That sunbae is so nice. Do you know each other?"

"Yeah. He's my seat partner in class." I look down at my feet.

"He's so handsome too. Could we befriend him?" He looked over at me excitedly. He looked so happy, like he never had depression in the first place.

"We'll do what you want, Jimin." I smiled over at him. He gave me his signature eye smile and I showed my dimples in response.

"Boys, Jin left these gifts behind for you." The nurse peaked in the curtain with two boxes.

"For us? Really?" Jimin gasped. She nodded and walked in to sit one on each of our beds. She then left us again. "I nearly choked." He held his chest.


By the time we leave the nurse, our free period was over. It was time for our last class.

"Jungkook walk Jiminie to class." I said to him as he left the library. He nodded and took Jimin's hand in his own and started for the stairs.

It was time for the last class of the day. I had music class so I hurried to that class before the bell rang.

I arrived just in time. I walked inside and looked around. I didn't know anyone so I sat by myself in the back of the class. The class had no desks because I suppose we would be playing instruments at some time. The class was also fairly large.

There weren't many students in class so I expected more to fill in. And just as I said that, about 10 students walk through the door.

"Boys, leave your noise outside." The teacher looked up from his computer. Everyone grabbed a seat, I was sure one of the student's looked familiar but I just blew it off as he sat in front of me.

The teacher got up from his desk and went to close the door, coming back to stand in front of us.

"Namjoon." I was caught off guard. "What do you play?"

"E-excuse me?" I gulped.

"This is a music class, what instrument do you play?"

"Oh u-um. I don't p-play instruments..." My voice was quieter than I would have liked it to be, but I couldn't help it if I tried.

"What?" He leaned forward just a little as if that would help. Other students glanced back at me and snickered with each other.

"I-I said," I cleared my throat, "I d-don't play an instrument." I said just a bit more confidently.

"Come here." He waved his hand towards me. I looked down, I bit embarrassed to be called out like this, and gathered my things.

As I walked through the students, my walking was suddenly interrupted, someone had tripped me.

I fell to the ground, my papers flying around the class carelessly. I just laid there, face down on top of my English book. I wanted to cry but I refused to look weak in front of them. No matter how weak I am on the inside I will always be as powerful as I can on the outside.

My hearing tuned back in after a while and all I heard was laughing. I bit onto the inside of my lip and lifted myself from the ground. Mustering all the courage I could to stand back up in front of them. I didn't pick up my stuff, I walked over everything, leaving my footprints on my assignments and notes. I won't give them another way to humiliate me.

Once I reached the teacher's desk, he didn't even bother to look up from his clipboard at me after all I went through to get here. I just stared at my feet and listened to the laughter.

"Aw, guys he's crying!" Someone shouted.

"Maybe we should stop." A girl mumbled.

"Why, this is the best part." The same guy from before chuckled. I felt a paper ball get thrown at my face, I flinched and the laughter grew. I felt a wetness on my cheeks. Even though I tried to hold it back, this class has still drove me to uncontrollable tears.

"Stay after class." The teacher muttered to me.

Rich • NamJin [boyxboy] · +SLOW UPDATES+Where stories live. Discover now