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I think I was doing pretty well, controlling my other side that is. I hope that this change becomes permanent because I really don't want to be scolded by Jin anymore. In fact, I even asked Jungkook to meet me by the library after school so I can test it.

And since it was the end of the school day now, that's where I was going. I smiled to myself once I saw him since I was pretty proud of myself.

"Hey Jungkook, I didn't think you'd come." I greeted him.

"Well, I wanted to know why you asked me here." He averted eye contact with me.

"So would you say you trust me?" I smiled.

"No, my friends are outside in case I need to run." He stated. I straightened my lips and nodded. That's understandable I guess.

"Well um," What could I say that wouldn't come off as mean? It's not even mean, people are just sensitive pricks. I mean, Jungkook's not one, or any of his friends really. They're all nice and take care of the ones they love. I wish I could do that.

"If that's all you wanted then I'm gonna go." He was already walking to the door.

"Wait!" I shouted and jumped after him. I didn't even notice I was standing there, backhugging him with both arms tightly around his waist, until he cleared his throat. "Oh! Um, I-I didn't mean to." I quickly stepped back and held my hands behind my back as I stared at the ground. He turned around slowly.

"You really are changing..." He was shocked. "Why?" He was quiet for a while and once I didn't answer, he spoke again. "U-um I'm going to leave..." He slowly started to back away. Jungkook please, I'm trying my best. Nothing could escap my clenched lips though and after a few seconds, he was already gone.

After a while of just standing there and thinking about it, I finally left the school and started to walk to limo. Maybe my goal should be to become friends with him first, then maybe he'll think I'm nice. That's how it works right?

It was almost like he panicked when he saw me get shy. I wonder why. I reached my limo, the door open already and someone sitting inside. Who the hell is in my limo?

"Jin hyung?" I raised both eyebrows.

"There you are. Hurry and get in. We're going to my house."


"Y-you saw that?" I looked away.

"Yeah when you clung on to him and everything. I've never really seen you as the cuddling type but that was cute. Jungkook really brings out the best in you." He smiled proudly and sipped his tea.

"Not really." I sighed.

"So I take it that you didn't confess to him then?" I nearly choked.

"C-confess what?! I have nothing to confess!" I quickly denied.

"Except for your feelings. Jungkook was the first person you ever apologized too. The first person you've ever hugged like that. The first person you've ever ki-"

"He was not my first kiss." I said through gritted teeth and a blushed face. Jin just sipped from his tea like it was none of his business.

"Well he's certainly the first person to ever make you blush." Jin mumbled into his cup.

"I heard that."

"Good." He sipped again before setting it down. "So what you're telling me, is that if Jungkook started to like someone who wasn't you, you wouldn't be mad?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

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