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When i returned to the limo, I found Yoongi asleep across the seats. I squeezed into the limo and sat somewhere. I whispered my address to the driver so that he could take me home without waking Yoongi up, and I didn't want him to know my address because he might suddenly show up one day. I watched him sleep as we drove to my apartment, hoping that he wouldn't somehow wake up, but he looked pretty knocked out. He'll have the biggest hangover tomorrow.

I chuckled to myself as we slowly arrived at the complex.

"Take him home safely p-please." I mumbled to the driver who responded with a nod and smiled through the rear view mirror. I cleared my throat and looked back over at Yoongi, just to make sure he was still sleeping. "Thanks." I slowly slid towards the door and stepped out. Once I closed the door, I watched the limo drive away before turning around to start for my apartment.

I heard my Mickey on the other side of the door just as I unlocked the door. I feel bad when he's all alone like this for a long time, but it's only been like 5 hours since I left home to go to Namjoon's house. But I spend most of my time these days hanging out with Yoongi. He has a dog too, maybe I can bring Mickey with me one day.

I walked into my apartment, closing and locking the door behind me while Mickey jumped excitedly on my legs.

"Hi Mickey! Do you wanna go out for a walk?" I asked and he jumped in circles. "Okay come on, lets be quick it's really late." I reopened the door and let him run out before following.

I closed the door behind us as we returned. I tried to be quicker than I first expected because I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. And my life is pretty okay right now, I wanna keep it that way. We walked around for about 15 minutes though.

"Come on Mickey, bed time." I fell onto my bed and opened my arms for him. I'll have to thank Yoongi one day, he did improve my life even if it was the slightest bit. He made me feel special and wanted, a rare feeling. I owe him a lot.


I woke up to the notification sound of my phone, quickly jumping up to look at it and accidentally scaring Mickey. I need to know, BamBam may be up to something again. But only a smile laced my face when I read the message.


I chuckled and texted back.

You're hungover, aren't you?

Why'd you let me drink so muchhhh?

Well I didn't take you as a lightweight, oops

I'm not, alcohol gets to me quicker when im upset

Glad I know that now

You're gonna come over and give me kisses and cuddle my headache away, right?

I can't miss school, It's all I have if I wanna make something of myself

Not even for me??

*sigh* I'll visit you during lunch, okay?


Rich • NamJin [boyxboy] · +SLOW UPDATES+Where stories live. Discover now