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"WHAT DID SHE JUST TRIP OVE- THERE'S NOTHING THERE!" Yoongi complained. "This movie is so stupid." Yoongi reached to grab the remote, and stopped the movie. Jin and Jungkook had actually fallen asleep because of the boring movie and once the movie paused, they both slowly woke.

"What happened? Is the movie over already?" Jin stretched and looked around, seeing the black screen.

"It is now. Hyung, where's your alcohol stash?" Yoongi looked around in the kitchen.

"Don't touch my vodka! Thats only for special occasions!" Jin quickly ran after him.

"You guys wanna play truth or dare?" Tae crossed his legs on the couch, being sure to make playful eye contact with all of us.

"What's that?" Jungkook asked. Jimin was quick to cover his ears and shake his head quickly.

"Hyung, tell him no." Jimin whispered to me. I looked over at Hoseok who had fallen asleep.

"Then it's settled." Taehyung smiled after I had been quiet for a while. "You'll learn from experience. It's a fun game." He pulled Jimin's hands from Jungkook's ears.

"Ooh games." He smiled. Jimin nervously chewed his lip.

"YOONGI-AH! YOU CANT DRINK THAT!" Jin shouted from the kitchen.


"Go sit down somewhere, I'll bring you something." Jin scoffed and Yoongi returned to us.

"Never took you as an alcoholic." I chuckled.

"Not, just bored." He sat back down on the couch, pulling Hoseok's legs onto his lap so that he was now laying down.

"Perfect timing, we were just gonna play a game." Tae smiled.

"What game?" Jin came in with a brown glass bottle and a few glasses, setting them in the middle of the coffee table.

"Gin? Is this a joke?" Yoongi squinted.

"That's Jin hyung to you."

"Hyung, truth or dare." Tae looked up at him.

"Oh I like that game." Then the room went quiet as he sat down. "Oh you wanted me to answer, um dare."

"I dare you...to..." He looked around. "Prank call Mila..." he smirked. "And speak in only high notes."

"I blocked her number, I'm not getting stalked again." Jin held out his hand and laughed.

"Not stalked, but checked up on. As she called it." Yoongi chuckled, pouring himself a glass. "Would anyone like some?"

"Don't get me stalked or I'll unblock her number in your phone. And then I'll text 'I luv u bby, let's get back 2gether 😘😘'." Tae handed over his phone. "Me." He put up a hand and Yoongi handed him the glass he just poured, watching as Tae put the glass on the table in front of him. He then brought the whole bottle to his lips.

"Yoongi." Jin gave him a stern look. "But ok bet."

"I'm only kidding." He smiled and poured himself another glass of the brown drink. "Someone needs to be the comedic relief because we all know that this game will not bring good memories." He sipped with eyebrows raised.

Jin dialed the number and put it on speaker as he held it in front of him. We all listened to it ring and Taehyung waited in anticipation. Only for it to go to voicemail.

"LAME!" Yoongi shouted, waking up Hoseok in the process.

"Does that count?" I laughed.

"NOPE CALL AGAIN!" Tae claimed.



"THATS THE LAST THING IM GONNA DO, NEXT PERSON." Jin flicked his wrist and Taehyung tsked.

"Okay, Jimin truth or dare?"

"W-why me?"

"Just because." Tae shrugged.

"Well... dare.. i guess."

"Drink this." Tae passed him the glass of gin.

"W-wh- Tae I'm underage..."

"Oh no, don't let the policeman outside the door hear you. You might get arrested." He rolled his eyes.

"Drink it! Drink it!" Yoongi started chanting, Jungkook joining in, not even knowing what he was hinting at. I shook my head and leaned back on the couch.

"Never saw Kook as the peer pressuring type." Jin mumbled to me.

"He wouldn't be if Yoongi didn't influence him to be." I glared at the aforementioned.

"Okay! Okay!" Jimin finally spoke and picked up the glass. He's never drank alcohol before, and gin was probably was the worst for his virgin throat.

"Jimin-ah." Hoseok tsked. Jimin slowly brought the glass to his lips and took a sip, Taehyung interrupting his sip by pushing the whole shot down his throat. Jimin choked, throwing the glass onto the carpet. Tae clapped, proud of how well his brother took the alcohol.

"Okay, who's next?" Asked Taehyung, happily as he rubbed his choking brother's back. "Jimin dare someone."

"Do I have..to?" His voice was huskier as he looked up with watery eyes. Tae nodded and he looked around.

"Should I do it for you?" He smirked deviously.

"No, he can do it." Jin butted in. I was scared of the turn this game was about to make.

"No fun hyung, I was gonna make you get naked."

"Yoongi hyung, truth or dare?"


The room was filled with laughs as I was forced to drink a gross raw egg and hot sauce mixture that Jin made for me. I was left coughing on the ground after, my suffering easily drowned out.

"Are you okay?" Jin asked as he quickly provided me water while everyone else retreated back to the living room couches. I stood up and accepted the water, gulping it down in seconds.

"Why'd you have to make it so spicy?" I wheezed, still feeling the burn. He chuckled and lead the way back to the living room. "Taehyung, truth or dare?" Clearing my throat to quickly get my revenge.

"Truth." He skillfully smirked. I looked off, definitely not expecting that from the daredevil, himself.

"Hmm." I looked away to think.

"Is it true that you used to hate Jimin purely because he was close to Jungkook?" Yoongi chuckled.

"Yes. I hated seeing them together and I hated Jimin even more. But now I love him and he's my best friend." Tae wrapping his arms around Jimin with a big smile. I watched Jungkook get up and storm over, pulling them apart, sitting between them, facing Taehyung with the angriest look in his eyes.

"He's my best friend, not yours." We were all shocked from the venom that laced his words, including Jimin.

"See what you did Yoongi?" Jin got up and dragged him out. "Now you know to shut the hell up next time."

"J-Jungkook." Taehyung spoke softly, seeing as it was his turn now. Hoseok and I watched closely, hoping this wouldn't go downhill. "Who do you like more, me or Jimin?" His words were hesitant, like he already knew the answer and it wasn't the one he wanted.

"Jimin hyung, duh."

"O-oh... yeah... duh." He chuckled sadly, scooting to the end of the couch and sitting with his hand between his closed knees, staring brokenly at his lap.

(Btw the new bts x superpowers book is out In case u wanted to read it)

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