The call

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Kayla's POV

"well thats it for this weeks video. I love you guys so much and thanks for all the support , till next week bye guys!" Another video that is done for my channel without interruptions. finally! Well you guys probably want to know a little bit about me. My name is Kayla Hudson. I'm 18years old and I have 2 older brothers Daniel and Nathan  , who are never around , and a little 4 year old brother Jayden. I basically have to raise Jayden on my own because my parents could care less about us. My mom left us right after Jayden was born and my sorry excuse of  father is a drunk. buts I won't get into too much detail with that. I have long brown hair with brown eyes. I would say that I am an average height. My little brother and I are basically on our own since no one else in our family seems to care about us except for my uncle josh and my grandparents, but even then we don't see them often. The only two people that have always been there are my two best friends Michael Connor and Miles Wesley. We met in 4th grade and been inseparable ever since. They are crazy  talented with their singing. they are going to make it big some day. Anyways I love to dance and sing but no one really knows that I sing except for Jayden. I hope to make it as a professional choreographer some day. well thats enough about me for now.

Later that day....

"sissy the phones ringing!" my little brother yells from my room while I'm in the kitchen making lunch . " Alright I'll get it. just stay put ok I'll be right back." he nods and goes back to watching tv. I pick up the phone , "Hello.?" " Yes is this Kayla Hudson." "this is she may I ask whose speaking ?" " Yes my name is Tim Davis and I am with the show Boyband and we have seen your dance videos and were wondering if you wanted to be apart of our team and be a choreographer for the guys on the show we would of course pay for all expenses." " Oh my gosh are you serious!!!" "Yes we are we think you have crazy talent and could use someone young like you to know the right dance move for the guys .so will you do it?" "of course I would love to !" "great I will email you everything that you will need we understand you have a younger brother also and we have also made accommodations for him seeing as he is not the only child present." " Thank you so much I look forward to it." "we look forward to meeting with you in person and can't wait to start good bye ." "bye" .......... Omg did that really just happen? I have to tell michael and miles.

Text Convo Group

Me: Guys I have exciting news can you come over now!

Miles: yea be right there I have news too.

michael : same for me be right there.

10 minutes later 

The doorbell rings and in walks the guys. " Omg! guys I have major news!" "so do we but you go first" they both say "Ok well I got a call from one of the producers with a new show called boyband and they want me to be a choreographer for the show!" "Kayla thats amazing were so proud of you !" miles says. "yeah congrats kay" michael says. "thanks guys but whats y'alls news?" " well now that you said that you got a choreographer gig for the show our news is good too." miles said " yeah because both of us auditioned to be on the show and we got in!" Michael said. " wow guys congrats !" "now we can all be together all the time !!!" miles said " this is gonna be fun !!" "sissy whats going on?" Jayden asked so preciously " well jade I get to be a choreographer for a new show which means we get to go somewhere new and not here with the mean man." " weally??" he asked he still is learning how to talk " yea jade its going to be fun!" " yay!" the little four year old said as he was jumping up and down.

After all the celebrating that we did that evening the guys went home to be with their families and I called my grandparents and uncle and told them. they were all happy for me and said its the best thing for me and Jayden to go and leave given our predicament were in. right now. 

"Jayden time for bed." I read him a bedtime story and as he fell asleep I kissed his forehead and went to my room. Thank god my dads not home tonight. he usually doesn't come home, but when he does he's a total drunk. He was not always like this. He used to be a nice and funny and caring dad but when my mom left us for some younger man he lost his way and turned to drinking so we were stuck with him because our mom  didn't want us and as for my brothers they're never around because they don't want to deal with his drunkness and they are living their own lives. 

As I lay down in my bed I think to myself how soon enough we will be away from this place somewhere safe doing what I love . It gives me comfort knowing this could jumpstart a career for myself and be able to protect Jayden and give him some what of a normal life. I also get to experience this new adventure with my two best friends. How exciting!!! with that I close my eyes and dream of whats to come.

Authors note: hey lovelies! I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter. I will try to update a lot more. this is just the beginning and I hope you continue to read there is so much more in store > till next time  bye !

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