Birthday surprises

653 19 6

Kayla's POV
I woke up super excited for today! Since it's a special occasion, and that occasion is that it's CHANCE'S 20th birthday!! And me and his mom and sisters and everyone have been planning a surprise party for him tonight. Although, it's been kinda stressful with juggling this and being Melissa's maid of honor and having to do what she says, I'm just happy I can do this for chance since he has done so much for me. I look at the clock and see its 9:30 and as my part of the plan I am to keep Chance occupied until everyone sets up. I look to my left and see chance still sleeping. I lean over to kiss him and then get out of bed to get ready , deciding to let him sleep more. I go to the bathroom to do my business and wash up and then change into:

 I go to the bathroom to do my business and wash up and then change into:

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once I was done I went downstairs to make some breakfast for everyone. After a while Michael came down and walked into the kitchen.
" hey Kay, you doing better ?" He asks carefully , me knowing what he was referring to. I just nodded.
" um . Yea I guess I mean there's nothing I can do about it , but I believe Chance so, hopefully this goes away on its own." I tell him setting the table .
" yea hopefully , but just know I'm always gonna back you up ." He says and I smile and say thank you. Before I can say anything else chance comes downstairs, and I just smile big.
" Happy birthday babe!" I say going to hug him.
" thanks babe, you made breakfast?" He asks
" yea I decided to make breakfast since it was your birthday and then I have things planned for us to do." I tell him and he nods and grabs food and goes to sit down. Michael tells him happy birthday and Chance says thanks. Before I can sit down my phone rings and I look to see that it's Melissa . Great... I hesitated but clicked the answer button.
" hey Melissa ...." I said and out of the corner of my eye I see chance and Michael start laughing at me .
" Kayla great you picked up are you busy today , because I need you to go pay the caters and the florist and do some other things for the wedding...." she keeps babbling.
" Melissa , hey look as much fun as that seems I am busy today." I tell her.
" what are you doing that more important than going to pay for the stuff for the wedding ." she asks and I roll my eyes because I already told her like two days ago it was chance's birthday today.
" well Melissa as I told you a couple of days ago , today is chances birthday and I had planned things for him so I'm going to be busy today." I said going to sit down with the guys.
" but can't you just go do these things first and then spend time with chance ." She says.
" really Melissa you want me to do a bunch of things today, i have done everything you've asked me too and all I asked for was one day to be left alone ." I tell her putting my head on the table.
" Kayla my wedding is in less than three months this stuff needs to be done ASAP for my wedding to be perfect ...." she starts to ramble again.
" Melissa I can't hear you I'm loosing ....connection.... I ... got ... to .. bye " I say pretending to break up on the phone and eventually hang up.
" gosh she will be the death of me ." I say and the guys just laugh.
"What's she want now?" Michael asks chuckling.
" she wanted me to go pay the caterers, the florist , and do a bunch of other things and when I said it was chances birthday she said well why can't you do these things then go spend time with him. It just makes me so mad that she expects me to do everything for her." I ramble on and just sigh and run my hand through my hair.
" well just hope she doesn't make show up here to come and get you." Michael says.
" well we better leave while we can Chance." I tell him laughing .
" alright well I'll get dressed then we can leave ok." He says getting up and I nod.
" thanks for breakfast babe I enjoyed it." Chance says giving me a kiss.
" no problem babe , glad you enjoyed it ." I said and he smiled and headed upstairs.
Once he was out of ears reach I turned back to Michael.
" ok so Shawnee and the girls are supposed to come over at 1 to start setting up. I have plans for chance today so just text me when you all are ready." I tell him.
" got it kayla , don't worry about anything just to have fun with Chance." He says and I nod.
" hey Im ready." Chance says coming down the stairs.
" great , well we'll see you later Michael." I said getting up and giving him a hug.
" bye guys have fun!" He says and me and chance head out the door to the car.
Once we get in the car I get in the drivers seat seeing as I know what we're doing today.
" so you ready for your day of fun!" I ask him and he chuckles.
" well what are we doing today babe? He says grabbing my hand .
" well first off we need to pick up Brooklyn and Jayden then our day will start and from there . Well that's a surprise so let's get started !" I say excited and he laughs and says ok.
We drive off and our first stop is Nathan's house to get Jayden. We get off go up to the door and knock. When the door opens Nathan appears and says hey and to come in. We go inside.
" hey nate how was Jayden?" I ask him.
" he was good just missed you." He tells me.
" well I missed him too , it's been hectic with Melissa basically having me as her slave for the wedding stuff. She's literally driving me crazy." I say sighing and ate just laughs.
" Jayden your sister is here. And wow she really that bad?" He asks.
" oh yea she is and she's gotten worse as the wedding gets closer."  I tell him.
" well I'm sorry about that." He says and I hear Jayden run down the stairs to me and I kneel down to pick him.
" sissy I missed you so much!" He says hugging me tightly. I giggle.
" hey bub I missed you even more . But we're gonna spend the whole day with Chance and Brooklyn how doe that sound ?" I ask him and he says yay.
" can you go say  happy birthday to Chance bub." I ask him and he gets down from my grasp and runs towards chance and he picks him up.
" hey Jayden !" Chance says to him.
" happy birthday Chance!" Jayden says hugging him and my heart melts.
" thanks jade!" Chance says. I turn back to Nathan.
" so we are going to go get Brooklyn so we have to go but we'll see you later right?" I say hoping he catches on to what I'm getting at.
" oh yea for sure , happy birthday Chance ." He says and we're waking out and chance says thanks. We say goodbye and head to the car and make our way to chances mom's house.
Once we get there we all get out and go to the door Chance unlocks the door and we head inside .
" mom I'm home!" He yells and we see her come towards us with a big smile.
" happy birthday honey, oh my baby isn't a baby anymore." She fishes hugging Chance and I just smiled at the scene. Once they're done hugging she comes and hugs me and Jayden.
" where's Brooklyn ?" He asks his mom.
" she is with Presley in her room right now." She says
"I'll go get her then ." Chance says and we nod and he goes upstairs. Shawnee turns towards me and we take this chance to talk.
" ok so Presley has a key to me he house so y'all can come and go and you guys need. You sure you have everything you don't need me to get anything?" I ask her and she just smiles.
" sweetheart we have everything ok, thanks again for letting us use your house , I would use mine but right now we're getting ready to move houses so it's messy." She says.
" oh it's really no bother , I would do anything g for you guys or chance . Really you guys mean a lot to me." I tell her and she hugs me again.
" I'm really glad Chance has you Kayla , you've been nothing but good to him and Brooklyn and even us and I just am really glad you two are together." She tells me and I just smile. Chance comes down with Brooklyn and Presley and I hug Presley and then Brooklyn signals me to pick her up.
" hi Brooklyn how's my favorite girl going ." I ask kissing her cheek. And she giggles
" good I missed you a lot." She says.
" well I missed you a lot to but we're gonna spend the whole day together all four of us ." I tell her and she squeals.
I get Jayden and we say our goodbyes and head to the car and We buckle in the kids.
" ok let the birthday surprises begin!" I yell and everyone cheers.
Hours later.......
So we are now at the park and letting the kids play on the playground. So far I took chance to eat at his favorite restaurant and then we went to thin air and jumped on the trampolines for a bit and now we are at the park sitting on a bench while Jayden and Brooklyn are in the playground.
" today has been really great so far thank you for everything babe!" He says giving me a kiss.
" I would do anything for you Chance , I am so lucky to be with you ." I say leaning on his chest just looking at all the kids playing on the playground .
" so your album comes out next week right? How does that feel?" He asks.
" is really excited I can't wait for people to hear my music I'm just nervous about what people will think about it." I say honestly.
" babe they will love it ok ." He says and I smile. We talk and play with the kids for a little while longer when my phone rings. It's Michael so I excuse myself and answer the phone.
" hey everything ready?" I ask him.
" yea everything is ready you can bring him now. How far away are you guys ?" He asks .
" we're at the park so like five minutes away." I tell him.
" ok perfect we'll see you guys in a bit bye." He says and I say bye and hang up. I go over to Chance and the kids.
" hey you guys wanna head home and watch some movies ?" I asked them and they all say yes so we head to the car and drive home. When we get there I pick up Brooklyn and grab Jayden's hand and we walk inside . When we walk in it's dark.
" why is it so dark in here ?" Chance asks when everyone jumps out and yells "SURPRISE !" And Chance starts smiling like crazy.
" wow thank you guys! " he says going to hug is mom and sisters and band mates.
" don't thank us Kayla here wanted to do this and she basically set everything up. She's a real keeper chance. " Shawnee told him and he came over to me and hugged and kissed me.
" thank you babe !" He says
" you deserve it chance." I say and then he goes and say hi to everyone and Jayden goes to Michael.
" Kay I have to pee. " Brooklyn says so I excuse us and take her upstairs to the bathroom. Once she's done I help her wash her hands and fix her dress and we go downstairs and greet everyone and continue with the party.
An hour later.....
The party is going really good. Chances family is here and I've been introduced to most of them and they seem to like me which I'm glad. Jayden and Brooklyn are in the backyard playing around and I'm currently sitting with Michael while Chance is talking with some of the guess.
" Kayla!" I hear my name called and turn around to see my cousin Sydney , and with her is Mikey ..... wait Mikey! I get up and go to hug her.
" hey glad you could make it. And when did this happen?" I say referring to her and Mikey's connected hands .
" well we got to talking more and he asked me out 3 weeks ago." She says and he kisses her cheek.
" aww well I'm happy for you guys." I say hugging both of them.
"and Mikey don't hurt her ok, she's a keeper ." I tell Mikey.
" I wouldn't dream of it Kayla." He says kissing her forehead again.
" good well I am happy for you all and I hope you enjoy the party." I say and then they go to greet Chance.
" Kayla!" I hear my name called again and I see it's Presley and aspen.
" Presley aspen!" I say running over to them hugging them.
" omg I've missed y'all so much!" I tell them.
" us too we are definitely sleeping over tonight!"aspen said and Presley agreed . I said ok .
We continued to talk and just hang out. Miles and drew's girlfriends Alex and Alexis arrived after a while and we were all hanging out and talking.
" babe come here!" Chance said and I excused myself from the girls and went over to chance. When I reached him he took my hand and pulled me upstairs to my room. We got to my room and I turned to him.
" what's wrong?" I asked him.
" nothing I just wanted to be alone with you for a bit and thank you for everything, i think this has been one of the best birthdays ever !" He says kissing me.
" well I'm glad you enjoyed it babe, but since we're alone I want to give you your gift." I say going to my closet and pulling out a box and walking back over to chance handing him the box.
" babe you really didn't have to get me anything ." He says.
" I wanted to ,now open it." I say. He opens the box and inside I got him a dog tag with the day we met and our initials on the back.
" babe I love it thank you so much . Your the best girlfriend I could ever ask for and I love you." He says giving me a kiss.
" and I love you Chance ." I tell him and hug him.
After our moment we go back downstairs for the rest of the party.
It's now 1am.....
By now everyone has left and both Jayden and Brooklyn are passed out and we tucked them in bed. The only people left are Chance , Presley , aspen , Michael and me. Everyone headed home already. We finished cleaning up and we're just sitting on the couches now.
" so Chance did you have a good birthday?" Aspen asks.
" I did and once again thanks guys for everything." He says to us and we all smile and say your welcome.
" alright well I'm beat so I'm heading to bed goodnight guys !" Michael says and then we all decide to call it a night.
Chance and I head to my room and we both change and lay down.
" happy birthday babe hope you had a great day." I say kissing him one last time.
" I had an amazing day thanks for everything babe ." He says kissing my forehead before I close my eyes and fall into a slumber.

Authors note: hey lovelies sorry it's been a while but I finally updated . I hope you enjoyed the chapter don't forget to comment and vote what your thought! Until next time bye!!

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