Collaborations and double dates

627 18 14

Kayla's POV
I woke up my phone ringing. I look at the time and I see that it is 10 o'clock. Wow I slept late. Anyways I sit up in bed and I grab my phone and see its momma Perez. I quickly answer the phone.
" hi momma Perez!" I say into the phone.
" hi Kayla , how are you?" She asks cheerfully.
" I'm doing well how about yourself ?" I ask her politely.
" I'm doing good, listen are you busy today by chance?" She asks and I think for a minute.
" no I think I'm free today , how come?" I ask her.
" I was hoping that you could watch Brooklyn for me for a bit , I have some errands that I need to do , and the guys are in the studio today, " she asks and I just smile.
" yea I definitely don't mind watching Brooklyn today. You can just bring her by." I tell her.
" oh my gosh thank you so much , your a lifesaver kayla! " she says and I laugh.
" it's no problem , I love Brooklyn ."I tell her.
" ok well I should be by around 12 to drop her off is that ok?" She asks
" that's perfect , I'll be waiting." I tell her.
" ok great I will see you then bye !" She says and I say bye back and we hang up. I put my phone back on the charger and get up and go to the bathroom to wash up. I'm alone today because Jayden's little friend Adam had another sleep over last night and it turned into a double sleepover carrying into tonight so I won't have him till tomorrow.
I get changed into:

once I'm done I go downstairs and decide that I wanna go live

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once I'm done I go downstairs and decide that I wanna go live. So I set it up and hit the button.
" what's up everyone , i'm home alone because no one loves me . Haha I'm just kidding , Michael is at the studio with the guys and miles is with his girlfriend so it's just me and i was bored so I decided to go live." I say into the camera laughing.
Chayla18: how are you doing since the accident ?
" I'm doing much better I can start dancing again next week , but sadly I have to wait two more weeks to get back into cheering. But my leg is healing quickly so I'm happy for that." I say looking through some more comments/questions.
Kaylabmoc: are you excited for your new album to come out?
" I am very excited for my album to come out , I'm excited for you guys to hear it and I feel like you guys will get to know a little bit more about me with this album so don't forget to check it out when it comes out in 2 weeks " I say holding up two fingers.
Michaelbmoc: what are you gonna do today?
" Michael shouldn't you be recording haha. But no I'm waiting for chances mom to drop off Brooklyn because I get to babysit her today while she does errands." I say cheekily.
Kaylalover: aww that's so cute!
Kaylaxchance: you and Brooklyn are so adorable.
Presxkay: please take pictures!
" aw guys you are so sweet and I'll try to take some pictures and post them but we'll see."
Shawnmendes: hey kayla check your dms for info on the collab.
" is this really happening right now!" I say kinda freaking out and squealing .
fan1: omg your so lucky!
Fan2: this song bouta be lit!
Fan3:super stoked for this song!
I laugh at the comments and go on to answer a few more before I realize the time.
" alright guys well I have to go they should be here any minute,  ,but I love you all and don't forget to check out my album when it gets released in 2 weeks until then bye guys! " I say blowing a kiss and ending the live.
I go to check the do from Shawn right away.
Shawn: hey Kayla , so I figured you could come by the studio today and we could start working on the song how does it sound?
Kayla: hey Shawn , I would love to but I am babysitting Brooklyn today.
Shawn : well bring her along , I can bring my little cousin and they can play together while we write.
I think for a minute and reply.
Kayla : ok. Sure what time?
Shawn: how about 1:30?
Kayla: sounds good see you then!
Shawn:see ya!!
I exited the app and started watching tv when chance calls me. I smile and answer the phone.
" hey babe !" I say
" hey baby girl, so your watching Brooklyn today?" He asks and I just laugh.
" yea your mom asked me if I would watch her while she ran some errands and I said yes." I told him.
" heh thanks ,it means a lot to me," he says and I say it's no problem.
I then go on to tell him about me collaborating with Shawn Mendes and he gets excited for me.
" listen , how about we do a double date tonight with drew and his girlfriend?" He asks.
" sure! But I didn't know he had a girlfriend." I say
" yea they've kept it low key for a while, but he thinks that y'all two will be good friends so he asked if we could double date and I said I would ask you." He explains to me and I smile.
" yea we can definitely do that I'm excited to meet his girlfriend !" I squeal and he laughs.
" it should be fun." He says.
We continue to talk for a little longer until the doorbell rings.
" that's the door your mom and Brooklyn are here so I have to go , but I will see you later tonight. What time?" I ask.
" uh I'll pick you up at 7! And ok I love you babe see you later!" He says and i smile.
" I love you chance bye!" I say and hang up and go to answer the door. 
I see momma Perez and Brooklyn standing there.
" hi guys come in!" I say and brook immediately runs to me and signals for me to pick her up.
" hi Brooklyn!" I say kissing her cheek causing her to giggle.
" hi Kay I missed you!" She says and I say I missed her back.
" again thanks so much for watching her last minute Kayla ." Shawnee tells me.
" it's really no problem at all." I tell her and she smiles and we say goodbye and she leaves.
" so Brooklyn guess what we're doing?" I tell her.
" what?!" She asks excitedly .
" we're gonna go meet Shawn Mendes and hang out for a bit." I tell her and she says yay! She's so precious and gets excited about any little thing which I find adorable.
I grab my stuff and I pick up Brooklyn and take her out to the car, I buckle her in and we head over to the studio.
Once we get there , I get Brooklyn and put her on my hip and we walk inside. I go to the recording room and I see Shawn there. 'Ok Kayla don't freak out , he's just a normal guy!'
"Hey you must be Kayla right? It's so nice to meet you and who is this little cutie?" He says saying hi to Brooklyn.
" hey it's nice to meet you too! And this little sweetheart is Brooklyn. Can you say hi Brooklyn." I tell her and she says hi but gets shy and hides her face in my neck.
" sorry she's really shy." I tell him.
" it's ok , my little cousin is shy too. Melina come here real quick!" He says and a little girl about 4 comes running to him.
" say hi to Kayla and Brooklyn , me and Kayla are gonna write a song together and you and Brooklyn can play together." He says and the little girl introduces herself.
" hi I'm Melina and I'm 4 ." She says and I smile.
" well hi Melina , I'm Kayla and this is Brooklyn and she's 2. Brooklyn you want to play with Melina ?" I ask her and she nods. So I put her down and the two run off to the play area.
" something tells me they are going to get along well." Shawn says, and I just smile.
" so shall we get to work?" I say and he nods and we get right to work.
A Couple Hours Later.........
We actually wrote a whole song , now we just have to record and tweak it but I think it's going to be a banger! By now it is 4:30.
" Brooklyn and I should get going now." I say packing up my stuff.
" aww do you have to go I thought we could work more on the song." Shawn says.
" I would but I have to get home, Brooklyn needs to take her nap and I'm really eager to get home to see my boyfriend." I tell him.
" oh is he Brooklyn's dad?" He asks.
" yea he is." I tell him standing up.
" y'all two look really alike , it's adorable , well It was nice working with you , we will have to set up another time to record the song. But go have fun with your boyfriend. I have to get home too, I'm seeing my girlfriend tonight also." He says.
" that's cool , we'll have fun , Brooklyn lets go, say bye to Melina ." I tell her and she comes running to me and signals for me to carry her. We say bye to them and we head out.
" did you have Brooklyn?" I ask her and she says yes.
We get home and I make her something to eat and we end up watching Moana. We were singing and dancing and having a lot of fun. I always have fun when I'm with Brooklyn. At about 6:15 I decided to start getting ready, so I carried Brooklyn to my room and sat her on my bed. Momma Perez said she was on her way to get her so I wasn't worried.
" Kay can I help pick out what you wear?" She asks and I say sure . We both look through my closet and we end up deciding on this:

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