Dress shopping fiascos

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Couple days later it's Monday......
Kayla's POV
I was soundly asleep with my head on chance's chest when all of a sudden I hear my door swing open.
"Ahh !" I scream jolting upward only to see Melissa standing there smiling widely.
"Melissa what are you doing here so early and how did you even get into my house?" I asked her groaning.
" Kayla there is still so much to do before the wedding in three months and we need to go get the bridesmaids dresses we have an appointment at 9 so chop chop !" She says and I groan falling back on the bed.
" ok but still how did you get in my house?" I question raising an eyebrow at her.
" oh I have a key silly." She says like it's nothing.
"And how do you have a key to my house ?" I ask her again.
" look we don't have time for questions we are on a time crunch so hurry up and get dressed. I'll be downstairs waiting ." She says walking out of my room and I just grown again. I hear chuckles and I look over to see chance awake.
" you were awake the whole time and didn't say anything ?" I said playfully hitting his arm.
" hey I didn't want her to drag me into anything." He says and I just playfully role my eyes.
" well I get to spend the day with Melissa shopping for dresses ... should be interesting ." I say hiding my face in the pillow and chance just laughs and pulls me closer to him.
" come on babe it won't be that bad ." He says.
" oh trust me it's Melissa it will be bad, besides I just wanted to spend the day with you. Jayden is with Nathan and Michael is with his siblings I low key just wanted to have a lazy day." I tell him looking at him pouting.
" well when your done with shopping we'll spend time together ok." He says and I just let out a groan and nod.
" come on cheer up babe, look at me ." He says  and I look at him.
" it won't be bad ok , just agree with what she says and hopefully that will make it less painful." He says and I laugh but nod.
" ok I'll try ." I tell him and he just laughs.
" now give me a kiss." He says and I giggle but lean down to kiss his lips. I pull away but he just kisses me again. I laugh into the kiss but continue to kiss him. I guess we get caught up in the moment because next thing you know Melissa walks in.
" kayla you can make out with you boyfriend later we are on a time schedule come on." She says interrupting us and I groan and chance just laughs.
" fine." I tell her. I kiss chance once more before I get up out of bed and go to my closet to change. I change into :

Once I'm done I say bye to chance and me and Melissa head out to the boutique

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Once I'm done I say bye to chance and me and Melissa head out to the boutique. Once we get there we go inside and are greeted by some lady that work there.
" Hi, I'm Mary how can I help you today?" She asks Melissa.
" Hi, I'm Melissa we have an appointment for bridesmaid dresses , this is my maid of honor kayla." Melissa says introducing me. I shake he lady's hand and say hi. She looks at my cast.
" oh what happened if I may ask?" She asks me.
" I was in a car accident a couple weeks ago and this is from the impact ." I tell her and she just nods.
" well right this way and let's try on some dresses shall we?" She says and Melissa nods eagerly and we head to the back.
" so what are the colors of you wedding?" She asks Melissa.
" the colors are navy blue, white and gold. So I was thinking more towards having a navy blue dress for the bridesmaids." She tells the lady.
" perfect I will be right back with some choices for you." The lady says and walks off to the dress rack while me and Melissa sit on the chairs they have.
" so kayla how are you doing since the accident ?" She asks and I look up from my phone.
" um. I'm doing better , I go to physical therapy twice a week, and my therapist says I'm healing quickly so this week I can start easing my way Mack into dancing which is exciting." I tell her and she smiles .
" well that's good , I'm happy for you. So how are you and chance doing ?" She asks and I just blush and look down  at my lap.
" we're doing good, the band just released their Christmas songs and my first album gets released in a couple of weeks so we're really excited ." I tell her.
" that's good but I was talking about how are you and chance in the relationship department?" She says winking and I just laugh.
" um were good. We haven't done it if that's what your asking , but he's amazing and I love him a lot ." I say truthfully.
" well I'm glad Kay, and I can tell he loves you just as much if not more ." She says and I say thanks. Before we could say anything else the lady came back with dresses to try on and the moment I was dreading had come .
" ok Kayla go start trying on the dresses." Melissa says and I just get up and go to the dressing room.
Couple hours later .........
Oh my gosh! Melissa is driving me nuts! I literally have tried on over 20 dresses and she hasn't really liked any of them. Right now I'm sitting in the dressing room waiting for the lady to come back with more dresses for me to try on. Just then my phone rings and I see its chance.
Phone convo. Kayla-bold. Chance -italics

" hey babe how's dress shopping going? You done yet?" I just sigh.
" no not even close I have literally tried on over 20 dresses and Melissa doesn't like any of them, right now I'm waiting for them to bring back more dresses."
" oh I'm sorry ."
" it's alright , I signed up for this so I'll just have to suck it up but what are you doing right now ?"
" I'm at my moms spending some time with Brooklyn."
" oh that's nice, I miss her I feel like I haven't seen her in forever ."
" heh yea she misses you too. Maybe this weekend we can take Jayden and Brooklyn to the park together and hang out."
" that sounds like a great idea. Well I have to go they are back with more dresses so wish me luck. I love you chance bye."
" haha good luck ! I love you babe see you later bye."
We hang up the phone and I get ready to try on mores dresses.

About an hour later.....
Finally Melissa has narrowed it down to her top two dresses.
1st dress :

Or 2nd dress:

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Or 2nd dress:

" well which dress do you like ? After these dresses that's all the navy blue we have left in the store

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" well which dress do you like ? After these dresses that's all the navy blue we have left in the store." The sales lady says and Melissa is deep in thought
" I choose this dress....." ( dress won't be revealed till the actual wedding chapter.sorry!)
After Melissa gives the lady all of the bridesmaids dress sizes she pays for it and then we can finally leave.
Once we're done there she drops me off at home and leaves. I go up to my room and text chance that I'm home and he responds that he's on his way over. I go to Michael's room to see he's home.
" hey your home already?" I ask him and he looks up from his video game.
" uh yea I spent the day with Patrick and the others. " he said and I nodded sitting next to him on his bed .
" that sounds fun, better than the day I had." I say falling back onto his bed.
" why what did you do today?" He asks.
" I went dress shopping for bridesmaids dresses with Melissa." I told him and he cracks up laughing.
" how'd that go?" He asks calming down.
" well lets see I had to try on about 50 dresses before she narrowed it down to her top two and then she finally found one she liked so then we were finally done." I tell him.
" sounds like you had fun." He says sarcastically.
" oh yea totally. " I said rolling my eyes.
We both ended up cracking up at ourselves. We talked for a little bit longer before the doorbell rang.
" well that's chance if you need us we will be in my room ." I say standing up and walking out of his room downstairs to answer the door.
" hey babe how was dressing shopping?"  chance asked giving me a kiss before we headed up to my room. I close my door and turn towards him.
" don't ask.. she finally chose a dress after almost trying on 50different ones. I'm just glad it's over." I say falling onto my bed. He chuckles and comes and lays down next to me.
" well now your home." He says leaning down to give me a kiss.
The kiss gets heated and he starts kissing down my neck when his phone rings.
" ugh why do we always get interrupted." He says before answering his phone. I just laugh and grab the remote and turn on the tv. He ends the phone call and comes and lays right on top of me.
" chance I love you but your heavy get off." I laugh pushing him off. I see he is pouting so I give him a peck on the lips.
" wanna watch a movie ?" I ask him and he says sure so I put on fast and furious and for the rest of the night we just hangout and talk, kiss , and watch movies and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Authors note: hey lovelies ! Sorry for the short chapter! Next chapter will be longer I promise this chapter was just written on my phone and not my computer , but comment which dress you liked better. Also don't forget to vote and comment on the chapter please! Until next time bye!

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