Interview conflicts

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Little time skip so It's now the next week on Thursday.
Kayla's POV
I was having a really good dream when my phone started ringing. I groaned and sat up and looked at the clock. It showed 8:30 in the morning. Jeez! What is with people calling me so early in the morning. I reached to grab my phone and see that it's Jonathan calling me. I answer and try not to sound tired.
" hello." I say into the phone and I hear chuckling.
" I'm guessing your not a morning person?" He asks and I giggle.
" not really , but what's up ?" I ask him.
" ok, well since your album is coming out in a week , I figured it would be good for you to get some press for the album so I booked you an interview with Wendy Williams. " he says.
" that's great , but isn't she known for twisting people's words and blowing things out of proportion?" I ask him hesitant.
" well initially yes, but I think you should be fine ok and this could be really good for you!" He says.
" um ok, I'll do it , when is it anyways?" I ask him getting out of bed.
" it would be today at 4 because that's when her show airs." He says.
" uhh , ok." I say still hesitant.
" is something wrong?" He asks.
" no it's just that ,chances BIRTHDAY is tomorrow so I'm supposed to help set up everything today ,but I'll handle it , don't worry , what time do I need to be there?" I ask him.
" ok good, and I would like you to be there at 2:30 to be able to get ready sound good?" He says and I say yes. We hang up and I just groan and I guess Michael hears and comes Into my room and sits on my bed.
" what's wrong kay?" He asks and I go and sit next to him.
" Jonathan called me and said he booked my first interview but it's today at 4  and I have to be there at 2:30 and I'm supposed to  finish buying the stuff for chances surprise party tomorrow ." I say leaning my head on his shoulder.
" Kayla calm down , momma Perez is buying the rest of the stuff , everyone's coming and all that's left is you distracting him tomorrow while we set up so don't stress , this is your first interview!! Be excited!" He says and I smile.
" I should be excited but I'm nervous because it's with Wendy Williams, manipulator." I say.
" ooh, well I'll go with you if you want ?" He asks me and I smile.
" that would be great I'm also asking Alex and Presley to come with." I tell him.
" Alex? " he asks.
" yea miles girlfriend, we've grown close , since I've been back in dance this week Presley me and Alex have been hanging out and getting to know each other." I explain and he nods.
" ok well we should get dressed , exciting day, be happy ok ," he says kissing my head and heading to his room. I sigh and decide to text the girls.
Group message:
Me: hey guys so I kinda have my first interview today and was wondering if you allow would want to come ?
Pres: UH yes!!! Im down!!! I'm on my way over now!
Alex: I'm down too! I'll be over at 1:30
Me: sounds great Presley you have your key so come up when you get here!
Pres: 👌🏼
After I text them I go wash up and change into:

Group message:Me: hey guys so I kinda have my first interview today and was wondering if you allow would want to come ?Pres: UH yes!!! Im down!!! I'm on my way over now!Alex: I'm down too! I'll be over at 1:30Me: sounds great Presley you have your...

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once I'm done I call Nathan to see how him and Jayden are doing. We talk for a bit until Presley gets here then we say goodbye and I start talking with her.
" so have you seen chance lately Kay ?" She asks me.
" no I've talked to him over the phone and and text /FaceTime but they've been busy with band stuff and recording the performance special , so I haven't seen him since last week." I say and she nods.
" but you miss  him huh?" She asks .
" heh yea , I really do but I just hope he loves this surprise party tomorrow." I tell her.
" I'm sure he will kay." She says and she hugs me.
We end up talking about random things until Alex gets here and then we get Michael and we head over to the studio.
" hey Michael , how was recording the special for Disney ?" Alex asks as were in the car.
" oh it was amazing , I really wish you guys could've been there." He says looking at me.
" I know I feel bad for not being able to go." I tell him.
" Kayla don't sweat it you were doing physical therapy ." He says and I smile.
We finally get to the studio and my nerves start kicking in.
"Kayla calm down you'll be fine ok." Presley says hugging me and I just nod and we walk inside.
Jonathan comes up to us and he sees my outfit and smiles.
" ok I like the outfit so you don't have to change . So now let's try and prepare you for the interview ok." He says and I nod and we go into a private room and he begins giving me pointers.
An hour later. It's now 3:30pm
I'm sitting in the room with Presley and Alex , Michael is talking to someone on the phone in the hallway.
Suddenly my phone rings and it's chance.
" hey !" I say answering.
" hey babe , so a little birdy told me you have your first interview today , just know I'm rooting for you and me and the other guys will be watching. I love you and know you will do amazing!" He tells me and I smile.
" thanks babe , I love you ! " I tell him and we talk for a little while longer until it's almost time. The. We hang up and I walk to the side of the stage.
" alright Kayla you got this , don't be nervous just be honest and yourself ." Michael says and I smile and hug him.
" Kayla you'll do great !" Alex says and I say thanks and hug her.
" Kayla my sister go and kill this interview!" Presley says and I laugh and hug her too.
" alright 2 minutes till show!" A producer says.
" alright Kayla , your going to be fine , remember just how we practiced." Jonathan says and I nod.
" and showtime!" The producer says and Wendy Williams walks out and starts talking.
" so today we have a very new upcoming artist , she is new to the industry and is well known for her YouTube videos  , she also has a new album coming out! Give it up for Kayla Hudson!" She says and that's my que to walk out. I take a breath and walk out smiling and wave. I walk over to her and she stands up to hug me and then we sit down.
" Hi! How you doin' ?"she starts off.
" Hi!" I say back smiling.
" wow your even prettier in person I must say what's your secret?" She asks and I just smile and laugh.
" thank you , and I don't have a secret I just try and take care of myself as best I can." I tell her.
" well keep doing what your doing. Anyways , your a new upcoming artist how does that feel?" She asks
" you know it's still such a surreal feeling , but I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity I've been given." I explain.
" that's amazing. So your only 19 am I correct and you are the sole guardian of your younger brother whose only 5 right , is it a struggle to juggle everything you do?" She asks.
" I am 19 and yes I am the sole guardian of my little brother , but you know it's never a struggle with everything because he's amazing for only being 5 and he goes everywhere with me and experiences everything with me , but I also have amazing grandparents and my brother and uncle , who help me out with him , so everything has been great so far." I say and she smiles.
" that's amazing , I'm glad , so switching gears your new album comes out next week , and it's called new beginnings , what have you the inspiration to write this album, like what can people expect from the album?" She asks.
" um I would say , it's about just my journey up until now , and just from my bad experiences in the past to coming into this new chapter of my life, and people can just expect to basically learn a little more about myself as a person so yea." I say smiling.
" well I  know I can't wait to hear it, don't forget you can preorder her album on iTunes and get it first when it comes out!" She says and I just smile.
" On another note something I recently learned and want to ask is your currently dating someone right?and he's in a boy band right? "She  asks and I blush.
" yes I am dating  Chance Perez and he's in the boyband In Real Life along with my best friend Michael Connor." I say .
" and Michael is here with you today right?@ she asks and I nod.
" well I just think that you and chance make such a cute couple, but are you guys having trouble in paradise ?" She ask and I get confused and look at Michael and he's confused too.
" um no we're doing perfectly fine." I tell her.
" oh because just recently , at a certain performance he was spotted with a girl who didn't seem to be you, and we've identified her as lili Phillips. " she says showing a picture on the big screen and I'm just at loss for words.
" well I can assure you this must be a misunderstanding because we are perfectly fine and my relationship is a private thing so with all due respect I think this interview is over." I say standing up and walking out of camera view to Michael and the girls.
" well guys that's all we have time for today , so don't forget to buy Kayla Hudsons new album New Beginnings when it comes out next week bye!" She says and the show ends.
I just walk to the room we have and rip off my microphone and sit down and run my hand through my hair.
Michael and the girls along with Jonathan run in.
" Kayla I didn't know she was gonna do this I didn't even know about this did you?" Jonathan asks me and I shake my head.
" well you handled the situation well so don't worry about anything ,I'm going to go see what happened! " Jonathan says walking out.
" Kayla this probably isn't true , don't believe what she says , you should talk to chance first." Michael says and Presley and Alex agree.
" Michael do you know her. Was she really at the performance with y'all ?" I ask him and he nods
" but Kayla trust me chance didn't do anything with her , she tried to get all up on him but he pushed her off." He said.
" well what about that picture ?" I ask him.
" I don't know but he wouldn't cheat on you." He says.
" let's just go home ok." I say and they nod and we head home. Once we get home I say,
" guys I think I need to be alone right now ok. Presley , Alex y'all can stay over, I'll be back ok." I say and walk out of the house and just walk to clear my head , my phone keeps buzzing and I know it's Michael and chance texting me and calling me.
I end up sitting on a bench , tears coming down my eyes. My phone rings again and it's chance , I decide to pick it up and instantly hear his voice.
" babe it's not what it seems , ok I can explain everything I was going to tell you when I saw you." He says instantly and I take a deep breath in.
" chance I promise I will listen but for now I need some time to think ok, please I will call you when I'm ready but give me some time before I say something I regret ok." I tell him.
" babe I didn't do anything with her ok, I can explain everything." He says.
" ok and I'll let you explain later just give me some time to think , I'll call you later love you bye." I say hanging up. I sit there for a little longer and notice it getting late so I then start heading back home. 
Once I get home I notice chance's car here. I go inside and see Michael and chance on the couch with  the girls. Once they see me chance instantly stands up.
" lets go talk in my room. Alone." I say and he nods and we head upstairs. We get to my room and I closed the door and sat down in my bed and sat down next to me.
" ok so you said you would explain everything ." I tell him.
" but first answer me one question honestly. Did you kiss her?" I ask him looking away. He grabs my chin so I face him to look him in the eyes.
" I did not kiss her Kayla , I love you and only you. Look yes she was there at the performance with her friend Madison, she apparently know one of the guys from our studio team so they got in for free and backstage also, she kept trying to flirt with me and hug on me but I would push her off and ignore her. I told her I had a girlfriend but she still wouldn't listen. That picture was taken by surprise she got her friend to quickly take it before I could react but right afterwards I pushed her off and had security escort them out." He explains and I look into his eyes to see if he's telling the truth. And all I see is his genuine eyes.
" I was going to tell you when I saw you because I don't want to keep anything from you. I love you and only you, your the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, to marry and have a family with, you IT for me Kayla and I would not do anything to jeopardize that , it's you and me together forever babe." He says with tears in his eyes. I take a breath
" I believe you chance, i'm sorry I doubted you, it just took me by surprise during the interview and when I saw the picture , I got scared that you maybe did something with her." I say looking down at my lap.
" babe look at me." He says and I look up at him.
" I love you and only you, besides Brooklyn and Jayden, but I don't like her ok, she was annoying anyways ." He says and I laugh .
" promise we won't let anything like this ever get in between us, we'll talk to each other  first ok?" He says and I nod.
" good because I can't stand the thought of not being with you ever." He says and I smile.
" me neither ." I say and lean in to kiss him.
We continue kissing until the door opens and Michael and Alex and Presley fall onto the floor.
" um hi guys?" Chance says laughing.
" Alex I told you not to hold onto the door handle." Presley says and we all start laughing.
" so is everything good now?" Michael asks.
" yea everything is perfectly fine." I say pecking chance's lips.
" well great! Because you all are goals and I don't want you all to ever break up!" Alex screams and we all laugh again.
" me neither!" Presley says and they come over to hug us. We let go and they leave to go to the rooms for bed. We change and lay down.
" babe your birthday is tomorrow you excited?" I ask him and he chuckles.
" I guess." He says.
" well I have a surprise for you tomorrow so be ready, it includes spending time with Brooklyn and Jayden." I tell him kissing him again.
" well if it involves y'all I know I will love it." He says and I smile. We kiss once more and the fall asleep in each other's arms. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Authors note:hey lovelies ! Here's the next chapter! I hope y'all enjoyed it! Also in no way  am I hating on lili and madison , it's just for the story! But don't forget to comment and vote on what you think about the chapter! Until next time bye !!!!

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