More hospital visits and Lazy days

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Kayla's POV

I currently just woke up and let me just say I could not sleep at all last night I just kept feeling pain in my abdomen but anyways I  didn't see chance. weird but he's probably with Brooklyn. I went to get up to go to the bathroom but I stumbled because I became lightheaded. Miles having his room next door heard the fall and ran into my room.

" Kayla are you ok?" he asks worriedly .

" I just feel lightheaded." I say as he helps me up and as he lets go I go to walk and stumble again.

" alright thats it your obviously not as fine as you said you were so were going to the hospital no arguing." he tells me and I feel so bad I just nod. After that I don't remember what happens everything just goes black.

Miles POV

"Kayla! crap !" she faints in my arms. I pick her up and carry her downstairs where I see Michael, Alyssa, and Aspen. 

" wheres Jayden?" I ask hoping he won't see his sister like this.

"Nathan picked him up to spend the day with him ,whats wrong with Kayla." Michael  asks worriedly.

" I heard a fall and went to her room and she said she was lightheaded and something about pain in her stomach and I said were going to the hospital and she said ok and then tried to walk and she fainted." I tell them in a panic." something tells me she wasn't fine yesterday like she told us." I tell them.

"miles Nathan told us what happened at the house, he said when he walked in she was on the ground and that man was kicking her repeatedly ." Alyssa said frantically.

" well we have to get her to the hospital aspen wheres chance?" I ask her.

" he went to our moms house to see Brooklyn." she says .

" can you call him when we get to the hospital something could be seriously wrong."  I tell her and she nods and we all head off to the hospital Alyssa driving and aspen in the passenger seat with me and Michael in the back with Kayla .

" Kayla your going to be fine. please be ok." Michael says tearing up. him and Kayla were always closer than any of us. They just were like the same person just in different gender form.

Anyways we got to the hospital and I ran inside with her and said I needed help. Dr. grey immediately ran towards us.

" what happened to her?" he asked/

" we moved into our new house yesterday and she forgot some stuff at her old house and Nathan went with her and her dad ended up coming home early and he hit her and kicked her repeatedly in the stomach please just help her." I told him as they placed her on the gurney and wheeled her away.

"  I promise I will don't worry I know how to handle this." dr. grey said and walked off towards her. We all just sat in the waiting room. Aspen was calling chance and Michael was calling Mikey and devin and drew since they were close with her too and Alyssa was calling Nathan.

" chance is on his way." aspen said 

" Mikey devin drew are coming." Michael said.

" Nathan is on his way but he's dropping Jayden off with their grandparents since he doesn't know whats exactly wrong with her ." Alyssa said.

" yea I thinks thats a good idea he shouldn't see his sister like this." I tell her and we all just sit there.

" she was fine yesterday and before we went to bed she was her normal self what changed?" Michael asked.

" no I noticed she had some discomfort sitting on the couch and I asked her about it and she said she was fine.i should've told you guys I'm sorry." aspen said.

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