Disney World Day 2

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Kayla's POV

Jayden and Brooklyn made sure to get us up early so we could go to the park. Jayden wanted to go see the toy story and cars attractions and Brooklyn wanted to go see the princess stuff .Which I thought was cute. but anyways we are getting dressed and today me and Presley wanted to match. once I changed I then changed Jayden as chance is changing Brooklyn. 

once were done we headed down to the lobby and waited for everyone else to come down. once I saw Presley coming we both ran to each other and squealed and I we hugged. Presley and me have gotten super close recently and chance thinks it's adorable but we both just have the same personality so it's cool. once we let go I look to see that miles and Michael are here but I don't see Alyssa .

" hey where is Alyssa?" I ask them .

" ugh dont get me started with her, she's being annoying and she went off on Michael this morning for no reason and then said she didn't want to go see princesses and stuff so she was just gonna go shop around and meet us back later ." miles said and I frowned.

" I wonder whats going on with her lately. It's like all she cares about is looking cool and stuff but whatever lets just forget about that for today and go have fun!" I say and we all cheer. so we head to the car and our on our way. me and Presley sit together and start taking photos with Jayden and Brooklyn while the guys just talk.

After the car ride....

 we finally arrive at Disney world and once we park we get out and we start walking around the park. First we go to see the cars attraction which Jayden loves and I take pictures of him by the cars and he looks so happy and then chance takes our picture and I say thank you. 

we then move on to the toy story attraction and miles and Michael are also excited for this attraction as well . It was funny to see them act like little kids and Presley was recording them on snapchat. We went to see the attraction and I made sure to get pictures of Jayden there and then Presley took my phone so she could take pictures of me and Jayden too. 

once we were done there we start making our way to eat lunch and we pass by a cute little waterfall that me and Presley stop to take a picture at and it turns out really cute.

After were done we go to the cafe and we sat down to eat and talked about what was next. The guys didn't really want to go see princesses so me and Presley suggested that the guys and Jayden go back and go to toysjory and cars and we would take Brooklyn to see the princesses and they agreed so after we finished we finished eating we said bye to the guys and headed to the castle to see princesses.

we get to the castle and Brooklyn sees Princess Elena and she squealed and we took her to meet her. I made sure to take pictures because I knew chance would want to want them later on. 

" your my favorite pwincess." Brooklyn says and its the cutest thing ever.

" well you are such a pretty girl. and who are you here with my dear?" the princess asks and Brooklyn looks at us.

" uh. I'm here with Presley and kay. see!" she says pointing to us. and we go closer.

" hi nice to meet you!" I say and Presley says hi too.

" well your mommy is very pretty." she tells Brooklyn and I start to say something but Presley elbows me and I just smile.

" yea she is." Brooklyn says coming over and signaling me to pick her up.

" well thank you for everything take care." I tell her and she smiles back at me.

" Your daughter is very beautiful. I can see where she gets her looks and its no problem have a nice day." she says and she moves on to the next family. Im still holding Brooklyn so Presley and I start walking to the next area of princesses.

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