Who Would've Ever Known?

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Gwen's P.O.V.

I was walking down the hallway to get on the bus, but when I got there the bus wasn't there.

"What the heck? I've never missed the bus before? All well, I guess I have to walk home." I said to myself. I started walking home when I got tail-whipped by a black van and crashed into the batting cages and fell hard on the gravel be neath. I started losing consciousness. The last thing I saw was three men in suits walking toward me. Then I blacked out.


I woke up with a splitting headache and tried rubbing my head, but my wrists were shackled to a metal table.

"Dang it!" I cursed. I realized that there was some type of hole in my arm that looks like it was from a very large vaccine shot.

I struggled against the tough metal of the braces holding me down, but they wouldn't budge. I screamed in irritation. I screamed pretty loudly, like you could probably hear it from the other side of the earth.

Yeah, like you probably guessed already I'm hot-headed. Get irritated easily and I love screaming, but hate being the center of attention. Don't know how that works out.

Then I realized something, but then it became a useless thought. Wait! Am I stupid or something? My feet are unshackled and they never were!

"Im such a friggin' idiot!" I yelled at myself, "If only I was flexible enough I would be able to undo the shackles!"

I tried reaching my foot to my head to grab a bobby pin.

"Eh. I will just lay here and scream." I said plainly and screamed lazily, but then I heard crashes out in the other room and heard laser guns shooting.

"HELP!" I yelled, thinking they were good people. It became silent. Then I heard a few voices, but then they were starting to fade.

"DANG IT!!! SOMEBODY GET ME OUT OF THIS GOSH DARN ROOM!!!" I yelled, once again. The voices came to a stop, then I heard foot steps coming back.

I heard somebody say something like, "Is somebody in that room?" and "I will open this door. Just give me a few minutes."

I heard beeping on the other end.

I hope this person doesn't take forever...

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